Experience Description

One night, made to be enjoyed and have a good time, became a moment that would change my life forever. Perhaps with ups and downs, with some dark moments and others full of adrenaline, the truth is that this night resulted in a flood of feelings and actions that led me to conceive and live life differently.

That night I had both the worst and best experience of this life. It took me years to understand it, and I'm still on that journey of understanding it. Now the memory of that night has another meaning for me. I could mention so many ways about which that night changed my future!

From changes in my daily life, tears that continue to flow when I remember what took place so many years ago. I remember places and sites that I can no longer visit unless I do a great job of preparing for it. Although sometimes, I don’t have enough energy to bypass that, even with the negative and positive decrees carried out after said event which, for better and for worse, have been fulfilled.

I was in Cromañón. I was there, a smile on my face, to celebrate an evening with music that represented me. I was there, in front of all, on the right side of the stage. After the few initial chords, everything changed. A pyrotechnic flare set off inside the nightclub started a fire. I still internalize the pain from that night. I heard the screams, the people falling one on top of one another, the hands that grabbed my feet to try to save themselves and that I could not keep on. I heard the prayers of many of the people who were there and who no longer saw life on this plane; screams, tears, desperation, footsteps stepping over bodies.

I was there, until I was no more.

After such suffering and despair, everything was very mixed-up. Memories and flashes were coming up, one after the other, but without me having the time to sort them well. After that, a kind of passage led me to a place where peace reigned. After taking that passage / tunnel, everything became calm and peaceful. The love, tranquility and luminosity that I experienced then were indescribable. Everything was peaceful, everything was fine, as I remember, and I relive that feeling every time I want to calm down and get down from the levels to which physical life leads us during many moments.

There, and without being able to explain the time lived in 'that other place,' I found myself observing the earth from the sky. Down there, I saw my own burial. Without understanding the space and time clock, as soon as I arrived at that beautiful and calm place, I saw my funeral. As if time moved to other levels we are not used to on this physical plane. For me it was where seconds would have been days in this physical life, which is how long it usually takes to organize burials. Deprived of a scientific answer, there I was, watching from heaven how they covered my coffin with earth. I saw how my loved ones suffered from my death, and, above all, I saw the grief of my mother and my sister.

Right there, overwhelmed by emotions and their suffering, I knew that I didn't want to cause them more pain in their physical life. Our family had been confronted with many unfortunate situations. We had experienced a lot of suffering, so that now I could not cause them more pain. From where I was, I couldn't tell them not to grieve or that everything was fine. I had never felt as light and peaceful as I did. I wanted them to know that I had not suffered when I had died. Yes, perhaps what was traumatic was what came before, but the transition to this new state was natural.

How was I going to tell them that? The deep pain motivated me to return; to come back to this physical plane. I was once again inside Cromañón. I woke up and without understanding anything, I got up and tried to get out. I was far from the last spot I remembered where bodies were packed together. People were struggling to get out, live and escape. Yet, I got up with no one around me. I always had the feeling that I got up in the same spot where the tragedy started. I got up effortlessly rather than struggling to get out. I saw some drops falling from the ceiling. There was a door and a man next to it who was saying, 'This way, this way,' and so, without understanding anything, I went through the door that led to the hotel located next to the Cromañón. I remember climbing on a chair and passing through the reception area. After a few steps, I came out to the street.

And there I was, brought back to physical life, but it would never be the same despite the many years I covered up that experience. I left that place, with everything except my shoes. barefoot and walking down the street, I began to understand the magnitude of what had happened, the tragedy in which I had found myself, and had not been in . human cordons were beginning to form, desolate screams echoed in the night, sirens. What I lived through afterwards remains for another time, as painful as that same evening, the touring of morgues, hospitals, in search of friends.

Here, I will focus on the deeper questions such as where I was when I left this dimension? What happened to me? Did I hallucinate? And many questions that I asked myself for a long time. Who would believe me? I was scared and embarrassed to share this experience, fearing they would not believe me, so much so that this experience traumatized me to the point where they had to medicate me.

I do not come from a spiritual family; rather, I come from a family that lived and continues to live day by day to fulfill the obligations of this life. Who could I turn to, if I didn't know myself how to begin to describe what had happened? Who was I going to feel encouraged to talk to about it, or if I was still a rational person? What's more, I still remember how those thoughts, plus the casual way those around me treated similar experiences, made me bury ever deeper inside me my out-of-body experience. It was like that for many, many years.

After my experience in the Cromañón, and covering up my out-of-body experience, I filled my life with activities. Anyone who saw me from the outside would surely have thought that I was doing well. I was studying law, working in a multinational company, studying English and was full of aspirations. But beware, appearances can be very deceiving. Beneath that super-efficient self, there was a damaged self that I didn't want to see. I covered it with many things, I practically had no time for anything. I studied Law at the University of Buenos Aires. I had a great career in a multinational company, becoming Foreign Trade Manager at the age of 23. I studied English on Saturdays, went to the gym and if I had time, I found something to fill it with. I never had any rest time. And so many years passed. I don't regret much because I think it helped me confront a situation I still had no tools to deal with. It also gave me beautiful gratifications, and even more knowledge that I am capable. With that panorama, deluded by the thought that I was fine, I still always told myself that Cromañón was going to impact me when I wanted to be a mother, that I would surely have problems then.

Where did that thought come from? I was super-young, without a partner, without any thought of becoming a mother. I was already launching negative affirmations that would end up being fulfilled. I believed in it so much that it ended up happening. Surely, there are many more factors that led to this. But here, I just want to dwell on my thoughts. We experienced a lot on the way to the birth of our daughter LUZ.

I no longer have any doubts that the Universe gives signs. However, understanding them is a constant challenge that puts us under constant review. Even today, almost 20 years after my experience at the Cromañón, I continue in that search. Or rather, only now am I beginning to give it space and discover those messages.

In this space that I am currently giving to my NDE, I am discovering my purpose. I am no longer afraid nor ashamed of what I experienced, although I can count on the fingers of one hand those in whom I confided my experience.

Only now do I feel that it is time to give it a place, to allow my experience to come out. I don’t want to hide it anymore and I want to give new meaning to life, death, funerals; life after life.

Background Information:

Gender: Female

Date NDE Occurred: 30/12/2004

NDE Elements:

At the time of your experience, was there an associated life-threatening event? Yes Accident The 'República Cromañón'nightclub tragedy. Life threatening event, but not clinical death

We were enjoying a music recital by a rock band called “Callejeros” that was taking place indoors. As soon as they began to play the first song, the tragedy was unleashed. A pyrotechnic flare, inside the enclosed space full of people, lit a tarp and the place began to catch fire and everyone tried to get out. Unfortunately, there were no emergency exits and there were many more people than should have been allowed. It all contributed to the tragedy…

How do you consider the content of your experience? Entirely pleasant

Did you feel separated from your body? Yes I clearly saw my funeral, my burial. And, as I previously mentioned, the pain and suffering of my family, especially my mother’s and younger sister’s pain, which was precisely what pushed me to return. I didn't want them to suffer because of me, and I couldn't make them understand that I was totally fine, really well and at peace. their grief pushed me back into this dimension.

Clearly, I came back and my funeral didn't happen. Even today I try to understand what happened. since my NDE, I try to avoid funerals, and I think that here, I have to do personal work and offer my contribution. Perhaps by transmuting part of the pain that exists in those moments, using my experience, I can give that moment a new meaning.

I clearly left my body and existed outside it

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal You can’t compare, and it’s very difficult to explain with the words and knowledge that we have down here. How can I explain nonlinear time? I'm still trying to understand it. In fact, I have kept quiet about my experience because I could not find logical or rational bases for it, especially in a context that did not concur with other, more spiritual, ideas, and when I could not understand what I had experienced.

Being in my NDE and being able to observe from another dimension is something I try to return to when my physical life demands it. I also return to that state of peace and love . to that feeling that we are all part of something beautiful, and I always try to remind myself that we are living a physical experience and we must take advantage of it, LIVE A LIFE of love, of enriching experiences.

We do not take anything material with us. We don't have to be afraid of what will happen afterwards - this is something I need to talk about. It’s very difficult and distressing for me to see the suffering of people when someone is no longer in this dimension. I know that it will hurt and cause suffering, but I also believe that if they knew that we are all still connected and that when someone dies, life continues fuller and more loving, that pain would diminish. There would be a comfort and a tranquility in the heart in the knowledge that the person who left physically is in a state of love and peace.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? When I saw the physical plane from above; I suppose it was heaven. There, aware of being in a different place from Earth, in another time-space, and observing what was happening on Earth with my family, I became aware that consciousness continues to live; our essence continues its journey. Death is part of life itself, our journey does not end with death but continues, different, expanded, bright, peaceful and loving.

I have no doubt that other planes/dimensions exist and that we are always connected. Everything happens in moments that are not explained to us, that we do not know, but they happen. and I believe that we are all going to reach that state of love and peace, regardless of the religion that each one professes, or regardless of whether they are atheists or agnostics.

It’s very difficult for me to explain what happened logically and I think I stopped trying to find a rational answer. It simply is.

Were your thoughts speeded up? Incredibly fast

Did time seem to speed up or slow down? Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning Time was different, indescribable or impossible to measure with the time we know down here. At least, during my NDE, while I was in the new dimension after dying, having just passed into it, I could see as if my burial was taking place at the same time. Something that doesn't make sense. times are different and I saw a part of what would have happened if I hadn't come back to this dimension.

Were your senses More vivid than usual? Incredibly more vivid

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. During the NDE, everything happened very fast, according to the time that we know down here.

What in this dimension can last days, was instantaneous during my NDE. What one can see down here is limited; during my experience, my vision was so large that I even saw from above, enjoying an extremely wide amplitude.

Love sprouted and the state of peace was what amazed me the most. That state to which I try to return in every situation that warrants it. I want to live in that state in this life and also in the next.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. Honestly, I have no recollection of a heightened sense of hearing during my NDE. Visually, yes; out of body and with the most beautiful feelings I have ever experienced.

Did you seem to be aware of things going on elsewhere? Yes, but the facts have not been checked out

Did you pass into or through a tunnel? Yes I went through some kind of tunnel. At first, it was dark while I saw flashes of my physical life (which I can't quite remember). Images - one after another - so fast that I can't remember which ones they were. It was constant and continual . and meanwhile the background was becoming more and more luminous.

I still get emotional remembering it. so wonderful, I would like to remember those flashes and images, but I still can't. I know they were happening very quickly while I was going through that tunnel.

Did you see any beings in your experience? No

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings? No

Did you see, or feel surrounded by, a brilliant light? A light clearly of mystical or other-worldly origin

Did you see an unearthly light? Yes definitely; there was a wonderful, beautiful, white and brilliant light, as if it were indicating to me that it’s HERE, COME. WELCOME!

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? A clearly mystical or unearthly realm Yes, without a doubt. It was a wonderful, vast, beautiful place. The welcome came from that brilliant and magnificent light, and being already inside this different world/dimension, everything was supernatural, to put it that way. I had the sensation of being on a cloud looking down at the Earth, with an enlarged vision and with the most beautiful emotions ever experienced.

What emotions did you feel during the experience? Pure love, peace, joy. I was all calm and positive emotions. A state of absolute PEACE, calm and love, pure love. I don't know if my words can explain what I felt over there. I think they are limited for such an amazing condition.

Did you have a feeling of peace or pleasantness? Incredible peace or pleasantness

Did you have a feeling of joy? Incredible joy

Did you feel a sense of harmony or unity with the universe? I felt united or one with the world

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? Everything about the universe I understood that there is something else that awaits us. That life goes on, that we are connected and will continue to be connected. I doubt that I understood EVERYTHING, except for what I mentioned already. Although I believe that when I returned to this dimension, I continued and I continue - although less and less - to be trapped with the rationality, logic and worldviews that were imposed on us.

Did scenes from your past come back to you? My past flashed before me, out of my control

Did scenes from the future come to you? No

Did you come to a border or point of no return? I came to a definite conscious decision to return to life Without a doubt, my motivation for returning to this life was to avoid inflicting so much pain to my mother and younger sister. Their suffering at my funeral, their grief and the knowledge that their lives would be so affected was the driving force behind my decision to return.

Unfortunately from over there, they couldn't know that I was fine, more than fine, that I was fulfilled. I couldn't let them suffer like that. We had already suffered a lot as a family due to other situations, and I did not want, nor was I going to let myself be, part of their pain.

God, Spiritual and Religion:

What was your religion prior to your experience? Do not know I grew up Catholic, without much emphasis on religion. I do not come from a devout family. Likewise, I’m critical of institutions and certain dogmas or beliefs that they impose. But anyway, I believe in the universe and a vital energy.

Have your religious practices changed since your experience? Yes I am transiting to a spiritual path; I got closer to yoga, to holistic, natural medicine.

I am finding in this path some answers that I have given myself since my NDE.

What is your religion now? Do not know I commune with well-being. With everything that contributes to love, to unity . I believe that every religion seeks this, but by imposing certain rules or forms, they distort what is essential and contribute to differences.

Did your experience include features consistent with your earthly beliefs? Content that was both consistent and not consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience It was consistent in the sense that I always felt that there was something more, that life was not just what we were led to believe. I always felt discontent and rejection towards the systems in place (labor, education and even the judicial system); but I never really had much spiritual or religious knowledge. I was only motivated by what I thought was right, just. By what? It was a mix of many things.

For example, when I found out that in normal jobs they only give 14 days of vacation, I decided to do something to stay out of that system. One cannot live to work, it is not like that, it should not be like that. The educational institution that we chose for our daughter Luz addresses not only academic topics, but also human values, something that is not taught in many places and is a pillar of life and of a more loving and empathetic society. I could go on with many more similar examples and I could come to think that my NDE was a clear sample of those previous behaviors that I had, although they were clearly too insignificant.

Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes definitely. And more now that I'm letting it out and sharing my NDE. My values have been enhanced and there is a big change in my priorities in life. We have and must live more from an angle of love and unity, without focusing so much on the ego, our positions, the economy. Always from a basis of having the basic needs covered. Once those are taken care of, moments and experiences become more important than possessions. TO BE instead of POSSESSING.

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice? No

Did you see deceased or religious spirits? No

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)? No

During your experience, did you gain information about premortal existence? No

During your experience, did you gain information about universal connection or oneness? Yes We are all the universe, and the universe is us. There is no doubt about the connection between all of us. With all that we do, we are all creating reality on this plane; therefore we are united. We are all.

During your experience, did you gain information about the existence of God? Uncertain I don't know whether to call it God or Supreme Being, rather my NDE gave me a knowledge of super-connectivity with the ALL. We, they, you. we are all connected and I would say that the source, the universe shelters us.

Concerning our Earthly lives other than Religion:

During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Uncertain I don't want to keep repeating myself, but I like to state that I always felt that my NDE had given me special and unique knowledge. However, due to being rational and not believing myself to be special at all, I covered it up, hid it and minimized it. It's only recently that my NDE could no longer be hidden inside me and that I am giving it space, and that I'm understanding and decoding what it made me experience and live. I am decoding my path, my purpose, and I feel deep inside me that the path is here.

During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Uncertain I feel that yes, but I'm still unveiling and decoding it. I feel that my NDE was and is part of my purpose. Unfortunately, I covered it up and hid it for many years. Only now am I giving it some space, and I feel that it was always there for me and that every time I walked away, it sent warning signs to my body. Now that I am giving it space, without so much fear about being judged or what others will say, I feel that I'm getting closer to what I really have to offer.

During your experience, did you gain information about an afterlife? Yes Without a doubt, because of my NDE, I know life goes on. Death is only part of life; with death, life does not die. It is a change of state, but LIFE goes on.

The act of returning to this dimension has given me the certainty that life goes on. We are beings who are living part of LIFE on this physical plane; without a doubt, the journey continues and it is pure love, peace and light.

Did you gain information about how to live our lives? No

During your experience, did you gain information about life's difficulties, challenges and hardships? Uncertain As in the previous answer, I feel so, but it was not revealed to me during the NDE itself. Rather, I am decoding it now that I am bringing it forth.

During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes everything was LOVE, together with peace. a sensation very difficult to describe, as everything I could say would seem so minor compared to the greatness and beauty of that state. WE ARE LOVE, the energy that mobilizes.

What life changes occurred in your life after your experience? Large changes in my life Regarding question 43: I would like to clarify that I do not know if it was GOD; rather, I have no doubt that the UNIVERSE exists and the energy mobilizes us.

Regarding question 47: I think that now that I no longer hide my NDE, my compassion is growing. I don’t want to emphasize this because for many years, I covered it up and concealed it, thereby suppressing many feelings due to the maelstrom of mundane life that leaves us with precious little time.

Concerning question 48: I want to add that I am not currently afraid of living this life. What's more, I'm always looking for enriching experiences and I get upset when I feel like I'm still living within normal parameters. It is necessary to achieve a balance between the mundane (living, working, paying for services, family education. ) and the magnificence of living and taking advantage of this transit down here with the most beautiful experiences that we can have . We are passing through this plane and living in it the best way, happily, and the goal and engine that drive us should be the experiences and moments that fill us with joy, (NOTE THAT IN BOTH OPTIONS IT SAYS BEFORE THE NDE).

Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes I am more of a loner. I like to spend time in silence and in nature. Many friendships have run their course, and it's hard for me to make new friends.

After the NDE:

Was the experience difficult to express in words? Yes Even today I find it hard to explain it. I’m a lawyer, very much trained in how I should act, rational, a mediator. an experience like this was very difficult for me to explain.

Thanks to the fact that I started to observe myself more, trying to understand that some ailments were emotional and that my body was sending me messages to return to my axis; thanks to a psychologist with great spiritual openness, I was able to open myself up and start on a path to find answers to my existential and non-worldly concer

ns. In fact, I am working as a yoga instructor and learning about the right to death with dignity. I want to focus on the bioethics of Law and death from different worldviews. I believe and feel that I must combine my experiences in both worlds to contribute to that field.

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience? I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of the experience. The memories of my NDE are more vivid than many other earthly memories. I feel them in my body, I again feel part of that state of peace and love. My out-of-body observations are more real to me than many other mundane memories which I have to make a lot of effort to retransmit, while I don't even remember some of them.

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience? Uncertain don't know if it's a gift because I don't experience it often, but I would say more intuition. Especially when on the anniversary of the Cromañón tragedy, on New Year's Eve, I told my partner (at that time we lived in Italy) that we didn't have to go to another place to spend the night. I felt we shouldn't. Fortunately, we did not go, as if we had gone, a tragedy would have happened. The car in which we were going to go, along with other people, had a traffic accident on the way back from which everyone was saved. Had we been there, fate would have been different.

I also feel that there is a lot of strength in what one decrees. My thoughts have created many of my realities; from my difficulty in getting pregnant (negative) to being able to live in a house and neighborhood as I always wanted (positive).

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? definitely. My soul going up, being outside of my body, observing from another dimension, the POWER to decide to return. all this is part of the most significant thing that I can no longer hide. That I want to delve into and continue experimenting.

Have you ever shared this experience with others? Yes. To this day, and 19 years have passed since my NDE, I have shared it with very few people. I can count them on one hand.

Those with whom I shared it, I felt that I could do it because they were more open-minded, or they were people very close to me. I still can't share it with many people around me, because I don't know how they would react. I was very afraid to share it - and I'm still a little afraid - and that they would believe I was nuts.

Those with whom I share it are amazed, stunned . some believe me, despite being rational, because they believe in me and know that I say it because I truly lived it. In fact, they begin to understand me better.

Have you ever shared this experience with others? Yes To this day, and 19 years have passed since my NDE, I have shared it with very few people. I can count them on one hand.

Those with whom I shared it, I felt that I could do it because they were more open-minded, or they were people very close to me. I still can't share it with many people around me, because I don't know how they would react. I was very afraid to share it - and I'm still a little afraid - and that they would believe I was nuts .

Those with whom I share it are amazed, stunned . some believe me, despite being rational, because they believe in me and know that I say it because I truly lived it. In fact, they begin to understand me better.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? No

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened? Experience was definitely real Clearly REAL, but since I could not explain it, I did not understand it; but I never doubted that it was, and is, REAL.

What do you believe about the reality of your experience now? Experience was definitely real As REAL as my breathing. And now, I feel that it was more significant and that it happened for a reason. Now that I'm letting it all out, it takes on more importance and meaning.

The few people with whom I have shared my experience have always told me that I had to transmit it, that I had to tell . but my answer was always: "What could I tell if the tears did not stop falling?" I didn't understand what had happened. I was broken, hurt by life. I couldn't convey anything to anyone. Only now, having traveled more down my path, and after developing other qualities, do I feel that I can talk about what I experienced.

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? Yes Every time I feel like life is passing me by, is "carrying" me, or I worry about mundane issues, I try to return to my NDE, to that state of peace and love, and thus, I can continue with greater empathy and understanding this mundane life. Without so many earthly worries, and knowing that everything shall pass.

Also, during each near death, I feel relief, beyond the sadness at not being able to share more moments on this plane. Very difficult to explain and make others understand, but I know that those who leave their bodies continue on their way in a purer state. And that makes me feel a peace that even today I hide, because I can't speak about it openly.

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience? That it was beautiful, wonderful; I wish that we would all experience that state of love and peace in this dimension.

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience? I think it was very tough. Thank you very much for the site, it makes one feel less alone. I would appreciate if you could tell me of a site similar to yours in my country, Argentina.