Archives 1-1-2021/6-30-2021

4934. Bess M NDE 6/29/2021. NDE 9228. While passed out, I was in the hall, slightly elevated, looking into my hospital room. I also was able to see my step mom’s sister trying to peek in to see what was happening.
NDE after passing out from effort to start an IV. OBE observations later confirmed.

4933. David R NDE 6/29/2021. NDE 9227. I was floating toward an open gate where the light coming from beyond the gate was brighter than the sun but soft enough that you could look at it. I saw a long line of people 4 or 5 abreast going into the gate. As I approached the gate, I was greeted by my grandmother and what I knew to be her sister although we had never met.
NDE at age 11 due to being hit by a car while riding his bike. Shared 58 years later.

4932. Anouk P Probable NDE 6/24/2021. Probable NDE 9226 From France. Original in French, translated to English by Camille. The light was rapidly approaching me, through this dark and infinite space, and I understood that this light was two beings coming for me. Two beautiful beings made of light, I couldn't see their faces, there was only light. They seemed almost surprised to find me there, I felt like I shouldn't have been there. I felt them to be so beautiful and powerful; compared to them, I felt small, weak, lame and pathetic. I would have given anything to be like them and felt so far removed from them, in every way, like a mouse next to an elephant.
Probable NDE showing who we are and what happens when we come back to live on earth.

4931. Rohit G Probable NDE 6/23/2021. Anesthesia;Probable NDE 9225. Non-Western Probable NDE from India. There was a woman sitting on a table and three other persons. I recognized them as overworked souls who were receiving covid 19 patients who had passed to the other side. As I met each one of them we embraced each other. They were so happy while exclaiming thanks that I was back with them.
Probable NDE attributed to anesthesia.

4930. Karen L NDE 6/22/2021. NDE 9224. I realized that my mouth was not moving and that the body was in a reclined position in the ambulance. I remember that I moved to another dimension where there was an extremely bright, lighted area. I was given the choice to stay or go back to my body so I could take care of my newborn child.
NDE due to medication overdose.

4929. Darrell C NDE 6/14/2021. NDE 9220. A beautiful blue, shimmering light appeared in between us. The blue light communicated with me a profound and powerful sense of love. I quickly ascertained that I was in the presence of the creator of the universe and in the presence of the holy spirit. Initially, I thought it might be God himself, but then realized that God is a person not a blue, shimmering light.
NDE around time of cardiac arrest.

4928. Leila D NDE 6/10/2021. NDE 9218. I knew that I was dead. It was dark in the room, but I could see light. I was fearful at first, but the closer I got to the light. my feelings started changing. All fear and negativity disappeared. I did not walk into the light, yet it felt like I was being pulled into it; it was like being slowly sucked into the light.This light was so bright, yet it wasn't blinding and it didn't hurt my eyes. The light was soft and comfortable but brighter than looking at the sun.
NDE due to liver failure with death expected within 1-2 days.

4927. Mike C NDE 6/5/2021. NDE 9216. I could see all the planets and stars. When I focused my attention on anything, such as the Earth, it came to the fore in my field of vision. Throughout this experience, I felt incredible love that remains beyond my ability to describe. I also was aware that I was a part of everything I saw as well as still my individual self. I was both, the observed and the observer. I encountered my first born son who had died in infancy. Yet, here, he was an adult.
NDE due to heart attack with cardiac arrest.

4926. Anne L NDE 5/30/2021 & 11/9/2021. NDE 9215/9293. Exceptional Experience. There were two angels who were there with me. I was first met by the male angel who was dressed like a lumberjack with black, converse, high-top sneakers. I was laughing over this because, I mean, nobody wears those. I was amazed that he would choose that fashion choice. I still laugh about that. The female angel had on a yellow dress with blue flowers. The dress had short sleeves and a collar that bent down the front and the buttons were pearls. She had a 1950s hairstyle and little, light colored shoes. The female angel held a clothesline between us. I couldn't see or hear the third angel because I had no telepathic connection with it. The female angel was giving me a lot of information and the other angels were worried it was going to interfere with my free will, so she was stopped.
NDE at age 17 due to passing out from septicemia. She is a nurse. Shared 40 years later.

4925. Rebekah M NDE 5/27/2021. NDE 9213. The clouds opened up and I saw the most beautiful valley of green. I felt such Happiness. I felt all those who I loved who were there. Again, I cannot see these people. I just knew and felt a sense of calm and comfort such as I have never experienced before.
NDE due to apparent seizure with unconsciousness.

4924. Candy A NDE 5/27/2021. NDE 9212. Though the lights went out; yet, my consciousness was highly alert. I could no longer hear anyone or anything from in the classroom but I knew that I could hear. I saw nothing but darkness but did not feel blind. I knew that I could see the darkness. It was velvety, soft and comforting. I was also aware that I was no longer a body with structural form. Instead, I felt like something like a puddle of liquid that had been poured out and was now millimeters thin. But, my awareness was from a single point of observation as though I was seeing and hearing in an all-encompassing way.
NDE due to being accidentally choked at age 13.

4923. Dr. Michelle RN Probable NDE 5/27/2021. Probable NDE 9209. There were colors in the sky that I had never seen before and I could smell the smoke of a campfire. Why would I smell a campfire? It seemed as if my senses were on fire. The next thing I knew I was walking towards a friend's house but did not know who the friend was. It was twilight during the fall, even though I knew it was summer in July. The air was crisp and I can still smell the campfire. In my hand was a warm cup of coffee. I sit the coffee as I walked up to the open fire pit behind the house. The backyard was also lined by a forest. There were two lounge chairs waiting for me and my friend to sit down. I could tell there was a presence there, but did not turn my head as I continued to sit on my coffee.
Probable NDE from physician while on ventilator due to COVID-19.

4922. Samuel E NDE 5/26/2021. NDE 9208. From the United Kingdom. I noticed that I felt as if thinking in there was completely unencumbered, effortless or perfectly smooth (in a sense of being frictionless). I started trying to 'feel' around using my thoughts, and trying to see that, even if I could not feel my physical body at all and had no feedback resembling physical perception of any kind, I might still be able to send commands to my body if I tried
NDE due to gymnastics head and neck injury at age 12.

4921. Jason W NDE 5/22/2021. NDE 9206. I was thrust into a black void that felt really good. I had no body, no sense of touch, nor smell or taste. But, I could somehow feel an intense peaceful, joyful feeling in an endless black void. When I thought, 'Well this is nice, but I'm not ready yet.'
NDE due to head injury at age 13.

4920. Ashley R NDE 5/22/2021. NDE 9205. I was back home in Virginia but with relatives who had passed away and with some who were still alive. I didn't see a bright light or a tunnel. I felt nothing but just an amazing love.
NDE due to cardiac arrest.

4919. Jamie B NDE 5/20/2021. NDE 9204. The next thing I felt was that I was home. I didn't have eyesight, but I could see perfectly. It was like seeing with your mind. I felt perfect and I knew that I was where I was supposed to be. I understood everything, but I didn't remember anything about my life on earth. I remember just enjoying the feeling.
NDE due to injury and apparent cardiac arrest.

4918. Helen Possible NDE 5/17/2021. Anesthesias 9200. Original in Russian, translated to English by Jim. I saw a brightly-lit room and people were standing over a table. I heard a loud, resounding voice that told me, 'Just don't forget to breathe!'
Two anesthesia experiences.

4917. Gerald T NDE 5/10/2021. NDE 9202. I was inside of a golden bubble looking at a child in the water. He was floating face down. At the time, I didn't know who it was. To me, it was just a lifeless body floating in the water.
NDE at age 2 due to drowning. Shared 76 years later.

4916. Brooke G Probable NDEs 5/10/2021. Probable NDEs 9201. The next thing I knew, I was in the top of the room of my bedroom. There was an angel on either side of me and they were holding me up. I felt AMAZING! I wanted to stay but I felt God was telling me it was not my time to stay stay there.
Probable NDEs. One at age 7 when hit by a car. The other at age 16 due to suicide attempt.

4915. Joana L Probable NDE 5/7/2021. Probable NDE 9198. It is a place where it is softly bright and softly warm. I was enveloped in love and surrounded by everyone who loved me. It was only after I awoke that I later thought about my family's faces. There were no faces but they weren't faceless. It's just a different way of seeing in a different place. I was on a boat surrounded by turquoise waters. There were tropical islands too.
Probable NDE associated with suicide attempt.

4914. Jeff H NDE 4/30/2021. NDE 9197. I remember having the distinct thought, 'Man... I wanted to do more this time.' I was about to go off to college and become an engineer. I had this sense that I was meant to do that and help people somehow. Although I had never really thought about having multiple lives. Yet, this thought strangely felt completely normal and familiar to me, like I had been in this situation before. The disappointment I felt at my life ending was surprisingly not that severe though.
NDE due to being passenger in a minivan that was hit by a car.

4913. Joe B NDE 4/28/2021. NDE 9196. The first thing I remember was that I was standing next to a wall of some kind. I assume now that I was in an ambulance, but I was up high and looking down at a paramedic working on someone on a stretcher. I did not feel anything but I became aware of a giant roaring in my head. The roaring was so loud that I will probably never forget it. I have no idea how long I watched, but it seemed like several minutes.
NDE due to being run over by van. This experience happeded a couple of months ago.

4912. Jennifer K SDE 4/25/2021. SDE 9194. That is when I had a vision as clear as looking at a large movie screen. I saw a green hill with grass and flowers, with the blue sky beyond. Then I saw Kiowa galloping up over the crest of the hill. Her mane was flying and she looked joyful!
Shared death experience at the time of a necessarey euthenasia of a beloved horse.

4911. Niels W NDE 4/22/2021. NDE 9193. Exceptional Experience. I was given a life review while inside the void. During this review, I told the being to pause. I wanted to better examine the parts of my life. I was then able to view these events from overhead. The life review did not last long because I asked the being something that surprised it. 'Can I plan my next reincarnation?' I asked. The being said, 'Usually people wait until their actual death to choose their reincarnation.'
NDE due to complications during eye surgery at age 3-4. Remarkable discussion about his own reincarnation during NDE.

4910. Klaus K NDE 4/20/2021. NDE 9189. From Germany. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy. I remember seeing the light blue, VW-beetle car. But, then I found myself immediately above the road. Below, I saw a VW-beetle car and a desperate young man bending under the engine cover. From my vantage point, I also could see through the car, the engine cover and the engine. I also noticed my feet sticking out from under the car. Then I watched as the young man was pulling my body out from under the car.
NDE at age 10 while riding a bike and being hit by a car.

4909. Liam A NDE 4/14/2021. NDE 9186. From Germany. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy. It wasn't cold or warm. I had no feelings of temperature. I was without a body and wide awake. I had an absolute awareness of myself, which has nothing in common with my earthly perception. I never had been so aware of my existence. Questions arose, of where I was, and how I happened to come here. I understood that I could answer all the questions in the world. I had a universal knowledge and awareness. My mind had never been as crystal clear. There are no words on earth to explain having this absolute knowledge.
NDE due to suicide attempt.

4908. Kevin S Probable NDE 4/14/2021. Probable NDE 9185. All of a sudden, I was looking out the windshield that was behind me. 'That is impossible,' I thought to myself. I then spoke to myself in a adult voice, and told myself, 'I guess it's time to go back,' and I felt comfortable with my decision.
Probable NDE at age 4 due to pneumonia. Also OBE dream at age 20.

4907. Miguel A STE 4/12/2021. STE 23467. Exceptional Experience. From Spain. I thought to myself, 'I am who I am.' Why is that such a special revelation? Because the heart came from the Hara (the lower abdomen) instead of my head. It occurred as a physical sign, as if someone was writing it from within. It was as if lightning had carved the answer out of rock, or branded it with fire. That phrase clearly came from somewhere else; from another dimension, so to speak. Then there was something like an explosion in my Hara.
Remarkable discussion of brain vs. universal mind from having an STE while driving.

4906. Kimberly T NDE 4/8/2021. NDE 9179. I was suddenly in a hallway. It was as if the walls, ceiling, and floor were made of light. It was as of love was a tangible thing and I literally breathed it in and out. It was the most amazing feeling ever. I suddenly knew where my granny G was, so I started hurrying down the hallway, I was eager to go see her.
NDE due to hypoxia during surgery.

4905. John G NDE 4/4/2021. NDE 9177. I recall floating above myself right after I landed. I could see myself lying there. Then, it was SUPER bright with clouds.
NDE at age 11 due to fall.

4904. Alex L NDE 4/4/2021. NDE 9176. I was then aware of being in blackness, with absolutely nothing. Then I felt such intense Happiness, Joy and Love. There are no words that can really express what I was feeling. I felt like I was in a fog as I watched a light that continued to get brighter as the feelings grew stronger and stronger. The light was so bright that the people looked like silhouettes. One person was lying down horizontally next to to me and they were hustling all around the body. I was drawn to the light and the feeling.
NDE due to cardiac arrest.

4903. Ahly S NDE 4/3/2021. NDE;Other 9175. From the Dominican Republic. Everything turned black. I was in a beautiful place surrounded by stars. I had no pain, hunger, or anxiety. I only felt peace and comfort. I was surrounded by stars and could have stayed in that place forever. I remember looking at all the billions and billions of stars. I looked at myself and I was a star too.
NDE due to auto accident and other experience as child.

4902. Natalia Th NDE 4/3/2021. NDE 9174. From Sweden I was surrounded by dark nothingness. I wasn't particularly stressed; rather, I was quite calm and at peace. I don't remember clearly if I saw anything, but there might have been a type of purple energy standing across from me in the void. I remember thinking to myself, 'What about my mom?'
NDE due to choking at age 7.

4901. Dilara Probable NDE 4/3/2021. Probable NDE 9173. Non-Western NDE from Turkey. I was then overwhelmed by this ultimate feeling of peace. It was an unearthly feeling. I had no fear. I had no needs or sadness. All the pain had stopped. I don't think it is possible to experience such a thing in life on earth. I felt completely accepted and embraced. I do not know by what, but it was like something was telling me that 'it was all fine.' I felt almost fine; though, in a way, I felt bitter that there were still many things I hadn't done yet. I knew if I chose to go, there would be no coming back.
Probable NDE due to alcohol and medication overdose.

4900. Change F NDE 3/30/2021. NDE 9169. Non-Western NDE from China. Original in Chinese, translated to English by Jenny. Still, the whole experience continued until I reached the end of the dark tunnel. The light became brighter as all the pictures disappeared. I felt myself moving toward the light at a high speed. Once I entered the light, I found myself floating into a very peaceful state in the black universe. I was formless; like water evaporating and then dispersing slowly. I was very relaxed, peaceful, and comfortable. I could not get enough of this serene feeling.
NDE due to fall and unconsciousness while playing kickball.

4899. Lizette NDE 3/30/2021. NDE 9171. Then, I saw myself sitting in the passenger seat. I was looking down and to my right, as if I was above the driver. Then everything went dark.
NDE due to apparent a drug overdose.

4898. Maria T STE 3/30/2021. STE 9170. Through my veil I could see a bright light then the outline of his face, the HOLY FACE OF JESUS. The light was beautiful and warm and appeared to be emanating from JESUS along with overwhelming LOVE AND COMPASSION. Even though there was a glow and my eyes were still covered with the veil, I was able to see the outline of JESUS' face.
STE while asleep. On the Karnofsky scale there was mild physical compromise.

4897. Bill J NDE 3/24/2021. NDE 9165. I suddenly seemed to know all the questions in my life and had all the answers. I just knew all the mysteries of life. I remember thinking about why I didn't know this before. Then, I could see all of my deceased family members standing in a semi-circle waving to me and welcoming me. But, they were beyond a point where I could go to them.
NDE due to being struck by a falling beam. Shared 50 years later.

4896. Whitney H NDE 3/21/2021. NDE 9164. Suddenly I was drifting, lying peacefully on my back a pale blue mat/ pad, tissue through a calm darkened void with pale blue glow. Not alone per se. just not seeing anyone, but all there. All connected. So much peace, belonging, home, safe. Just being. Freaking joy. I am accepted, loved, cared about - just because I am me.
NDE due to difficulty breathing while in the ICU due to aspiration. Shared one week after experience.

4895. Robert B NDE 3/12/2021. NDE 9163. I was safe and at peace, totally. I looked to my right, away from the light and suddenly I was met with an aroma of pure cotton. Perfect, pure cotton linen. More perfect in odor and knowledge of this perfectness than anything I have ever encountered. One note here is I lost my sense of smell about 6years ago or more. At this point in my life I can't even smell gasoline.
NDE due to heart attack.

4894. Jennifer M NDE 3/11/2021. NDE 9162. From Australia. I found myself walking through a tunnel of light. The tunnel opened out to a garden where I could hear children laughing and playing. I never actually got to the garden. All I could see was a bright white expanse, but I knew the children were there and that is where I wanted to go. I don't recall if I actually saw the man or just knew of his presence.
NDE due to apparent faint with loss of consciousness.

4893. Robin A Probable NDE 3/8/2021. Probable NDE 9159. There were many pinpoint lights, each of a different color. The lights were swirling around, happily living their lives. I felt that this space was infused with infinitely deep, profound love. I was amazed that so many Beings were living in harmony and blissful community; while carrying on with what they thought of as normal life even though there were no physical structures. I was accompanied by a larger Being and I seemed to be a young child-like Being.
Probable NDE during open heart surgery.

4892. Anna E STE 3/8/2021. STE 9158. I then experienced the Light that is the eternal Love of the Infinite Creator. The Mind of God is devastating. The Light of God is pure bliss. We are both. We are pure loving awareness. Anything else is a distortion. I was the Void. Imagine floating alone in pitch black empty space, for all eternity, no stars, no body, just pure consciousness, never ceasing to exist in the infinitely vast eternal solitude that you are. The mind of God is without being, and yet without it, nothing would be. The mind of God is pure consciousness longing for all eternity.
Remarkable STE apparently at time of car accident without injury. Profound spiritual insights.

4891. Sally J Possible NDE 3/5/2021. Possible NDE 9157. I remember the nothingness. It was all black but it felt so peaceful and comforting, like the best sleep a person could ever have. Before waking up, I heard a voice telling me to get up. The first time was just a calm directive with a simple command, 'Get up'. The second time, it was shouted. I heard, 'GET UP!' I could hear it in my ear as if someone was standing right next to me trying to wake me up.
Possible NDE due to suicide attempt at age 16.

4890. Val C NDE 3/4/2021. NDE 9155. Next, I thought, 'Where is God?' I had believed that I would meet God when I died. At this thought, my consciousness began to expand until it encompassed the entire universe. I was filled with the most amazing, unconditional love, and I knew that this love was God. It was a feeling and a love that is unlike anything you experience in life and I am unable to describe it in any way that does it justice. It was pure bliss. I was all at once, everywhere and a part of everything in existence. I was filled with all the knowledge that existed and knew everything there was to know. I was so loved! I realized that we are all connected to everything, even to trees and rocks and animals.
NDE at age 16 with severe headache and apparent loss of consciousness.

4889. Ronald B NDE 3/4/2021. NDE 9152. I drowned and no one noticed. The light started in front of me and began to get brighter. I still remember my Soul leaving my body and how we merged. The Soul/Conscious separating from the physical body is the most pleasurable feeling you will ever experience. It is pure ecstasy. I flowed into the tunnel of light with my Soul.
NDE at age 5 due to drowning. Very atypical content.

4888. Sharon V NDE 3/4/2021. NDE 9151. From Canada. I saw and felt an amazing, golden, pulsating, and loving light surround me in a 10-foot diameter. It was, without a doubt, the most wonderful feeling I've ever felt in my life. The feeling is so much more as it is really indescribable with words. It was pure, unconditional love multiplied by 1000 or even more. It was incredible and had me completely in rapture. I could have stayed with that light forever.
NDE due to being shot with shotgun in criminal attack.

4887. Wendy W NDE 2/24/2021. NDE 9146. my bathroom was filled with several large Beings of Light I can best describe as Angels. A male Angel spoke and got straight to the point. 'You need to call for help NOW, or you're going Home.' I told him I couldn't walk - I was writhing on the floor, feeling like an organ had burst. He told me, 'All you have to do is being willing to try to get up on your hands and knees - then we can help you.'
NDE and probable NDE associated with blood loss secondary to ruptured uterus.

4886. Alison B Probable NDE 2/23/2021. Probable NDE 9144. Within what felt like a second's time, my nose was up against the clock that was hanging on the upper back wall of the ambulance. I could hear loud screaming around me and turned to look down at my body. My mom and the EMT were looking over me.
Probable NDE at age 11 associated with cardiac arrhythmia and treatment with Adenosine.

4885. Svetlana Probable NDE 2/22/2021. Probable NDE 9145. From Canada. During anesthesia, I went into another state of existence and I was at home there. I was floating in a long pink tunnel that was twisting in different directions. I was flying forward and feeling total bliss and Happiness. All the life here on earth was like a dream, long time ago, that did not mean much.
Probable NDE during surgery at age 15 in Ukraine.

4884. Michael R Probable NDE 2/17/2021. Probable NDE 9143. From the United Kingdom. I found myself in a dark tunnel. There was a light in the distance and I could see people standing there. I could not see their faces as they were too far away.
Probable NDE following heart attack and undergoing an operation to place a stent.

4883. Wilma B NDE 2/11/2021. Secondhand NDE 9141. My mother died and left her body during or shortly after WWII, which was before I was born. On passing into the next heaven, she was met by two angels. They told her it was not her time and she was being sent back. Her purpose was to have three more children
Son shares his mother's NDE from the 1940’s due to suicide attempt.

4882. Anna P Possible NDE 2/7/2021. Possible NDE 9127. From the Ukraine. Original in Russian, translated to English by Jim. Then I felt weightless and was floating upward. I watched as I gently began to exit from my body. My Spirit looked like dense fog. I felt and knew that I was coming out of my body because my heart was not beating and my body was not breathing. At first, I wasn't afraid. I was just experiencing leaving my body. But then I understood that if I left my body completely and entirely severed the connection to it, then I would not be able to return to it.
Possible NDE or could be an OBE dream.

4881. Star E NDE 2/7/2021. NDE 9139. Exceptional Experience. Caution: Graphic violence. A pure, brilliant light engulfed me and I no longer had a physical body. But, I still existed? I had no eyes to see but I looked at everything around me. I was in the center of a vast nothingness, but the nothingness was not empty. It was completely filled with the presence of the living God. There are no words in the English language to describe where I was. I was in the middle of the Glory. Then the Lord wrapped me in His Love and held me to His breast. I was filled to every fiber of my being with His peace that passes all understanding. I felt the love He had for me.
NDE due to criminal attack.

4880. Makaila M NDE 2/6/2021. NDE 9137. I was in a pure black room that had invisible walls that revealed stars. The room was cold and dark, but it felt so nice. I felt a presence behind me. I felt the presence was too comforting, as if something was wrong. I was in my childhood body. But, I was pure white. The crease of ceilings connecting to the walls and the floor were like a shiny, overlapping, silver string . Due to the presence of the figure, I wanted to leave.
NDE due to auto accident. Shared about 1 ½ weeks after experience.

4879. Michelle L NDE 2/6/2021. NDE 9131. From Canada. Original in Chinese, translated to English by Jenny. I saw a sheet of white, bright light appearing before me. I felt safe and all the pressure was gone. I had no need to deal with tough problems, and no longer worried about my children. I felt calm and happy. I said to myself, 'It is so nice here that I want to stay.' Unfortunately, after a while, there was a voice telling me, 'Go back, you still have a lot to do, and you need to go to work.'
NDE due to faint with loss of consciousness.

4878. Ramona M FDE 2/5/2021. FDE 9135. From Canada Yet, before I could act, I heard a powerful voice and felt like I didn't have a choice in what to do. At the same time, I also had a most peaceful sense of surrender come over me. The voice told me, 'Take your hands off the wheel.' Time slowed down as the back end of the car came around. It felt like I was up above and watching the car. In slow motion, the back end of the car came around and shot across the road. The back end crashed into a hydro-pole.
Fear-death experience immediately prior to car crash with information that may have saved her life.

4877. I JH NDE 2/3/2021. NDE 9134. Non-Western NDE from Korea. Original in Korean, translated to English by Teresa. Although short, I watched something like a movie of all the experiences I had gone through in my life. I saw the people and faces of people I knew. I happily watched the moving images while receiving an indescribable feeling of warmth and love. For 30 to 40 minutes I looked back in my life.
NDE at age 9 due to accidental hit to head.

4876. Janine S NDE 1/31/2021. NDE 9132. I realized there was someone beside me. This figure was much taller than me and taller than the average person. The figure felt older and more intelligent than me. I never turned to look at the figure. This figure felt like a guide more than like a family member. It was like we both belonged where we were and we both felt the same way about my family. I felt like I was a higher intelligence who knew more than a 3 year old would know. I felt like this was the real me and I was where I really came from.
NDE due to drowning at age 3. Shared 51 years later.

4875. Kristin K NDE 1/30/2021. NDE 9130. From Germany. Original in German, translated to English by Marguy. From above, I looked down and saw my body lying in bed. I did not feel afraid; it felt so normal and easy. I felt like I was held, safe, and loved.Then everything around me became very luminously bright and a warm light pervaded everything. I saw a brightly shining circle whose edges dissolved into soft, yellowish-red colors. In my head I heard a voice. It told me that I could decide if I wanted to stay forever up here in the light or if I wanted to go back to my body.
NDE at age 14 from pneumonia.

4874. Dean C FDE 1/26/2021. FDE 9128. From the United Kingdom. Simultaneously, in super-fast motion, events from my life flashed before my eyes. After the incident, I was fully aware of what had happened. I felt a combination of calm, relief, and curiosity.
Fear death experience from near accident while riding bicycle.

4873. Dr. Sahar S NDE 1/20/2021. NDE 9126. Non-Western NDE From Iran. I turned my face and thought, 'Wow, they have changed the decorations.' I didn't understand how I could have missed this beautiful garden in background as I looked through a big glass window . The ground was covered with green grass. But the color of green is hard to explain because I had never seen it before. I couldn't see the sun, but it was a beautiful day over there. Far away, there were green trees that were not like the garden. Rather it was more like a magic jungle. I felt so good and wanted to go there.
NDE due to complication of spinal anesthesia for delivery.

4872. Joon O NDE 1/20/2021. NDE 9124. From Brazil. Original in Portuguese, translated to English by Gerardo. All of a sudden somebody yelled, “I watched over him all the time! I just don’t know how this accident could have happened! It’s the truth, sir! I watched over him!” From the somewhat hoarse voice, I realized that it was the voice of my guardian angel. That’s just what I figured. He was behind the wall with someone who might have been his boss. “Maybe he’s an archangel,” I thought to myself.
NDE due to car accident. In hospital sister saved him from being taken to the morgue.

4871. Rachael C NDE 1/18/2021. NDE 9125. Within seconds, my life flashed before my eyes. I did not like what I saw. In a flash, I was soaring above the great Smoky Mountain National Park. In another flash, I found myself in the middle of a warm, golden field. I heard murmurs and voices. I felt so warm and so loved. The only thing that existed in the world was love. We were all connected into it one giant energy ball of pure love-source. The Beings, who were with me, told me that it was not my time and I’d have to go back.
NDE due to cardiac arrest during medical procedure.

4870. Dave M NDE 1/14/2021. NDE 9123. It felt like I was peeled out of my body. What seemed like a couple seconds more, I woke up. But I wasn't where I thought I had fallen. I was in some other realm. At first, I didn't know I had died because I was totally conscious. I was in total awe and amazement at my surroundings. I was surrounded by a green mist. There was a low level of light coming from one side. It seemed to be coming from behind the mist, like I was in some sort of void.
NDE due to cardiac arrest.

4869. Rhonda E Possible NDE 1/14/2021. Possible NDE 9122. When it got closer, it was a tunnel. The walls were spinning and the inside looked like a colorful tornado with a bright light at the end of the tunnel. I stepped inside the tunnel and looked up. I was looking at the colors, when I started hearing people whispering.
Possible NDE due to alcohol poisoning.

4868. Viki NDE 1/12/2021. NDE 9121. From Canada There was a very bright light above me. It felt like I was looking at the star, but from a distance of only a few feet. The light gave off bright purple and white colored rays colored. It was pleasant there. I saw and felt my body just stripped off my shoulders, like a sleeve or a soft shell removed from my body that folded and fell down on the floor. I'm not sure if I saw anything Beings.
NDE due to episode of unconsciousness after getting up from meditating on the floor. Shared less than two weeks after experience occurred.

4867. Tina T Possible NDE 1/12/2021. Possible NDE 9120. Instantly, I was in a soul realm like a tunnel or stream. It was a dark green color, but I could feel I was headed to light. It was absolute bliss; all of the pain was gone and I was in this all-encompassing orgasmic state. I knew where I was going because I had been there before during a meditation experience a few years back. I could feel a gentle energy taking me upward to the afterlife. I was enjoying my journey there and excited to be going. I knew about my life and everything I was leaving, but it didn't seem important because I was ready for what was next.
Possible NDE due to blood loss associated with miscarriage.

4866. Anne W NDE 1/12/2021. NDE 9119. Exceptional Experience. I was the UNIVERSE in expression, and the Universe was within me, I was shown this, I KNEW this intimately. I was shown through energy that I was ONE with ALL THAT IS, ALL THAT EVER WAS and ALL THAT WILL EVER BE. ALL THAT EXISTED was within me. I was shown this and experienced this within every fiber of my Being. EVERYTHING WAS CONNECTED. I WAS EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE; omnipresent, omniscense! I KNEW in this place of ONENESS that I was connected to everyone and everything. There absolutely was no seperation.
Exceptional NDE during unconsciousness at time of an apparent heart attack. Remarkable spiritual wisdom from person who is currently homeless.

4865. Laura Z Probable NDE 1/9/2021. Probable NDE 9118. From the Netherlands During the first surgery, I had an out of body experience. I recall floating above an empty operating room and thinking that this place was way too cold and lifeless for people to heal properly. I didn't have a body and thus no weight, but I was experiencing floating. I spent most of my time there in rest and peace as I was held in a bright light. I felt loved, intensely comfortable, and warm. It felt as if the healing on soul-level was available there.
Probable NDE at age 2 during surgery and remarkably NDE-like drug experience (hallucinogenic mushrooms)

4864. Lee S NDE 1/9/2021. NDE 9117. I am floating really high above the most amazing forest I had ever seen. It went on for miles. Off in the distance, was a beautiful lake that was calm with no waves. I felt no pain. I was moving, but at a very slow pace. I felt like I wanted to be in this place. I had no worries.
NDE due to respiratory failure from COVID-19.

4863. Ernest H NDE 1/7/2021. NDE 9116. I watched them work on me from afar. The next thing I remember is watching the firefighters who were standing over me as they loaded me into an ambulance. No helicopters or planes could land in the foggy weather. I heard the EMT say, 'He'll never make it. He has no blood left.'
NDE due to severe cut to arm and blood loss.

4862. Annalise E NDE 1/7/2021. NDE 9115. From the United Kingdom. I did not exist as a body, but was energy. I was an energy that was joined to all other energies; those that had been before and those that will be after. I became aware that we are all just energy and we are all intrinsically linked.
NDE at age 16 due to cardiac arrest during surgery.

4861. Angela BP Possible NDE 1/5/2021. Possible NDE 9114. I remember seeing a vast amount of grass; high-grain straws in a huge meadow. I was happy beyond words and dancing in the meadow. The sun was extremely bright, warm and safe. The color of the sun was so vivid. Yellow light spread across my face as I danced and swayed. I don't remember hearing music. I do remember feeling extremely loved. I felt pure joy that radiated through my skin.
Surgery with general anesthesia.

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