Experience Description

Since I remember I have had mystic, paranormal or metaphysical experiences, in this paper I will try to describe some of them.

When at home, my grandparents or mother talked about dead relatives remembering them in a nice warm way, sometimes pictures fell from the wall or 'strange' things would happen.

Later during the course of my life, I found out that there were normal things that happen as if someone from another Realm or the other side of the veil wanted to say something but didn't know how.

In 1985 my wife and son were sick so they were lying in bed resting, it was nothing serious, just a flu.

I was in the living room reading a metaphysics book from Connie Mendez. I got to a paragraph where I read ' if you need help, just ask for it', so I said 'God, please help Patricia and Eddy to be well, ' and that was it. Later in the evening we had supper, we put our son to bed and Patricia and I went to bed too. I don't know at what time, but it was late at night when I heard someone walking in our apartment's corridor, (the whole apartment had carpet). I Listened carefully and the footsteps sounded just like my grandfather used to walk. At that moment I was well awake and aware, I felt the presence of my grandfather (R.I.P.) in our room. I even saw how the mattress sank as if somebody had sat on it and mentally a heard him say 'you asked for help so I'm here to help.'

That communication gave me assurance that everything would be ok, but I was very scared and I woke up my wife to tell her what just happened.

Ever since then I have regular communication with my deceased loved ones.

In 1994 a guy wanted to rob me and he stabbed me three times, in my thigh, my stomach and my hand. I started yelling for help and fortunately the thief left me alone. Someone called the paramedics and they took me to the nearest hospital. When in the ambulance, I saw a beam of light through a scratch from the window paint. At that moment I thought of my parents (R.I.P.) and asked for help, they told me (telepathically), 'don't ́worry son, you are going to be fine. We have more important things to do. Catch with you later.). That communication gave me assurance that everything would be ok.

In 2009 I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. I got a radical prostatectomy procedure on May 11, 2011. In July 2015 I had a relapse and had 43 radiations that gave me several secondary side effects and also secondary side effects from several medications. I was in pretty bad shape.

When I was diagnosed I was afraid, angry, asking myself 'why me?' questions, but within a week or two and with my family and friends support I decided to accept cancer as a new life changing lesson and I was grateful to it too because not everybody has the opportunity to learn from a cancer experience. I've always been a very positive person and always thought that things happen for a bigger purpose even though we can't understand them at the moment.

After the cancer surgery, I began to work with myself through my Higher Self, always trying to focus on health, meditating, chanting mantras, and being as positive as I could even though I was very weak from bleedings, asthenia, adynamia, malabsorption of food nutrients that caused me anemic and an important loss of weight.

Years went by and I was in and out of hospitals for several reasons and various illnesses mostly due to the side effects of radiation and medicine.

Due to the side effects, I had several surgeries and in these surgeries I always hoped to have an out of body experience (OBE). It didn't happen until December 2021, when I had an intestinal surgery due to adhesions from other surgeries and got constipated. I had part of my jejunum removed. After the surgery I was in the ICU and 2 or 3 days later I was operated again due to internal bleeding. Before the surgery I was sedated to have an ultrasound scan.

When I was back in the ICU I couldn't speak, tears of Joy and Love ran all over my face, Patricia and one of the ICU caregivers were confused and didn't know what was happening to me, I only could make signs with my hands making symbols as to let them know that everything was amazing, that I had seen ALL! When I finally relaxed I told them that I had been with my grandfather and that everything was so beautiful, filled with all kinds of geometry, light and love, I was mesmerized! Later that same evening I went into surgery again and remained at the ICU for 15 days.

I was depressed, medicated for depression and with new side effects from those medications too. My family and friends were all very supportive and cheering me up all the time but I got to a point in December 2022 that I began to give up, I was just so tired of everything that I couldn't keep going anymore and I began to isolate myself. It was Christmas and my children were home with their families but it didn't seem as happy and cheerful as other years, I was completely isolated and sleeping all day. I woke early in the morning just to be alone in the garden with my pets watching the trees, the birds, the sky listening to the sounds of nature.

On January 9, 2023, after an appointment at one of my doctors, Patricia and I got home. I felt so tired, but really very tired, I had trouble getting up the stairs to our room. Patricia helped me undress and put on my pajamas. She helped me sit down and reclined me a bit in a comfort chair. I held her arm and told her not to go away. She was only going to go to the other side of the room for some water and to turn the TV on for me to listen to music. I didn't want to let go of her arm but she insisted and with sadness I let go, but not only I let go off her arm, I let go of life.

She didn't realize what just happened until she saw me motionless lying on the comfort chair. She started yelling at me to wake up, she slapped me several times on the face, she even poured water on my back yelling 'Please don't do this to me! Eduardo please don't ́do this to me!' I could hear her like in the background of what I was feeling, I was in complete bliss, I felt a very bright light filled with energy that warmed my soul. Everything was so beautiful, peaceful and filled with indescribable music and an enormous love that I had never ever felt before.

I felt the presence of my mom and dad, my grandparents and some other family and friends. I was in what we call Heaven; another realm, dimension or density. At the same time, I could see what was happening around me and I could see into the future also. I felt very sad to see Patricia, my children, family and friends suffering from my death. I could see my funeral, so sad and overwhelming to everybody but my son Oceano. Without words but pure telepathy I heard God telling me in such a lovely way, 'remember that you have Free Will.' It was at that moment that I decided to come back, because I knew I had to come and let everybody know that death is not the end of our life, that it is only a change in matter but we still stick around the people we love at the same time that we are also living in other realities.

Simultaneously I could see and listen to what Patricia was doing, she called the doctor, the doctor called an ambulance, at the same time the doctor's call was off and Jaime, my son in law was on the line asking Patricia what was wrong, he put Paulina our daughter on the phone with her mother she was very calm and supportive to her. She told her to stay calm, that she had already called some of her friends and that she also called Tassy (our niece) and told them what was happening and that they were on their way to our house. Paulina was on another line with Oceano, my son, who lives in San Francisco and was sending me Reiki. Before Paulina called him he was kind of nervous walking back and forth sensing something was happening.

I was coming back to life again when I saw the paramedics in my room asking my name and checking my vital signs. At the same moment the paramedic pushed her knuckles into my sternum I opened my eyes and said ' hey, don't do that, that hurts!'

Sitting at the foot of the bed was Patricia's ́friend Eva holding my hand, but to me she wasn't Eva she was my mom telling me that everything was fine. Patricia was by my side and on the other side was Tassy. In front of the door was Chely and then David, my doctor. The whole experience lasted about 35-45 minutes, and everybody was crying with joy to see me alive again. I was hungry and asked for something to eat.

From that 9th of January up to this day I have been feeling better every day, all my analysis, x-rays, TACs, and electrocardiograms are ALL perfect. After a little bit more than six years of almost lying in bed all the time and coming in and out from hospitals I started swimming again four months ago and working two months ago. For me this was an extremely special experience that gave me the opportunity to see life in another more spiritual way. I am blessed.

Background Information:

Gender: Male

Date NDE Occurred: January 9, 2023

NDE Elements:

At the time of your experience, was there an associated life-threatening event? Yes Illness Surgery-related Sedated for an abdominal procedure Other At the time, the paramedics came to my home I was just coming back from the NDE Patricia (my wife) I was 'out' for 35-45 minutes, barely breathing and with a very low heart rate. Non responsive

How do you consider the content of your experience? Entirely pleasant

Did you feel separated from your body? Yes I could listen to what was happening around me. Patricia yelling at me 'Please don't do this to me' several times, she poured water in my neck and slapped me on the face several times, she was calling the doctor and asking for an ambulance, she also was with Paulina (my daughter) at the phone, and I could hear Paulina calming Patricia and calling Oceano(my son), some friends and Tassy my niece and Robert her husband for help and support.

Also, if you saw or heard any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your consciousness / awareness was apart from your physical / earthly body that you later (after your experience) verified either was (or was not) real, please describe: The same as above, I told them exactly what they everybody was saying and doing. They all agreed I clearly left my body and existed outside it

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal I was in a very spiritual realm with God communicating telepathically. At the same time, I could hear what was happening in that moment at home. I could see my funeral with detail.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? All the time in both sides at the same time.

Were your thoughts speeded up? Incredibly fast

Did time seem to speed up or slow down? Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning. As I said before, I could also hear what was going on in my house and that was also happening at the same time that I was on the NDE but I could hear it like from far away but with timing

Were your senses More vivid than usual? More vivid than usual

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. Prior to the experience I gave up, I didn´t have the strength anymore to keep on 'fighting' to live During the experience I felt great, I felt a very warm bright energy, peaceful, I had an enormous joy and Happiness, there are no sufficient words to express the contact with God.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. My hearing was like amplified, I could hear (telepathically) God speaking to me and at the same time I could hear like far away what was happening at home around me

Did you seem to be aware of things going on elsewhere? Yes, but the facts have not been checked out

Did you pass into or through a tunnel? No

Did you see any beings in your experience? I sensed their presence

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings? Yes My parents, grandparents, relatives and dear friends

Did you see, or feel surrounded by, a brilliant light? An unusually bright light

Did you see an unearthly light? Yes like seeing to the sun but thru it and with a warm, super bright golden white light full of love, peace and harmony at the same time and without hurting my eyes because you don´t see like we see here on Earth. We have many other senses that can let you feel everything at the same time.

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? A clearly mystical or unearthly realm. As I explained before, I was in a realm where my senses were multiplied and I was aware that I had other senses so I could feel and sense the kind of love, happiness, joy, warmth, peace of that white golden super bright light that surrounded me and didn't hurt my eyes. It was like looking thru the sun.

What emotions did you feel during the experience? Bliss, love, peace, joy, Happiness, so alive. There are no words that I can think of in our vocabulary to express the kind of feelings and emotions that I experimented

Did you have a feeling of peace or pleasantness? Incredible peace or pleasantness

Did you have a feeling of joy? Incredible joy

Did you feel a sense of harmony or unity with the universe? I felt united or one with the world

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? Everything about myself or others I also understood Everything about the universe. I understood that everything that happens has a purpose. That some of us came to Earth as volunteers in order to experience the life as we know it now. There is nothing like it in other Realms or planets. Our experience is helping every soul and I mean EVERY and ALL the souls in all the Multiverse as to understand what we feel

Did scenes from your past come back to you? No

Did scenes from the future come to you? Scenes from my personal future I could see what my funeral looked like, I could see my family and friends and didn't like it. That is why I came back

Did you come to a border or point of no return? I came to a definite conscious decision to return to life God told me 'Remember that you have Free Will.' That was when I decided to come back and share with my loved ones that there is nothing to be afraid about death. That when we 'die' here on Earth we are only changing our physical form to another kind of energy.

As Einstein said ' matter cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes from one form to another'. And even when we cannot see anymore our deceased loved ones if we 'tune to the correct frequency' we can feel and sense them and telepathically talk with them

God, Spiritual and Religion:

What was your religion prior to your experience? Other or several faiths: Spiritual with a true belief of the existence of God

Have your religious practices changed since your experience? Yes I am closer to God; I meditate more and practice stillness.

What is your religion now? Other or several faiths Spiritual with a true belief of the existence of God

Did your experience include features consistent with your earthly beliefs? Content that was entirely consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience. Everything that I thought I knew before the experience was reinforced with the NDE as well as new knowledge

Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes I feel more love, compassion, respect, tolerance, patience, integrity towards myself and others. I honor, respect and do not judge every life form including mine of course.

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice? I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin I could hear telepathically God saying to me 'Remember that you have Free Will'

Did you see deceased or religious spirits? I sensed their presence

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)? No

During your experience, did you gain information about premortal existence? Yes We all exist in many other Realms, densities or planets at the same time. It all happens at once, there is no timing, it's all infinite

During your experience, did you gain information about universal connection or oneness? Yes Yes, as I said before, God spoke to me, my deceased ones and loved ones spoke to me and I saw the majesty of all that Is

During your experience, did you gain information about the existence of God? Yes As I wrote before, God told me 'Remember that you have Free Will'. I knew then that I had to come back and explain to family and friends how life works and try to make them conscious of all this

Concerning our Earthly lives other than Religion:

During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes We all make agreements before welcome to Earth in order for all to learn and experience what each of us must. These contracts are made in other Realms where we agree to live the lives we currently live now in order for everyone to grow spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, so that once we've learned what we must we can access higher levels of consciousness and in this way be able to access higher Realms and vibrational levels

During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Yes I knew I had to come back and tell my experience to family and loved ones so that they maybe can understand that there is nothing to fear about 'dying', instead, we have to be happy because our dear one who left this life has transcended to another Realm, Universe or planet with a higher vibrational level and higher consciousness awareness. We are here on Earth learning and every time we 'fail' in a life lesson; we are going to repeat it until we learn. Just as in school, when you graduate from school everybody is happy, we even have parties around the event because the graduate has more knowledge. Someone dying should also bring joy and Happiness to us because he 'graduated' and went to a higher level. Of course, it is absolutely normal to cry, be sad and grieve, because we are accustomed to interacting physically with each other, this is also part of the 'Perfect Plan of God' and a lesson for everyone to understand and achieve it. To be sad and grieve for a while is normal, to suffer is optional

During your experience, did you gain information about an afterlife? Yes My NDE reinforced my thoughts about life after life because I could see-feel-sense all that Is.

Did you gain information about how to live our lives? No

During your experience, did you gain information about life's difficulties, challenges and hardships? Yes As I said above, we have to go through many different lessons and lives for us to understand and learn how to live the life we are currently living. We are spirits living a human experience. Our experiences here on Earth helps everybody because we are all ONE from The One. Life on Earth is about duality among other things, in another Realms, planets or Universes there is no duality, no ego.

During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes I experienced a kind of love that is so big, immense, and so different from the love we experience on Earth. There are many kinds of love, the love for your spouse or partner, the love for your children, family, friends, pets, nature, etc. But the kind of love that I experienced with God and everything around it is a kind of love we do not quite experience here on Earth, it's a kind of love so big that you cannot describe it, just sense and feel it. It is unconditional love; the kind of love only very special spirits having a human experience can feel and emanate.

What life changes occurred in your life after your experience? Large changes in my life

Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? I feel closer to my family and loved ones; they feel closer to me as well. Yes

After the NDE:

Was the experience difficult to express in words? Yes because there are no words in our vocabulary that can fully express the majesty of the event

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience? I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of the experience. I remember everything as if it just happened

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience? Yes I am more sensitive in understanding people, I can feel a total connection with God and deceased loved ones, I can 'tune in' faster with God, deceased loved ones my Higher Self and others Higher Selves . I can ask for permission to help someone from Higher Self to Higher Self. My intuition has grown and I take it more seriously, I feel love in my heart and can give unconditional love from my heart not from my brain. My whole body is more sensitive to feeling energy.

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? First of all the fact that I had direct contact with God, also with loved ones, being able to 'see' and sense all that Is. It is something impressive, awesome, mesmerizing. There are no words for describing the love, joy, beauty, bliss, Happiness that I felt, saw and sensed with many other senses that we don´t have on this life. That's why it is so difficult to explain, there are simply no words in our vocabulary that get close to express all that Is.

Have you ever shared this experience with others? Yes Some things I could share immediately when I came back but couldn't finish speaking because I got very emotional very fast. As days went by I became more specific and as more months have passed I began to remember many other things that are coming through me as I write this paper.

Some family members and close friends can't understand it, some do in their own way, and agree in many ways with what I've told them. As time goes by they are amazed of my new attitude, health, energy, strength, the things that I say, the way I act, many have even told me that even my voice has changed , it sounds so alive. I wrote before that the day my NDE happened, Oceano (my son), was kind of restless sensing that something was going on, Tassy (my niece) was also uneasy.

The day it happened showed Oceano to release and let go. I felt his energy when I was in the NDE and he was surprised and grateful when I came back. He saw me generating so much love and joy out from nowhere that a lot of people couldn´t understand because I was in another vibrational level.

Oceano understood, and inspired him as well as in a deeper sense of Happiness. It brought us closer as well as to have a better understanding of each other.

Patricia, (my wife): she was very scared, desperate, slapping me on the face, pouring water in my neck, nervous and frightened but at the same time trying to be calm and control her emotions. When I came back she was stunned and surprised because I was so calm and as if anything had happened, just as if I just have awakened from a repairing sleep. 'I am very grateful that you are still here with me. at first you seemed like maladjusted and strange, very emotional and talking about things that only you understood, little by little you began surprisingly to normalize in all ways, like if you were new and just had a reset'

Oceano (my son): 'He feels calmer and eager to talk with, supportive and wiser. This strengthens our connection and bond. I also felt really blessed that even though I lost a Dad I got a new Dad that is at least three times even better. It´s like he got improved and renewed. Also feeling really grateful for the blessings and the miracles that God did and finding a deeper sense of my own appreciations for my own life. He also helped about who to be closer with and validate my intuition'.

Nichola (Oceano´s wife): 'I noticed a distinct change in confidence, more peaceful, a kind of special presence , not as anxious'.

'In March of last year, I could feel his entire being that brought tears from the love he emanated from the experience he had. We spoke without speaking being in another level, it was glorious, I sensed him freed from emotional pain, his heart just shined and felt a big trust in what is trusting in the Divine timing of things. He is aware and heart open to what happens with much Grace, his aura shines and it´s palpable'.

Roberto (Tassy´s husband): 'It´s admirable that after so many years since he was diagnosed with cancer, surgeries, multiple medical treatments, in and out from hospitals several times, the resilience that he has'.

'In November - December 2022 I could see Eduardo desperate and very tired. I felt what was likely to happen very soon and I told Tassy and Oceano about it. The day of the event Paulina called me urging to go to her parent´s house because Eduardo was in bad shape, possibly dying...' 'When I got there I went to his bedroom and I was in shock to see him lifeless'.

'Some time later he comes back and looked at me, he takes my hand and says to me 'I´m glad you came ( he was crying as if he knew what had happened and where he had been). Tears ran down my face because of the feeling and emotion he transmitted and to see Patricia´s strength being at his side'.

'My family and loved ones came to my mind immediately and I realized that we are here but in a second we may not. This experience helped me to get closer to my family'.

Tassy (my niece): 'Since my uncle was diagnosed I had my ups and downs. Ups when he was joyful and downs when he was down. We´ve been always very close. I spoke regularly with my mother (Patty, who lives in Tucson, Az.) and told her that it was very painful for me to see him sick. I wanted to spend more time with him but I knew he had to have his space because of the healing process he was doing'.

'The day of the event I was meditating in my own personal healing process, I heard my phone ring several times. As it rang and rang I felt like I was spinning every time faster and faster, I was like in a pink vortex. For some seconds I saw you, I just hoped you were ok. When I finished meditating I saw the calls from Roberto, Paulina and Oceano, I knew something was wrong with you'.

'When I got to your house I went upstairs to your bedroom and saw you crying filled with love and very emotional, you were speaking about your mother. You told us the importance of love; you kept talking about your parents with so much feeling and emotion. I started to understand what had happened. You asked about my relationship with my father and told me to keep in touch with him and forgive him and move on as you did with your father'.

'Afterwards you asked for something to eat as if nothing had happened. When my aunt and I went upstairs with a cinnamon roll for you, you were smiling, you said you were very happy and tears ran down your face. I felt relieved to see you again more present, weak but smiling'.

'I had an idea of what had happened, your departure and your comeback...' 'When Roberto and I left, I spoke with Paulina and told her that everything was ok. Then I spoke with Oceano and told him what I had experienced, he told me that he experienced something similar to. Then I understood, we are all connected.'

'After a couple of days Oceano came to Aguascalientes, we agreed that you had been reset! You were back, more active and energetic!'

'Some days later Tía, Roberto, Oceano, you and me were having a conversation and you told us that part of your mission was to have the cancer experience and all the side effects from therapies, medicines, etc., your words made me understand your great and immense love for your family, for all of us. It is as if you decided to absorb in another Realm all the sickness and pain for all of us in our future in this life and to carry the burden yourself to avoid us having to go thru it'.

'I admire your self-esteem, your inner strength both mental and emotional, the courage to raise your hand and do it and your great love for all of us'.

'I know you want to tell many things and when you get interrupted it´s as if there was a signal that says 'not Yet'...'

'You know I can see you in the rays of the sun, flying with the hummingbirds and in the bugambilias'.

'I know that your experience since the cancer has been quite a journey from which I have learned much from you, both in earthly and spiritual ways'.

Paulina (my daughter): 'When it happened I was patient and logic trying to understand what was going on and trying to help my mother by long distance'.

'After the event I was peaceful'. 'I think that you had definitely a reset, the father that you´ve always been had returned. Days before you behaved strange, negative and down. Now, I don't hear anymore negativities; I hear positivity.' Jaime (Paulinás husband): No comment

Patty (my sister): When I first heard you died for some minutes I couldn’t believe it! I felt sad, so sad. Then you told me about your experience. 'I remember bright colors, a spiral, holding my mom’s hand, peace, so peaceful…colors I can’t even say I’ve seen them before' Chaos. You felt you were leaving chaos behind, on earth. Us! You reported you could see us crying for you 'I can’t go yet' You told us you were asked to make the choice of 'going' or 'coming back' so you came back.

I saw you a month later in Aguascalientes. You were very emotional explaining -as best as you could- all you experienced. As you were talking, I was sketching your thoughts. 'I was going down a spiral.' 'Bright lights. Peaceful. Beautiful. but I chose to come back!' 'Everyone of us is like a chess piece'. I left the drawings with you. You wanted to say more, but you said you couldn’t and shouldn’t.

We saw you again at Rossy’s a month later. You were acting unusually, but we were trying to understand and be supportive.

From having a conversation around us, you would all of a sudden start saying and acting in a way we couldn’t understand. Moving your arms and body up, down, in and out. Talking in a deep tone, us trying to understand what you wanted to say. You would go to the floor, lay down, and start doing those arm and leg movements again. You would come back to the family gathering and keep talking as if nothing happened. You went to the sofa for a nap, and again the same thing. We didn’t want to interrupt your channeling or whatever it was. I was scared and worried! Yet trying to understand what you told me 'It is so much, too much energy I feel inside me, and I have to learn how to control it. I have to learn!'

Finally, you burst out of our family gathering saying you had to leave immediately. We didn’t

know why! We had to convince you to let us drive you to the hotel. The trip to the hotel was filled with silence and uncertainty.

After you left we heard you scratched initials into the wall. We didn’t understand why you would do something like that. We also didn’t know what the initials meant.

We talked about you as a family of course! We were trying to understand how you felt. You came back! That was amazing! We wanted to know how to help you. You said 'I feel like I had a reset. I feel recharged!'

I can understand it has to be overwhelming - to say the least- what you went through.

I see it as a miracle. I do believe there is something more when we 'die'. You saw our mom!

You said 'I was here and there' I could see and feel both sides' Rosy (my sister): 'I´ve always believed in life after death and that there is something marvelous after this life'.

I was blown away in a positive way that you had the opportunity to experiment an NDE. I think it's a unique and very special experience.' I ask myself 'why did this happened to somebody so close to me? What do we have to learn about all this'. I have seen many changes in you, in your health, in the way you perceive life and in the way you speak.'

'I think we are all 'touched' in a different way, I didn´t have the information in detail, it was always by second hand'. When you came to L.A. the moment was not the right time to talk about it. Nevertheless I have more questions than answers, 'the ones will come in time', as you said'.

I fill very fortunate that you had an NDE, you are blessed, you are light. Now it´s time for all of us to take advantage of your light.' There is no doubt that we are all students and teachers in this life and we should have the humbleness and wise-ness to learn from everyone.'

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? Yes I have known life after life always as an innate knowledge and by reading Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Raymond Moody, Jeffrey Long and in documentaries.

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened? Experience was definitely real I knew it was real what was happening at the moment. I didn't need confirmation of it but as I began to tell my experience my family was in awe about what I told them.

What do you believe about the reality of your experience now? Experience was definitely real I see it as the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me in this life. I've always believed in life after life and I had the opportunity to experience it. I am blessed.

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? No

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience? Not really, I think everything has been covered.

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience? I think it's a pretty complete questionnaire I cannot think of anything else.
