Experience Description:

After watching many videos on NDEs and listening to different professionals state their opinions, I feel a sense of obligation to finally share my experience. With the help of Hubble, what I saw has definitely been verified.

My NDE happened over 47 years ago when I was struck by lightning while talking on the telephone in my living room. According to several doctors at the hospital, it was a miracle that I was not physically damaged in any way. When I was able to talk, I kept telling them about the beautiful light and the magnificent journey that I'd taken through the stars. Nobody could explain to me where I'd been. It was my home doctor who later suggested that I had possibly been momentarily dead. I described the unforgettable Light to many people in the years that followed. Some people seemed to understand but most thought it was probably just an illusion.

During the 1980s and 1990s a lot of doctors who made comments on NDEs, described them as something that was programmed within the mind that took place during death in order to help people deal with the dying process. This came as a big disappointment to me. My beautiful experience with the multi-coloured Light had taken away the fear of death and helped me move towards a path that would eventually allow me to understand much more about myself and the world/universe around me. Nobody could ever teach me from that perspective.

I reluctantly began to accept the doctors explanations with deep regret. Then one day in 2003, I was glancing through a newspaper and came across a picture taken by the Hubble telescope of the Cone Nebula. The picture was in color and instantly took my breath away. I trembled and my head spun. It looked exactly like the Light that I'd visited in 1970 and what I had been describing to people ever since. Even today, it seems like I was there only a moment ago.

The Light was the most beautiful experience of love and security. Even after all these years, nothing has compared to it. It felt like I'd found my way home after being lost in a scary jungle. The Light's multitude of vibrant colors all blended together in what seemed to be perfect harmony. Each of the colours seemed to be intelligent, as if they were alive and sending me a loving welcome. Then I was whisked backwards away just as quickly as I'd arrived. I burst back into the bubble that I'd burst out of before I'd entered space to head to the Light.

From then on, I begun to question everything that I'd been taught about God. It was as though something inside me had been switched on. It was exposing me to a far-distant extension of my reality. It was very scary. I was left with a huge void to fill and no knowledge on how to fill it. Motivated by an underlying driving force, I began searching for something although I had no idea what it was. I went from one country to the next. I seemed to arrive just in time for disasters that included revolutions, typhoons, earthquakes and other problems. There were so many times that I could have been killed like the many others I saw around me.

Then one day while I was napping in Hong Kong, I had a dream. In the dream, I was told that there was even more chaos to confront before my destiny would take me to a country where I would meet a person who would be my best friend. This person would take me to the foot of a great-pointed mountain. Once there I would find the truth that I needed to find. I told friends about the dream. They laughed and joked about it and so did I. Not long after the strange dream, 500 hundred people were killed by landslides all around me. An apartment building, a couple of doors away from mine, fell over. It knocked the top 5 floors off the empty building being built beneath it. There were cries of horror and the smell of rotting bodies. Unable to cope, I jumped on a plane and headed for Manila. I arrived in time for a record-breaking flood and the revolution that ended the Marcus ruling. I had to run for my life, leave all my belongings behind, and get on a rescue flight back to Hong Kong.

By then I was drinking heavily and so depressed that I was even thinking of suicide. An agent was in Hong Kong and looking for a replacement vocalist for an American band that was playing in a Tokyo club. Next thing I knew, I was in Japan trying my best to perform with a very wild, heavy metal band. This was hard because I was a cabaret singer. At the club I met someone who became the best mate that I'd ever had. He taught me to chant the words Nam-myoho-renge kyo and took me to a beautiful temple at the foot of Mount Fuji. I knew right away that it was the pointed mountain that I'd been told about in my dream. Like most religious groups do, the organisation promoting the chant, claimed to be the only right religion while all the others were deemed wrong. The chant had an amazing effect on my daily life. It was like an awakening and somehow it connected me to the beautiful Light. There were even moments while chanting, that I experienced some of the wonderment that I'd felt at the Light.

I stuck with the organisation to learn as much as I could and then spent years trying to divide what the actual teaching was from the added politics of the organization. I eventually left the organization and have since depended on myself to sort things out. In doing so, I have studied other beliefs and discovered that some of what they teach is almost the same as what Nichiren taught. Nichiren was the first person to chant NMRK and teach it to others. The one thing that became more and more obvious to me was that the three major Laws of Nature; Cause, Effect, and Communication or oneness of past/present/future, represented by the chant myoho-renge-kyo, represent the underlying fundamental Laws of everything. This was no-matter what I choose to believe or not. I also gained a better understanding of the teachings of Jesus. I did not learn by what was written about his lessons from his disciples but by the example that he set 'between the lines.' He also taught the law of Nature which is Cause and Effect where we reap what we sow. He taught prayer, which is communication. But it appears that the disciple's didn't get it right, even though when they asked where the Kingdom of God was and Jesus told them that it was within their own lives. They still believed and taught others to believe that God was a man in the sky. I also learned that, minus all the added misconceptions, Nichiren taught many of the same things as Jesus did.

Scientists now say that our solar system was born out of a nebula. They say that physically everything, including ourselves, are made out of stardust and that energy never disappears or ends. Nichiren taught that our body is a small planet, which relies on Earth's environment to exist. He said that our life-force is a small universe that contains 'everything' that exists, even though we are only awake to a very small part of it. Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is within, obviously must mean that's where God is also. Nichiren taught that Enlightenment, otherwise known as Buddhahood, is within. He also taught that there are millions of other worlds like ours with their own mountains, rivers and moons. He said that there are also places that are wonderful far beyond our present comprehension to conceive and understand. In the physical sense they are scattered all over the universe, but in the spiritual sense they are all located within each of us. Analogous to a TV, it doesn't matter how many TVs there are, they are all able to present the same thing if the receiver is tuned in.

The one thing that confused me after seeing the pictures of Cone Nebular, taken by Hubble back in 2003, was how could I have possibly traveled that distance and back? Even at the speed of light, that wouldn't have been possible. Yet, long before Hubble was even built, I accurately described the Cone nebular to so many people. It's only in the last few years that it has finally made sense to me. I went there and back within my own life-force. I traveled across the universe that each of us contain within, not physically but spiritually. I now know that NDEs are journies we make beyond our physical/earthly limitations, into our own unknown selves. I also believe that, by way of continuous physical rebirths, we are on a journey within to eventually discover our true selves. This is to reach a point where we can understand life as it truly is and awaken the wisdom to comprehend and know the real meaning of 'God'.