Archives 7-1-2020/12-31-2020

4860. John W NDE 12/31/2020. NDE 9111. I felt that I was outdoors in sunlight but it was not hot. I was so comfortable and would have been more than willing to have remained right there. My body may have been unconscious but my mind was very much sensing this new and wonderful environment.
NDE due to sudden episode of unconsciousness followed by 40 foot fall.

4859. Roman K Possible NDE 12/30/2020. Possible NDE 9109. I always answered the same way, 'Yes, I'm ready. I'm on board.' As we walked side-by-side toward a bright light at the end of the hallway, there were many people walking the other way. None of these people made eye contact or spoke, but they seemed to be walking in a very determined manner away from the light.
Possible NDE during hospitalization.

4858. Anelia G NDE 12/27/2020. NDE 9108. Exceptional Experience. I saw my life on earth as a split second and a tiny fraction of what I was supposed to live. I thought to myself, the equivalent of ' was that it? No, this cannot be it.' At that moment, I had a clear understanding of who I was on a fundamental level. I am not talking about earthly attributes like gender, race or ethnicity. I am talking about the spirit me, for lack of a better term. I wasn’t a human form nor did I have an age. I just was. For the sake of explaining this experience, I am writing everything in linear order, however all of this happened simultaneously. It is hard to explain.
Exceptional NDE when she was just over one year old due to head injury. This NDE is among the best documented and detailed ever reported that occurred so early in life.

4857. Luis FB Possible NDE 12/25/2020. Possible NDE 9107. From Brazil. Original in Portuguese, translated to English by Gerardo. When I arrived at the vegetable garden, some people came over to speak with me. The first one I spoke with was my grandfather. Then, I spoke with my father-in-law. My grandma spoke of events and things that had happened to me when I was a child. I saw my cousin, Luis, who had drowned. Then I spoke with Marcos from church, who had been buried to death when he was 7 years old. I spoke with my sister’s mother-in-law. I also spoke with a person I knew who had passed away last month. Then I met Eliane’s great-grandmother.
Possible NDE in recovery room after rotator cuff surgery.

4855. Elizabeth A Probable NDE 12/23/2020. Probable NDE 9106. I went up a white tunnel and saw my Godfather who sent me back. He said, 'It is not your time yet.' Then, I was floating above the hospital room. I saw my mom and her best friend, who had come to offer support. They were both very upset.
Probable NDE due to suicide attempt with medication overdose.

4854. Chris C NDE 12/20/2020. NDE 9105. From Scotland. I suddenly found myself in a different realm. It was formless, light, and colorful. I didn't see anyone. It was like a soft, light-bath. I was fully surrounded in and a part of this light. I felt at one with the light and at peace. I was definitely ‘me,’ but I didn't’ have a body. In this place, my old life didn’t exist. I had no thought of the life on earth. I was just there, and 'there' was perfect.
NDE at age 9 due to childhood ‘game’ of inducing unconsciousness. Exceptional discussion of aspects of his NDE.

4853. Grant F NDE 12/18/2020. NDE 9104. Yet, everything was visually frozen in time. All of this was going on as, I was still falling backwards and hadn't yet reached the ground. In fact, as my body felt like it was leveling out, I had the sensation that I began to float. I slowly began hovering upwards, towards the sky. I could see my own body, still frozen in time. I could see all around me and up to the sky as I floated towards the clouds. I felt no fear, just confusion. It was like I didn't know where I was, but I didn't care. I thought that I should care more about what I was experiencing, but nothing felt wrong.
NDE due to broken cervical spine and concussion from football injury at age 17.

4852. Georgie P Probable NDE 12/15/2020. Probable NDE 9103. From the United Kingdom. The next thing I remember was being stood in a forest. It was the middle of the day and it was really sunny. A voice told me to walk into the trees and my soul would leave my body. I hesitated and the voice said, 'You're not ready. You can't come yet.'
Probable NDE due to overdose. Shared a few days after experience occurred.

4851. Lizzette Possible NDE 12/11/2020. Possible NDE 9102. Then I calmly told myself, 'Okay, I'm dying. Nobody knows what's happening and nobody will be coming.' My panic completely vanished and I was thinking calmly as if nothing had happened. I was thinking about plenty of things that happened in my life, in my family. I had the impression of 'making a review' and then I saw the border of the pool. I started to brush against the side of the pool with my hand.
Possible NDE due to near drowning.

4850. Stephanie B Probable NDE 12/10/2020. Probable NDE 9101. I saw glimpses of my life from the very beginning and only visions of everything I had ever done wrong. I kept falling until I found myself in the middle of the city where I was born. It looked like the city had been hit by a bomb and I was the only person there. I had an overwhelming feeling that I was in Hell and I had been shown the reasons why God sent me to Hell while I was falling.
Probable NDE vs Possible drug experience after being given a drug laced with fentanyl (a narcotic). Hellish experience.

4849. Daniel R NDE 12/9/2020. NDE 9100. I saw a tunnel with a white light at the end of it. I headed towards the light. That's when I saw my grandmother. We asked how each other was doing. I told her that I was married with two girls and that I was very happy. I told her that I was sorry for not being there for her last day on this planet. I told her that I miss and love her. She told me that she was looking over me and she was my guardian angel. I told her. 'Thank you.' She said, 'You have to go now.'
NDE due to accidental morphine overdose.

4848. Morgan M Probable NDE 12/8/2020. Probable NDE 9099. My vision was covered in air bubbles that I was releasing, but once I didn't have any air left, all I could see was white. I couldn't feel any part of my body, everything was numb and I focused on the white light, trying to make out any shapes or objects that I saw, but all I could see was white.
Probable NDE due to drowning at age 7.

4847. Tony G ADC 12/4/2020. ADC 23463. Exceptional ADC From Australia. I yelled jokingly to my sister that someone was here. She entered the room and I described what I saw. She stated that it was her husband, wearing what she had buried him in. She brought the clothes especially for his burial. He came toward us and I could hear him clearly. He was not happy about a boyfriend she was seeing, what she was doing on their small farm, and other issues. She answered when I relayed his questions to her. She appeared to know what he was talking about. I had no knowledge of her activities or relationships. This went on for about 10 minutes.
Exceptional ADC involving about 10 minutes of questions and answers with sister’s deceased husband. Verified information he could not have otherwise known about what the deceased was wearing during the ADC.

4846. MVC NDEs 12/2/2020. NDEs 9097. From Belgium. Original with some answers in Dutch and others in English. Translated to English by Garry. With great speed, I was sucked downward into a dark void. The speed slowed and I became aware that this was because I was being resuscitation while going through a great mass of unfortunate, angry and mean souls. They wanted to keep me there. But each time my heart was resuscitated, with a hard shock I was back in my body. If they stopped resuscitation for even a few seconds, I was back in the dark void with the unfortunate souls. I kept thinking, 'Please don't stop resuscitating me.'
NDEs due to two suicide attempts.

4845. Yuan-San NDE 12/2/2020. NDE 16118. From China. Original in Chinese, translated to English by Jenny. As I reflected on this experience, the weirdest moment was when I was unresponsive. I dreamt that I was in a vast emptiness where there were no trees, animals, or even grass. I stood there in confusion. Then I saw two tall people with fuzzy faces and wearing hoodie-robes who appeared before me. They asked me to follow them.
NDE due to episode of unconsciousness.

4844. Anthony R Probable NDE 11/28/2020. Probable NDE 9094. I remember floating in a void. I could see a little box or window to the physical world. It was a distance away, but I could see my mom sitting to the left of the hospital bed. There were two doctors to the right of my body. I felt peaceful, despite nothing but darkness around me. Yet I didn't feel like I was alone.
NDE due to suicide attempt with pills.

4843. Nathan R NDE 11/3/2020. NDE 9091. When I finally got to one of the tall people, I realized that they were a giant tree. I turned and ran to the others, and they were trees too. I feel like I ran back and forth between them for years before I made a forest. I felt like an animal, sprinting on all fours, trapped in the metal cage that was my body. I felt like I forgot who I was and I was just desperate to get out of this forest now.
NDE due to drowning. Exceptionally distressing with markedly atypical NDE content.

4842. Thomas C NDE 11/3/2020. NDE 9090. This time I could see from a different angle. I watched my parents arguing in a room. The room had concrete blocks for walls that were painted white. I couldn't exactly hear what was being said but it almost seemed as if I was in my mother's womb. I was being presented with various scenes that seemed to go on forever.
NDE due to pulmonary embolism and stroke with respiratory arrest.

4841. Kevin G NDE 11/1/2020. NDE 9089. From Australia. I felt God was stopping me. If I was dead down below and couldn't get to the light, then where was I supposed to be? I looked down and to my right. Jesus was standing in the dark space, some distance from me and looking towards the light. I realized in an instant what was happening.
NDE due to motorcycle accident.

4840. Helena S SDE 10/29/2020. SDE 23462. From the United Kingdom From somewhere in the middle of my head I 'saw' that this connection was a beam of brilliant white light with sparks round the outside. Like a super super bright firework. Some of the sparks close to the entrance of that somewhere were orange, maybe because the whole thing was engulfed in the golden light.
Shared death experience with pet cat who was dying.

4839. Seemoon C NDE 10/23/2020. NDE 9086. From Korea. I saw a train going through a tunnel. The train was like a locomotive from the 1900s. The people inside the train was densely packed all the way to the top. These people were wearing the traditional Korean white clothes. There were so many people who were trying to get on the train from the train platform. The train released steam since it was about to leave.
NDE at age 9 from being smothered.

4838. Sandi T NDEs 10/18/2020 & 4/14/21. NDEs 9082/16120. Exceptional Experience. Caution, describes extreme domestic violence. The third race of beings could see us, and raised their hands in greeting. This prompted the others to do so, as well. It was a strange sight. We bowed and sent them blessings before moving on. As we went from place to place, I saw wonders everywhere. I was shown non-intelligent species. I was shown splendors of every kind, like waterfalls and being taken into the heart of a burning flame. I skimmed the surface of a sun, playing in the shifting energy and heard its jubilant joy at giving life to so many wonderful things. It was the most joyful, beautiful, wonderful, amazing experience anyone could possibly have. The size, the scope of it cannot be expressed. I met with incredible, spiritual beings like my attendant, friend, and my guide. They all were filled with contentment and joy.
Among the most profound NDEs ever shared with NDERF. Multiple NDEs age 3-7 as a result of life-threatening abuse by foster parents. Remarkable spiritual insights. The most detailed discussion of life on non-earthly planets in any NDE ever reported to the best of our knowledge. And much more. I encourage a careful and thoughtful reading.

4837. Ione B Probable NDE 10/15/2020. Probable NDE 9081. I found myself in a dark place with four beings around a table. They had cloaks with hoods on them. The light shone out of the front of the hoods like a glowy kind of light. Their hands were also made of light. I was located at my head but just slightly under the table out of the way. These beings worked very swiftly but they were certain in what each one of them had to do. There was no talking between them but it was a very coordinated effort. They may have been communicating telepathically but I'm not sure. I heard a humming type of noise but I think it was coming from the other world.
Probable NDE associated with a medical procedure to drain an abscess.

4836. Yara NDE 10/13/2020. NDE 9079. Non-Western NDE From Egypt. Original in Arabic, translated to English by Ahmed Hassan of Sudan. I am not sure whether what happened to me was really a near-death experience or something else, but while reading NDEs I found something similar to what happened to me before in hellish experiences, and that worried me a lot and frightened me especially since I was never a rude person with Anyone and my behaviors are normal. What happened was that I was in the university and had a blood donation cart on it, so I went to donate blood, and the doctor took a blood sample from my finger and then put me in the cart, and I lay on the bed and he put an injection in my arm, and after a few minutes I felt dizzy and wanted to tell the doctor, but I couldn't and passed out. During my unconsciousness, I saw a blue spiral taking me down and pulling me very strongly, and I felt at that time that I would fall forever and could never return. I had a strong feeling that I would never return. The fainting lasted for about two minutes but I felt that what had passed were long hours and I was so amazed. I didn't know if this was near-death or just something else because the experience was terrifying and had a fall down and a feeling that what was happening was so eternal and real, the experience worried me a lot.
Frightening NDE due to faint while donating blood.

4835. Beth T NDE 10/13/2020. NDE 9077. From Canada I was in a bright light. I wasn’t in a human form, rather, I felt like myself but as a energy. I spoke but not with words. I spoke with mental energy or something along those lines. Other people or energies were there. There were people I knew who were there. I could feel love and a peaceful, contented feeling. I didn’t recognize each person, or more precisely their energy, with me but I knew I know them. They spoke to me like I did with my mind. I remember sensing them and hearing sounds that were reminders of things I’d been through in my waking life. I was told so many things, although some are hard to remember now.
NDE due to blood loss at childbirth.

4834. William C NDE 10/10/2020. NDE 9075. My first thought and feeling was curiosity. I wondered if this was what Elvis felt when he died. Then, I was angry and thought that Death was a sorry excuse for a being since he couldn't come at me face-to-face. He had to sneak up from behind to get me this way. Then I contemplated that I was dying. As I accepted this, I felt a presence that told me I was dying and that it was going to be ok.
Nurse's NDE due to heart attack.

4833. Steve H NDE 10/10/2020. NDE 9074. I remember looking down from on top of the scoreboard, near where I was standing. I could see everything. I saw where the car came off the track and hit the fence. The car continued to run along the fence, knocking over the fence post and the unfortunate people standing near the fence. The car eventually came to a rest on its roof, at the beginning of the front stretch.
NDE due to being struck by car at racetrack. Atypical components to experience.

4832. Emi W STE 10/1/2020. STE/Anesthesia Experience 9072. From Japan. I was free. All the while, I was surrounded by a feeling of tremendous love. I felt connection with everyone's spirit and all energy. I wasn't afraid and I felt so happy. Then, I understood that we are all connected to each other and I reveled in this knowledge. I felt comfortable and also united with the world. I thought that I wanted to stay here forever.
Spiritually transformative experience associated with anesthesia. Interesting with some NDE-like elements and significantly life changing.

4831. Louise L Pre-birth 9/29/2020. Pre-birth 9071. From Australia I became fully aware of being around the birthing scene with two wise and caring entities by my sides who were just behind me. I watched it all happening. The entities asked me, 'What do you want to do?' I replied, 'I want to come, and to make it.' So they fixed the infant body so I could continue to be born.
Pre-birth experience of being born and STE based on that experience. Shared 55 years after birth.

4830. Estelle D NDE 9/29/2020. NDE 9069. Exceptional Experience from France. Original in French translated to English by Camille. At that moment, I never wanted to go back or to leave this Happiness. Then a magnificent lady, who was dressed in a luminous, white dress, was standing in front of this great halo of light. I was sucked into this light. This woman was very beautiful, but above all because of the kindness that I saw in her smile and the way she looked at me. I knew I was loved. I thought then that it was my grandmother who had passed away shortly before this experience. She seemed to be fully listening to the person behind her whom I call 'the luminous star'. I wanted to move forward, but she stopped me by waving me back. It was a very painful rejection that stayed with me for several years. I insisted, without using words, that I wanted to stay with her. Words weren't necessary. She listened to the luminous star who seemed to speak to her but I couldn't hear it. Then she told me, 'You still have things to do on Earth; you must go back.'
NDE due to being struck by car at age 16.

4829. Leonard M NDE 9/29/2020 & 9/9/2023. NDE 9070/9687. As I made it through the tunnel, I found myself floating down a gloomy highway and nobody was around. I noticed certain landmarks in the city that I was currently living in. Suddenly, I found myself in space and looking at the earth from a distance. I observed an energy protruding from the top of the earth in the likeness of a tree circulating in and out of it. To my left I observed a wormhole and was about to make me towards it. I had no form, fear, emotions or concerns of anything associated with the physical world. Then I heard someone call my name. I didn't know who it was, but decided to go towards it.
NDE due to pulmonary embolus and cardiac arrest.

4828. Lija A NDE 9/27/2020. NDE 9068. From Australia I was then guided towards source/God/supreme being. Source was a beautiful, powerful, all-encompassing love, peace and light. Being near this powerful being was blissful. I felt so much joy and peace. I felt so well. God said to me, 'You know you need to go back don't you?' I replied, 'I don't want to go back'. Then God said to me again, 'You know you need to go back don't you?' I again said, 'I don't want to go back.' Then God said, 'You know you need to go back to help people to heal.'
NDE due to asthma attack at age 9.

4827. Carolyn A NDE 9/27/2020. NDE 9067. I remember repeatedly begging to stay in that peaceful, state of tranquility. I didn't want to leave. Anyone that knows me, knows that I love my life and my family. I wouldn't have wanted to leave either one. The only way to explain this discrepancy is that I was in a place of the most awesome beauty, the feelings were so strong; I was in the middle of all that is perfect, wonderful, peaceful, and full of love. I was willing to give up all my worldly life and stay there.
NDE from complication of pregnancy. Shared 54 years after experience.

4826. Liam W NDE 9/26/2020. NDE 9065. I saw the brightest light that is possible and was floating above my body that was on the operating table I could see everyone in the room. I remember praying to God not to take me and that I wasn't ready to die. I remember begging God not to let me die. I do not remember how transitioned from floating above my body or how the bright light sensation ended.
NDE due to spontaneous pneumothorax.

4825. David C FDE 9/26/2020. FDE 9064. During the accident, time seemed to stand still. I saw, off to the right and in the distance, what seemed to be an opening to a broad panorama of a pastoral scene that was filled with color and light. I had an overwhelming sense of peace. I felt that all of my earthly concerns were of minimal importance and could be set aside easily at a moment's notice for the transcendent significance of this other realm. It was that sense of overwhelming peace and beauty that captivated me in that moment. It was that sense of beauty and peace and the sense that all of my earthly concerns were frivolous by comparison.
Fear-death experience at age 10-11 due to car accident. Shared about 61 years later.

4824. Hazim Probable NDE 9/20/2020. Probable NDE 9063. Non-Western Probable NDE From Syria. Original in Arabic, translated to English by Ahmed Hassan of Sudan. I suddenly found myself in another cosmic dimension; A strange place that I see for the first time. I was in a place like empty space over pink clouds, and there were huge metal circles spinning high in the skyscrapers, and there were two spiritual beings talking telepathy. One of them gave a command to the other, saying, “Clear his memory and prepare a new body for him,” as it happens in reincarnation. Then I was placed in one of the giant metal circles and it started spinning with me, then my memory began to fade away little by little until I forgot everything and no longer remembered even my name, who I am, or where I was. Then suddenly he gave him the opposite command, saying: "Bring him back to life because he has a job to do".
Probable NDE from physician from Syria due to war injuries.

4823. Stephen K NDE 9/17/2020. NDE 9061. I became aware that the murky waters were now crystal clear. I could see the ripples in the sand and shells scattered on the sea bed. I then was aware of my body, just below me, seated on the ocean floor and rocking gently with the waves. I was aware that I could see everything at once, simultaneously, in every direction.
NDE due to drowning.

4822. William H NDE 9/17/2020. NDE 9062. I was looking up and could see the older boy on the bank. Then I saw beautiful, rainbow lights. Then I was several feet up in the air. I saw and heard the older boy yelling to my father and his dad that I had fallen into the water.
NDE due to drowning at age between 3 and 4 years old. Shared about 68 years later.

4821. Shia M NDE 9/14/2020. NDE 9059. It felt as if I was only a grain of sand in the infinite amount of grains that made up the 'void.' I felt as if each grain had consciousness. I understood what oneness was because I was a part of it, even if just for just that moment. I wasn’t scared; in fact, I felt more peaceful and calm than ever. I was just taking it all in.
NDE due to unconsciousness associated with apparent heart arrythmia.

4820. Anne B Probable NDE 9/14/2020. Probable NDE 9058. From France. Original in French translated to English by Camille. The door was slightly ajar, not enough to be able to enter without pushing it. I passed through it without touching the door. I think that's when I realized I didn't have a body. And then, to my surprise, my sister was at her desk working. I waved to her. I called her by her first name, but she didn't look up. I was in front of her, with my eyes still six feet from the ground. She didn't seem to hear me. I told myself that she was doing it on purpose, and that it annoyed me. The idea that I might be invisible started to creep in my mind. I was starting to realize that she really couldn't see and hear me.
Probable NDE at age 17 associated with suicide attempt.

4819. Ken M NDE 9/4/2020. NDE 9057. A man, on a blanket next to my dad jumped up. As he did, he leaned into my dad and my father was quickly on his feet along with the man. Dad and the man were running right towards me. I saw splashes, large droplets of water heading to my face. I don't recall feeling any of it. Then, they both reached into the water to the right of me. Next came void like thing/feeling/nothingness, like before.
NDE due to drowning at age 8. Shared 61 years later.

4818. Lee C NDEs 8/31/2020. NDEs 9054. Whole years of my life flashed by in a second, but with complete clarity. Time had no meaning here. Even more dramatic, decisions I had made in a split second were played back to me. I understood not only the impact they had made in my life, but the impact oncountless other lives as well. Some decisions I was proud of, while some I lowered my eyes in humiliation and shame. Yet, there was no judgment, other than my own. The review simply let me see that choices have consequences.
NDEs associated with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm.

4817. Cleo D Probable NDE 8/28/2020. Probable NDE 9055. I was in an endless, black void. I had the sense of infinity and I had no body. I was just pure consciousness. Suddenly, there was a knowing that I was dying, and I was o.k. with it. All attachment to earthly material was just gone. As if to answer my question, a voice said 'All that remains is love.' The voice was not a sound, rather it was just a kind of knowing. I understood this to mean that when I die, all that I bring with me is the sum of love I had given and received on Earth.
Probable NDE during general anesthesia for surgery for placental abruption. Also prayer experience regarding the stillborn child.

4816. Van I NDE 8/24/2020. NDE 9053. I asked where I was now and the man explained to me that I was in a realm constructed so we could have a conversation. I asked who he was and he said he was God. I didn't know what to think at this point. But, I asked him why he saved me from hell... or if that was want he did? He said he did in fact save from hell and that he saved me because he did not want me dead yet.
Remarkable NDE due to drug overdose. Describes being in hell until rescued by God.

4815. John S Possible NDE 8/20/2020. Possible NDE 9051. I slowly paced until the water was just above my ankles. I stopped mid stream. I began to see those across the stream a bit more clearly. It seemed that my presence had given them pause. I could see that people had turned their heads to see me standing in the middle of the stream. I thought to myself, 'they can see me, they know I am here. I want to be with them.'
Possible NDE vs. STE due to drug overdose.

4814. Caroline L NDE 8/18/2020. NDE 9049. From United Kingdom I was lying horizontally, in the same position as my body, but was a few feet above the actual hospital bed. I could see myself below, which was odd given that in my out of body state, I was facing tyhe ceiling. I don't understand how I could see below me. There was an extremely intense, bright white light that had a whiteness so brilliant.
NDE due to anaphylactic shock due to allergic reaction.

4813. Fatih A NDE 8/16/2020. NDE 9048. Non-Western NDE occurring in Iraq. I was surrounded completely in bright light. It was such a peaceful, warm feeling that others on earth can’t even imagine. It was such a lovely color, just like the colors of a rainbow but much brighter and unbelievable. I was in a place surrounded with scenery like hills or green areas. I could hear a very soft music, like something I've never heard before.
NDE due to car crash.

4812. Gordon D NDE 8/15/2020. NDE 9045. The thing I remember before this was confusion, massive confusion. When I opened my eyes, however, I had crystal clear thoughts. I felt love, kindness, and peace of mind wash over me. All my senses were heightened. I was at peace, and I knew what that meant. At the roof of the ambulance, I saw a light. I did not see a tunnel because I was facing my body. I saw a light that was shining through me onto the body in the ambulance.
NDE due to traumatic brain injury at age 7. He is currently in training to be a Catholic Priest.

4811. Blake M Probable NDE 8/11/2020. Probable NDE 9043. From Canada I was sitting at my Nana's kitchen table in her old house. She was really young; like 25 years old. I physically didn't recognize her, as I have never even seen a picture of her as a young adult. She had flowing, straight-red hair that was cut into a bobbed style that was very different from the curly, short light-orangish hair lady I knew growing up. But I knew it was her. I felt it. She had the fireplace roaring beside the kitchen table
Probable NDE as a result of bleeding after surgery.

4810. Darold P Probable NDE 8/10/2020. Probable NDE 9042. Even though I was only in the coma for a little over two weeks, it seemed like a lifetime of experiences. When I came out of the coma and to this day, I miss the people and places that I loved in that life. The emotions felt were incredibly intense.
Probable NDE due to hemorrhagic encephalopathy with coma. Remarkable description of living a ‘lifetime of experiences’ while in coma a little over two weeks.

4809. Franciose R NDE 8/9/2020. NDE 9041. From United Kingdom Then it all went quiet. I stopped moving completely and felt total peace. I heard a small voice say that it was fine, that I would die and that is ok. I felt a lot better than ok. I felt an Incredible joy and peace that filled me. I remember a beautiful void, like an underwater tunnel, that was around me and quickly filling with bright rays of light. I was surrounded by flecks of golden, sparkling light like dust motes. It was the most serene and happiest I had ever been.
NDE due to drowning.

4808. Sinnaev NDE 8/5/2020. NDE 9038. From France. Original in French translated to English by Camille. My grandfather said, 'You still have a lot to accomplish here on earth and your earthly mission is not over. The time has not yet come to join me.' He added, 'You have 1-1/2 half year old son, who needs you.' I asked, 'How do you know that, since you died when I was 13 years old?' He replied, 'From up here, we know everything and see everything!' We both said to each other, 'See you soon.'
NDE due to alcohol and cannabis overdose.

4807. Monika K Probable NDE 8/5/2020. Probable NDE 9039. From Norway I floated out of my body and hovered above it up by the ceiling of the hospital. My mom, who was deceased, was floating beside me. I asked her, 'Is this was like being dead?' She answered, 'No, you're not dead yet honey.' And her words filled me with knowledge and purpose. I knew that I was not dead because I still had one job to do, and that was to take care of my new daughter.
Probable NDE during delivery with significant blood loss and under general anesthesia.

4806. Kenneth B Probable NDE 8/5/2020. Probable NDE 9040. From Canada I have no memory going into the hospital other than being above an operating table and everything around me being dark. I heard a doctor saying my name and slapping me. Then I was on the table looking up at a doctor with a mask and bright surgical light above me.
Probable NDE due to being trapped in a refrigerator at age 3, shared 49 years later.

4805. Sophia K NDE 8/2/2020. NDE 9036. From Russia. Original in Russian, translated to English by Jim. Suddenly, through the fog, my relatives began to appear. I was walking with them and talking to my mother. I felt like I had been there a long time, almost all day. My mother told me what would happen to me in the future. She then told me that it was not my time to be there, and that I had to go back. I badly didn't want to go back because I wanted to stay there with them. They had their own world there. It was light, airy, weightless, and without evil or pain.
NDE due to drug overdose.

4804. Lonnie C Probable NDE 8/2/2020. Probable NDE 9037. I was walking in a dark tunnel. I could see light at the other end of the tunnel. A man walked towards me, put his hand on my head and told me that I had to turn back because it wasn't my time.
Probable NDE at age 4 due to likely asthma attack. She is Buddhist.

4803. Ariuntuya M NDE 7/29/2020. NDE 23449. I had very quick review of my life from birth to till the time of that moment. It seemed like whole my life was reviewed in blink of a second. Then I have this calmness again in that dark and still floating. I was not afraid although I can't see anything but feeling floated. Then I heard voice is calling out my name from very far distance.
NDE at age 11 due to fall from roller blade and other experiences.

4802. James M NDE 7/22/2020. NDE 9035. The first thing I remember was seeing a huge, round, and colorful opening or pathway. At the end of the pathway was a white church and other small white buildings. The sky was blue. I no longer felt anger, sadness, or regret. I also had a strange feeling that I can't explain. I don't know what love is, but I guess that this feeling was that someone loved me and forgave me. I badly wanted to stay.
NDE happened a few months ago due to bleeding out during surgery.

3583. Nigel O NDEs 7/18/2020 & 1/31/2014. NDEs 9032/7098. From the UK. At an undetermined point, within the ‘tunnel’, I stopped when a voice that was neither male or female, sounded soft and kind said (or it sounded inside my head): ‘Hello Nigel don’t be afraid you have had an accident, it is not your time, you have to go back’ I said I did not want to, as it hurt too much and I wanted to stay here.
Two NDEs. One NDE happened 5 years ago due to multiple strokes. The other NDE occured at age 9.

4801. Jeanette U NDE 7/15/2020. NDE 9031. I found myself floating in a void. I had a subconscious sensation of being in space above the Earth. The level of alertness I felt was beyond anything I have encountered. I was perfectly aware and more awake than I have ever been in life. I also was aware of exactly what had happened during the asthma attack, going to the hospital, and seeing my own body. There wasn't any real positive or negative sensation involved. I had a feeling of peace that any of the problems that I had been dealing with on Earth was finished.
NDE due to asthma attack at age 15.

4800. Melinda G NDE 7/13/2020. NDE 9029. Exceptional Experience. At some point, a veil lifted. I was drawn into a long, dark tunnel that had a very bright, white light that was shining love. I could hear harps and saw my great uncle Harry Ed and Aunt Vickie. I was in total bliss and happiness. I was home. I didn't want to go back. I had a life review where I saw ever single event from my life. I saw every act of goodness and kindness. I saw every act of spite or ill-will. I also got to see it from the other person's point of view. Although time did not exist, this life review took forever but in reality it was only a blink of a second. I didn't want to go back because I was surrounded by love and the light was god. I realized that we are all brothers and sisters.
Very detailed NDE due to hemorrhage 31 days after childbirth.

3199. Chris T FDE 12/3/2012 & 7/12/2020. STE 6511/6510 FDE 9828. Exceptional Experience from Canada. My spirit moved around the suspended shards, admiring them for a few moments, and then I turned to the 'task at hand.' This body (to which I felt no emotional attachment) had just been in an accident, and I wasn't sure it was still inhabitable. I know that sounds odd, but that was my question; was this body still intact, could I still 'use' it? My consciousness positioned itself in front of the body to examine it, to scan it, from top to bottom no damage.
This was formerly published anonymously as Walter C, but now it is published under his real name. The STE1 - SOBE at time of auto accident. Remarkable observation of shattered glass in air as time stood still. STE2 - Exceptional SOBE that lasted for months following receiving traumatic news.

4799. Battushig D Possible NDE 7/10/2020. Possible NDE 9027. Non-Western Experience. From Mongolia. I was wondering if anyone else could see the smoke or fog? It was like I was in a pitch dark, outer space-like environment. Yet, I wondered if there was a light somewhere? I don't know. I was floating with peace of mind and nothing to worry about. My mind worked faster than anything, yet I couldn't feel my legs or hands.
Possible NDE associated with surgery for acute pancreatitis.

4798. Holly G NDE 7/8/2020 & 7/19/2020. NDE 16117/9033. I just knew, I understood with immediate clarity that is was my Nanny who was "speaking" to me, or rather was directly connecting her thoughts and love to me with an all-consuming, nonjudgmental and total love and comfort. I feel it in my heart as I type this and relive my experience. My heart is swelling with love and I'm experiencing a deep seated longing to experience that complete and totally encompassing love again, however it is tempered with the understanding that i am where I'm supposed to be at this time in my life. I also remember that I wanted to stay in the suspended state of love, I longed to go on with my Nanny and stay within the safety and comfort of this overwhelming love and peace, however she told me I couldn't stay there, it wasn't my time.
NDE during surgery, and other experiences as a complication of later surgeries.

4797. Schon R NDE 7/4/2020. NDE 9026. I transitioned to see a white, glowing space, similar to those commercials where the entire area is near-blinding white. However, there is no definition to the space, so it seemedlike an endless void. I had no shadow, body, or physical form. I remember 'looking' around. I felt like I was in a jacuzzi because the light felt like heated water. It was a comforting, peaceful, free, and euphoric feeling despite that I had no physical form.
NDE as complication of leukemia at age 8.

4796. Rhonda M NDE 7/2/2020. NDE 9024. The next thing I remember was again looking down on myself. I heard the flat line beep on the heart monitor because my heart stopped. There was a lot of commotion as they were trying to get my heart restarted. I was not in pain. I remember hearing them yelling for me to not leave, which seemed strange to me.
Two experiences. NDE at age 14 due to allergic reaction during surgery with cardiac arrest while under anesthesia. Probable NDE at age 5 during febrile illness.

4795. Bryant B NDE 7/2/2020. NDE 9023. I thought about how I lived my life and felt that it was a good life. I thought about how I raised my daughter and it OK because she has had such a good start at life. At the time, she was age 25 and I put her through college. I was very much at peace with this being the end of of my life. The distressing part was when I drifted up through roof of the building and saw the heat pumps that I had mounted on the roof. I thought 'oh sh*#, more work!' I was at such peace before seeing this.
NDE due to fall with head injury.

4794. Sheila S NDE 7/1/2020. NDE 9025. Exceptional Experience. Jesus told me Kindness was so important. Treat each other kindly. We are all connected and He wants us to treat each other like royalty. It makes Him so happy. He cries a lot for us because the way we treat each other and how we treat ourselves. Even like many of us go to work we give our customers or patients everything. We give them all this joy and love and then at the end of day we go home, take off makeup, brush teeth or whatever. But as we're looking at the mirror, we're finding bad things about ourselves that we don't like. Then we criticize ourselves. This makes Him cry worse than ever because He sees us as absolutely perfect, absolute perfection.
Exceptional NDE associated with cardiac arrests. Met Jesus, and this is among the longest descriptions of encountering Jesus that NDERF has ever received. NDE discussion recorded by friend shortly after she recovered from cardiac arrests.

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**For more experiences, please scroll to the top of this page and in the menu select the tab [NDE Stories] or go to the archive list page.