Experience Description

I was about to connect a tri-phase board and when I was finishing the task, the boards exploded in my face. My hands were on the board causing the electricity to course through me. I experienced very high temperatures for a few seconds and a voltaic arc was produced. For reasons unknown, the short was not caused by me. Perhaps the receptacle or the fissure was carbonised? I don't know. My face and hands were burnt and my cotton shirt was on fire. At temperatures approaching that of plasma, I was lying on the floor screaming, 'Why?' I had not done anything incorrectly.

The emergency services came and took me to the burns unit at the state hospital. I remember the questions about awareness, did I Iose consciousness? No, Did you electrocute yourself? No. After they put something on me, I fainted. So they intubated me immediately, as my respiratory channels had been burned. I was in an induced coma for approximately two weeks, during which I experienced unforgettable experiences but not traumatic for me. It seemed that at a certain point my lungs had stopped working.

I felt like I had died. I travelled along a black, square tunnel, with images of my relatives who had passed on. I saw them on both sides of the tunnel. In the center, all my life was shown to me in sequence. I saw some tools and old things made of steel like old cars. All the images were in black and white. All the while, I was aware I was shouting, 'I don't want to die! I DON'T want to die! I DON'T want to die! I have two small girls, and I DON'T want to die! I DON'T want to die!' I said that there wasn't a God because no God would take me from my family. I arrived at the end of the tunnel and a diffuse white light shone. Suddenly, I went back through the sequence. I quickly came back and arrived at the beginning.

I woke up in a bed, in a very old hospital and some boys were massaging my back and my chest. I looked to the right of my head, where there was seated a boy who caressed my head slowly. He was a very beautiful chestnut brown-haired boy, with green eyes, transmitting so much peace and love. I heard the voices of the doctors saying, 'Live, Live!!'

This was a tremendous experience. I spent 21 days in the hospital, with 3rd degree and 2nd degree burns. I came back to life from death. I clung on to this marvellous life, to be alive, the strong dynamic of life, an existence which is tremendously grandiose. Above all I learned to love your body as it is, to love every cell, and every atom, of our organism. My wounds healed, I carried on living with a much greater faith than before, thanks to God.

Background Information:

Gender: Male

Date NDE Occurred: 17/11/2010

NDE Elements:

At the time of your experience, was there an associated life-threatening event? Yes Accident. Life threatening event, but not clinical death. Induced coma, pulmonary lesions and burns to airways.

How do you consider the content of your experience? Neither pleasant NOR distressing

Did you feel separated from your body? No No

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness? Normal consciousness and alertness I felt as if I was passing. I heard the voices of the doctors, which I can remember even up to today, as if it were recorded.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? I was always conscious of being alive, and I remember it all as if it were now.

Were your thoughts speeded up? Faster than usual

Did time seem to speed up or slow down? Time seemed to go faster or slower than usual

Were your senses more vivid than usual? Incredibly more vivid

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. I saw a deep dark space with rectangular black and white images on the sides.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. I never heard any noise in particular just the voice of my awareness: clearly mine.

Did you seem to be aware of things going on elsewhere? No

Did you pass into or through a tunnel? Yes I saw images in my awareness through the black tunnel, and at the end was a white diffuse light, I went back to the beginning, and I returned backwards.

The experience included: Presence of deceased persons

Did you see any beings in your experience? I actually saw them

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings? No See narrative

Did you see, or feel surrounded by, a brilliant light? No

Did you see an unearthly light? No

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? No

What emotions did you feel during the experience? To feel you have died is terribly disconcerting and made me feel anguished and powerless and defeated, thoughts went by of spending time with my girls, no more sex with my wife, and suddenly click... 'NO, NO I don't want to die', and of course the gladness and happiness of living, came back.

Did you have a feeling of peace or pleasantness? Relief or calmness

Did you have a feeling of joy? No

Did you feel a sense of harmony or unity with the universe? I felt no longer in conflict with nature

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? Everything about myself or others

Did scenes from your past come back to you? No

Did scenes from the future come to you? No

Did you come to a border or point of no return? I came to a definite conscious decision to return to life I think, basically, they made me cling to life and because of all the common daily things, that all living beings have, and that it is important to share unforgettable moments with loved ones. The dynamics of life are infinitely unique, death is nothing, absolutely nothing, the impalpable total use of the senses, perhaps there exists an astral world; but the astral being lacked palpable feeling it is abstract, tremendously cold.

God, Spiritual and Religion:

What importance did you place on your religious/spiritual life prior to your experience? Slightly important to me

What was your religion prior to your experience? Christian- Catholic

Have your religious practices changed since your experience? No

What importance do you place on your religious/spiritual life after your experience? Slightly important to me

What is your religion now? Christian- Catholic

Did your experience include features consistent with your earthly beliefs? Content that was entirely consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience

Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? No

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice? No

Did you see deceased or religious spirits? I actually saw them

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)? No

During your experience, did you gain information about premortal existence? Yes en un momento no recuerdo cuando rrecorri toda mi vida hacia atras muy radidamente y llegue al africa estaba siendo amamantado por una mujer negra veia leones jirafas alrrededor esas imagenes eran en colores supongo que era el comienzo de mi vida

During your experience, did you gain information about universal connection or oneness? Yes I believe in sensory beings, the mystic is always present, in the evolution of our own planet, only a tiny percentage of our brain is used to capacity. I believe God exists inside every one of us, that it is all powerful.

Did you believe in the existence of God prior to your experience? God definitely exists

During your experience, did you gain information about the existence of God? Yes I only asked, because I felt I was dead. I asked 'Is there a God to help me, or save me?' I got to the end and returned, Thank God!

Do you believe in the existence of God after your experience? God definitely exists

Concerning our Earthly lives other than Religion:

During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? No

Did you believe that our earthly lives are meaningful and significant prior to your experience? Are probably meaningful and significant

During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? No

Did you believe in an afterlife prior to your experience? An afterlife probably exists

Do you believe in an afterlife after your experience? An afterlife probably exists No

Did you fear death prior to your experience? I did not fear death

Do you fear death after your experience? I do not fear death

Were you fearful living your life prior to your experience? Not fearful in living my earthly life

Were you fearful living your life after your experience? Not fearful in living my earthly life

Did you believe that our earthly lives are meaningful and significant prior to your experience? Are probably meaningful and significant

Did you believe that our earthly lives are meaningful and significant after your experience? Are meaningful and significant

Did you gain information about how to live our lives? No I realised that a course on mental control, in my adolescence, helped me very much during the coma. In my awareness, it showed me how to heal myself rapidly and of course, my belief in a superior God that I love, and in an Inner God, that each of us has, and that we are sensory beings.

During your experience, did you gain information about life's difficulties, challenges and hardships? No

Were you compassionate prior to your experience? Unknown

During your experience, did you gain information about love? No

Were you compassionate after your experience? Slightly compassionate toward others

What life changes occurred in your life after your experience? Simply, I cling to life more, and I try to experience beautiful moments with my loved ones.

Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? No

After the NDE:

Was the experience difficult to express in words? No It wasn't difficult to explain as I remember it well.

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience? I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of the experience. I think that both, through the fact that it was an uncommon experience and because it was traumatic, I remember it very clearly.

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience? No

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? When I said, 'N-O-O-O-O-O, I don't want to die. Isn't there a God?' I, then, came back through the tunnel.

Have you ever shared this experience with others? Yes With my family.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? No

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened? Experience was definitely real I felt very grateful to be alive, and being able to continue living, I didn't like the idea of anything that vast impalpable and abstract.

What do you believe about the reality of your experience now? Experience was definitely real I think it was real; there are stories of other people that experienced something similar in the tunnel and that makes it clear that something happened that no one else could describe because, unlike me, they couldn't come back.

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? No

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience? The use of medication to keep me in an induced coma, such as morphine, I experienced extremely beautiful images, three-dimensional images in colour, fantastically designed beauty. I think it was under the effects of the medication they gave me. The images were so exquisitely beautiful, pleasant and intoxicating women in sequence, which accompanied my breathing: just silhouettes in green. I believe I was drugged, much as if people feel under the influence of hallucinogens; when they gave me anaesthetic I heard a voice counting in reverse order from 20 to 0, and when it arrived at 0: W-h-o-o-o-sh! My brain exploded and I started to see these very beautiful images, all of which occurred before my experience with death, and I think they were at the beginning of the coma.

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience? I am looking to the future for 3 D animation (Holographic) of the experience to make it more palpable and comprehensible.