Experience Description

I've only recently wanted to talk about my experience because it destroyed my previous life.

I woke up in the hospital bed after passing out in the emergency room. I was delirious from fever. I decided to go outside to cool down and have a smoke. I found my cigarettes, put my pants, and grabbed the hospital slippers. Then I walked out of the ward, pushing my IV stand along side of me.

While entering the elevator, the tiny wheels of the IV stand got caught in the elevator door, I causing my body to jerk back and my head into the wall. My teeth instantly went numb while the door kept trying to shut. I regrouped and made it to the main floor and went outside.

When the nurse in charge of the sixth floor ward found me, I was outside lying on my back on the soothing, cold concrete sidewalk smoking my cigarette. The nurse was very angry at me and told me not to move and that she'd be right back. That was fine with me because I couldn't get up if my life depended on it.

The nurse came back with two orderlies. They got me loaded onto a wheelchair and shortly thereafter, I passed out. The next thing I remember was waking up on the colonoscopy table. Then I passed out from the pain once more.

It turns out I was septic from an intestinal leak. I thought that the doctor had repaired the problem, but I then woke up in the middle of the night on fire with my abdomen blown up like a basketball. I rang the nurse.

The doctor rushed in my room and proceeded to rip open my partially healed gut with his hands. This decisively brutal action definitely saved my life. I passed out, again.

Then, I was floating above the bed and could see myself lying there with all the nice white sheets covered in putrid fluids.

An ethereal being, with a no nonsense countenance, firmly grabbed my shoulder and proceeded to take me down a long, roughly-hewn, vertical shaft. It stunk, was hot and the air was devoid of oxygen.

We were flying head-first, at a high rate of speed, with my face 6 inches away from the wall. I told the guide to slow down and have us to lead with our feet. The guide accelerated and told me that I was not in charge here.

The tunnel opened into a massive cavern. The sounds of anguish and filthy language I heard was indescribable. I somersaulted and then hit the bottom of the cavern. It was really hot and it stunk so bad. I was standing in wiggling worms up to my ankles. My guide was perched on a rock.

As my eyes adjusted to the blackness, I saw some movement to the left. What looked like something growing out of the side wall of the cave was a defeated-looking black angel. It must have been there a long time, because mineral deposits encased it almost up to the elbows. The angel's arms were together as if it had been handcuffed, and it's right wing was immobilized and part of the cave wall. It flapped it's left wing like an injured bird to try and scoot it's body around. It slowly lifted it's head, gave my guide and I a sidelong glance and turned away from us. I felt sorry for it.

Demons of every type were flying all around screaming obscenities and wailing.

A three-foot diameter snake slithered by for what seemed like forever until it disappeared into the blackness. Then a nasty creature stopped and slammed me against the cave wall before moving on.

I looked up at my tour guide who raised his hand and then things went quiet. I could get no air. As I was passing out, I saw a shimmer of white on the cave floor and crawled to it. I laid on the cloth and immediately knew I would live. It was a very welcome oasis. I could feel the worms wiggling under the lifesaving barrier.

My guide grabbed me and took me out of the hell hole. The demons followed but I sensed a barrier they could not cross.

My guide imparted some far reaching personal knowledge to me. This has all come true. He then headed to the bright, white light emanating from the tunnel on the right.

I was instantly floating above my body and looking down on it. I was in a different room, all cleaned up and with tubes in every orifice. I floated for a bit wondering how I'd get past the tubes. Through no effort of my own, I wasback in my body. I remembered that my teeth were hot.

They tell me I was in hospital for an extended time, but I only have vague memories from 2 days. I did receive my last rites.

Background Information:

Gender: Male

Date NDE Occurred: 1992