Experience Description 31335:

I had tried on a new mascara that day, November 4, 2002. It made my eyes sting and tear all day. It was not possible for me to leave my post to remove it, so all day I waited. Then, at the end of the day, I got into my car and realized I had a throbbing headache.

I went across the street to the McDonalds. I wanted to get a soda to wash down the ibuprofen I was going to take.

I rounded the parking lot as I had done countless times before. Seeing I had cleared the concrete light post, I made my left hand turn. I felt I had run over a median of some sort. I whipped my head backwards to see if a new one had been installed. Nothing.

Then, when I faced forward, I realized I had hit the post I thought I'd cleared.

Now, in between the time that I looked back and looked forward, I had hit my head really hard on the hood of my SUV. (Mazda even stated in my book that instead of lunging forward in my SUV, people tend to shoot up to the roof.)

Anyway, my body stayed in the car, but my soul/mind definitely when for the trip of a lifetime.

I was laying prone on the softest stairs I had ever lain on. They were very much like clouds, but sparkly white and sharp as can be at the same time.

It was then I realized that I was being discussed by others. At that point, I realized just what I happened to be laying on and I caught my breath in surprise.

At that point, the others realized I was aware of my surroundings, but they didn't immediately address me in any way – they let me lay there.

Then, as things became clearer, I realized who they were. I'm not one to suppose the man in the middle who was so tall was Christ himself. I don't want to presume that I would be one of the people so specially chosen. So, instead, I try to believe it was my grandfather, Ellis. Facing them on the right I believe is my grandmother on my daddy's side. She seemed very anxious/nervous. While on the left of him stands the person I believe to be my mother, and she's whispering rather loudly into his ear.

I realize I'm about to be in trouble. My goodness, the stuff I've been doing lately. Overeating so much, being so despondent, not praying enough, etc. All that kind of stuff went through my mind at that moment.

Then they realized how hysterical I was getting, because I knew my actions in the last several years would probably not get me into heaven. When they saw how upset I was, they kind of... I still don't know how to describe it. All at once, they all looked at me and I just felt immediately calm, and I could feel a love I'll never know the touch of in this life. Without a word spoken between us, they told me essentially that I was okay, and that I would be all right.

I remember feeling like a little girl with a big grin of her face who's been told she's really going to get that pony for her birthday!!!

Well, next I remember they were heatedly still discussing me and now that I knew I was okay, I decided to listen to what they were saying. I heard the one to the left suggest they take me with them.

Not knowing what the future can hold for you, you tend to make some rash decisions in the heat of the moment. Such was this. I didn't lament leaving my children or grandchildren. Sisters and brothers never entered my mind. I didn't want to leave my husband. I shouted with my mind: BUT NO, I CAN'T LEAVE GEOFFREY.

The very next instant, I was scraping at the windshield with my right hand begging them to wait a minute let me think. But it was too late. I flinched at going Home, and they were gone like that.

Background Information:

Gender: Female

Date NDE Occurred: November 2, 2002

NDE Elements:

At the time of your experience, was there an associated life-threatening event?

How do you consider the content of your experience?

Did you feel separated from your body? Yes

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness? No sadness and/or grief feelings

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? Slightly drowsy

Did time seem to speed up or slow down? Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning Fast and slow at the same time.

Did your vision differ in any way from normal? They were standing in front of the white light and appeared to be in murkiness as a result. So, I only saw their general forms and gray shadows. But they were definitely people who loved me and they appeared to be dressed with clothing on like ours.

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings? Uncertain i loved them all very dearly

Did you see an unearthly light? Yes

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? No

What emotions did you feel during the experience? The man was very patient (remember that). The woman to his right - my grandmother - was very nervous and distressed, and the woman to his left - my mother - was very agitated, like she was trying very hard to convince him to let me come Home (heaven), this instant. Almost like she was having a temper tantrum over it. I understand now, but I didn't then, as always I thought she was being mean. But she was trying to spare me subsequent pain such as I never hope to experience again: the loss of my love for and trust in my husband.

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? No I was able to confirm to myself, if to no one else, that there is a God, he does exist in heaven and we go there if we're 'good' on earth.

Did scenes from the future come to you? No

God, Spiritual and Religion:

What was your religion prior to your experience? Moderate I am very highly spiritul but I cannot say I am conservative. I don’t "go" to church and listen to everyone complain about everyone else. I don’t like the fals smiles and the moneyplates and the ingenuine concern of the people in charch. So, especially after my NDE, I realize I no longer need to play that hypicritical game. It wont save anyone. Only thing matters is you being saved by jesus and believing with all your might in god above. That’s it. No fancy clothes, no 20 dollar collection plate donations no big expensive churches or statues. Its all about YOUR OWN soul.

What is your religion now? Moderate see above

Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes I got a whole lot cockier. I thought I could just tell my story and people would have to believe me. I never lied before, so why would I start now? But most people, although they truly wanted to believe me, thought I'd lost my mind. I felt I was also a little more than a little bit self-righteous. I'm paying for that one now. I forgot how God wants us to be humble.

Did you believe in the existence of God prior to your experience? Absolutely

Do you believe in the existence of God after your experience? Absolutely

Concerning our Earthly lives other than Religion:

During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes

Did you believe in an afterlife prior to your experience? Absolutely

Do you believe in an afterlife after your experience? Absolutely

Did you fear death prior to your experience? Slightly fearful

Do you fear death after your experience? Very fearful

After the NDE:

Was the experience difficult to express in words? Uncertain I could describe everything adequately, except the feeling of love that washed over me. There are no words for how THAT made me feel. Every time I need reassurance, I just let my memory go back to that day and try to remember that feeling. I can, but not nearly the same as when it happened.

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience? Yes Three out-of-body experiences. I don't remember where I was. I was just rudely reminded that I had not been in my body when my consciousness landed back in me.

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? Best was when I realized the way they let you know things are alright. That was truly a feeling I wish could be bottled and given to every person in the world. The worst is that I was so quick in my desire to come back to earth. I wish I would have let it play out more to see what they intended.

Have you ever shared this experience with others? Yes

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened? Experience was definitely real. Because I was awake the entire time. I did not pass out. I know I went from my car right to those steps. When I expressed fear of leaving my husband, I was clunked right back down into my own body, and I felt myself re-enter and it hurt.

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? No

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience? It is September of 2007. In 2004, I had a heart transplant. In 2006, my husband divorced me. I am one year from my divorce. I have a lot less than I had one year ago. But I will always have this experience to carry me through everything.

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience? No, it was an easy questionnaire with very good questions to prompt the memories and get the narrative flowing for me. Thank you.


Experience Description 912:

I began the day applying a new lash-curling mascara. At the end of the workday, I had a raging headache and my eyes were bloodshot due to what I believe was an allergic reaction to the mascara. I didn't think to take a headache pill before leaving work, so when I was at the light, I decided to pop into the parking lot across the way and go through the drive-through to get a small drink to wash it down with. When I entered the parking lot, having been there many times before, I remembered being sure to clear a cement light pole before starting my turn into the drive-through lane. I clearly recall seeing the light go past my windshield. However, the next thing I knew it felt like I had run over a newly installed median strip. I whipped my head back to look and no, there was nothing new there and when I again faced forward, I was looking at the pole.

The next thing I remember is lying on a set of beautiful white marble steps that were incredibly comfortable. I know I was lying there in supplication. My hands were raised above me on the next few steps and my hands were clasped as in prayer. I also remember clearly thinking that my body was back down there behind me somewhere.

When I looked up, I saw grayish-ness. I then realized there was a line of beings standing in front of me. Behind them was the famous 'White Light'. It reflecting from behind them and gave me a grayish view and so I could not discern who the beings were. I do know they felt very familiar but I won't go so far as to say they were actually family members.

I remember a lot of whispering. The tallest in the middle has 'his' head bent toward a person whispering in his ear who I view on his left. I remember at that point thinking, 'Oh, boy this is it.' I then proceeded to 'recall' all the supposedly bad things I had done in my life. Then all at once, they all looked in my direction as if realizing that I knew they were there and I was now conscious. Then all of a sudden, I got a rush of warmth and love. I cannot describe this to you, when you fall in love there is this feeling, it's nothing compared to really honestly, physically feeling love the way I felt it from them. I was like awed.

Then I remember the one on his left was really bending his ear and I really began to hear them and realized they were talking about me. Specifically whether they should allow me to stay or take me with them. I HAVE TO INSIST, THIS WAS NOT A DREAM. I vividly recall having been awake and aware of my body in the car the whole time.

I panicked at this point, and thought with desperation that I could not leave my husband, not now. He needs me. Then, that quickly, it was over.

I was totally awake and aware of where I'd just been and reached up to ask them to let me reconsider. Then I realized that was not an option. Then I looked up into my rear-view mirror and saw dark thick blood coming down my forehead. My first thought was back to a scalp wound I had as a kid. It was bright red, not a big deal. I knew right away that this wasn't good. The next thought was to turn my headlights off as the car had stalled so as not to kill my battery. My next thought was that I needed to get help. I tried to open my door but it was shoved back and so I had to remove my seatbelt and physically turn in my seat and shove it open a bit. (I had electric windows, but the thought never entered my head to open it until one of the people helping suggested it).

Fortunately, there was an ambulance in the parking lot already because they were picking up a fall victim. They came right over after the people who responded to me got their attention. Unfortunately, the official report reads that I was unbelted, with no headlights and starred the windshield, none of which was true. Anyway, I have since tried to relate this to people. They act like, okay sooth the sick-headed woman and agree. Or, oh no I believe YOU believe it happened.

I am sure it wasn't that great an event for anyone, least of all your establishment, but for me whether anyone else in the world believes or not, I am one person who cannot wait until the end, because of my few seconds at the steps of heaven.

I believe from my experience that God loves us. That most of the written bad things we may have done can and are forgiven. I used to believe in a 'judgment day'. When I started fretting over my problems in the past and was treated so wonderfully by them, I now believe you are judged when you get there. No waiting. I believe in my heart I am a good person and God and Jesus exist. I believe that for those reasons, I was immediately about to enter heaven if I didn't panic. I won't panic next time. I have also helped people I know who are dying to let go a little easier too. I believe that having my experience and relating it to others makes them less tense about going home.

Background Information:

Gender: Female

Date NDE Occurred: January 4, 2001

NDE Elements:

At the time of your experience, was there an associated life-threatening event? Yes AccidentAllergic reaction Life threatening event, but not clinical death I had an accident and my head hit the top of my vehicle and split open. I needed many stitches.

How do you consider the content of your experience? Positive

The experience included: Out of body experience

Did you feel separated from your body? Yes I believe hitting the roof of my vehicle kind of knocked me out of my body. I don't remember leaving it. However, coming back was like a punch in the head from the top.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? I was very alert and knew every second what was happening around and to me

Did time seem to speed up or slow down? No

Did your hearing differ in any way from normal? Just the people whispering. I was physically in my car alone and no one was near my car. So I know the whispering was what I had said it was.

Did you pass into or through a tunnel? No I did not, however, when they were deciding my fate, I feel I would have gone with them through the light behind them, had I had no problem going with them. I got scared and panicked though.

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings? Yes Several beings, I would guess five to seven people standing in front of me. I could not make out their faces, as I said their features were in gray shadows. The tallest person was in the middle with the rest flanked to either side. The middle person appeared to be male; the person to his right (my left as I am viewing them) appeared to be female. I felt these people felt to me to be male/female. I could not discern the gender of any of the others. But all loved me and seemed anxious to know if I would go or stay with them. I don't know how any of them felt about my outburst of not wanting to leave my husband. Quick as a flash, I was back in my car. No second thoughts about it.

The experience included: Light

Did you see an unearthly light? Yes It was obvious it was white BEHIND the beings, but they blocked the light and it appeared gray to me. Murky almost.

The experience included: A landscape or city

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? A clearly mystical or unearthly realm Only that I seemed to be at the threshold of a very beautiful place. The steps were the whitest marble I'd ever seen. And more comfortable than anything I'd ever laid on before. I just knew that something this beautiful that was so comfortable was but the beginning of truly wondrous things to come -- if I hadn't panicked.

The experience included: Strong emotional tone

The experience included: Special Knowledge

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? No

The experience included: Life review

Did scenes from your past come back to you? My past flashed before me, out of my control I remember some things I did in the past and felt guilt and shame but only for a second before these people seem to come to my rescue. They didn't say it, but I FELT them say it's okay, you don't have to worry about those things. And I FELT the warmth and love like nothing I have ever physically felt before.

Did scenes from the future come to you? No

Did you come to a border or point of no return? I came to a barrier that I was not permitted to cross; or was sent back against my will

God, Spiritual and Religion:

What was your religion prior to your experience? Moderate

What is your religion now? Moderate

Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes Oh yes, I am no longer afraid of the afterlife or dying. I live each day knowing this is only a trial run. I am no longer afraid of living anymore either, because I know they really are up there, watching, and looking out for me. I feel so much safer that I ever had before my accident and experience.

The experience included: Presence of unearthly beings

After the NDE:

Was the experience difficult to express in words? No

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience? Yes Twice now, I have awakened with the sense that I had just jarringly returned to my body. Both times, as in the time when I returned to my body, I experienced what felt like someone whacking me on the head and a really bad headache following.

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? The physical feeling of love was the best part of all. Second best was knowing the 'bad' things I did in my life were forgiven. (I have asked for that forgiveness from Christ over and over for the same things sometimes not knowing if they were forgiven and apparently they were.) Thank you Jesus. I am so grateful for that. The worst part is again, feeling like I should have gone with them instead of staying here.

Have you ever shared this experience with others? Yes Disbelief of course. Humor her, she's nuts. I know you BELIEVE you had this experience. Others who claim to believe me; I cannot really gauge their reaction. I simply say to myself, God gave me this experience for a reason -- to tell about it. So I do, without embarrassment. And with total sincerity and however they choose to believe it is on them. I don't have to fear the unknown anymore. That in itself bothers some, like my husband. He's a little afraid and a little jealous I think, because I found out what my fate will be and he still doesn't know his. I have friends and family who have passed that I have shared this with and they believed, and I think I helped them not be so afraid. I am glad I could do that.

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? Yes Two out of body experiences. I don't remember being out. I remember physically re-entering my body and it hurt. Gave me a start out of my sleep and a terrific headache. As for any other things that happened to cause the same thing again, no. I am coming up to an operation. I'm a little scared because I don't know how it will go. I will let you know if anything happens then. I don't think it will though. I'll keep you posted. For some reason I just feel my time here isn't over for a while yet. I just feel that certain.

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience? Yes, at no time during this entire experience all the way up until the doctor put a needle in my head to numb it, did I ever feel any pain at all. None. I crushed the steering wheel with my chest and had no effects from it. I did smack the crown of my head resulting in a spider web splitting of my scalp, which took many stitches in and out to close, I did appear to have a concussion, which made itself known the next day. I feel truly blessed in having had this experience.

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience? No, this was very helpful in putting the event in story format. I remember it all as a split second happening. But one thing is sure, no matter how I'm feeling, when I am under the weather or unhappy, I just remember how it felt to be embraced by these beings by THEIR FEELINGS. It's just incomparable!!! I hope my little experience is helpful to you in some way. I would appreciate some sort of response, as I submitted to another site before and never heard from them.