UNDER THE TREE by by Greg Stone

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They didn't know if he would live.

He didn't know he was dead.


Under the Tree

A novel set in the world of the

Near Death Experience.

Trade Paper
252 pp, 6x9
Fiction - Philosophy & Spirituality
Religion / Buddhism / Near Death Experience
Summer 2004
Pink Unicorn Publishing


Ray Carte nearly ends his life when he plummets off an icy mountain road and crashes into a tree. Experiencing the near death state, he finds himself lost in a strange world in which he encounters a guide who reminds him of Alice from Alice in Wonderland. His lovely guide turns out to be much more than a fairy tale character: only with her help does he maintain hope that he can return to those he loves.

Readers are transported into the post mortem state in this novel of the near death experience. Under the Tree follows in the tradition of The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Death, dying and the afterlife are explored from the point of view of characters entangled in a life-and-death crisis.

Under the Tree was written for readers who enjoy philosophy and religion in a dramatic format; Under the Tree belongs in the same genre as The Celestine Prophecy. Writing with the colors of Buddhist philosophy, Stone presents Eastern concepts of the afterlife in an engaging drama that adds clarity to the discussion of life after death.

This one belongs on your bookshelf next to The Tibetan Book of the Dead and Siddhartha.

The Buddha achieved enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. Ray Carte almost loses his life under the tree, but, with her help, finds his way back, having learned lessons that change his life.

A manual for dying. Don't leave this life without reading Under the Tree. The author, who has spent lifetimes studying the spiritual, shares his observations in Under the Tree.


Paperback 6x9
252 pages
Pink Unicorn Publishing
Order from Baker & Taylor.


Is it possible to know what lies beyond death?

Does the spirit exist? Does the spirit survive death?

Under the Tree presents a rare and compelling vision of the Afterlife.

Those who have studied Buddhism'as well as those who haven't'will find the path Stone blazes challenging and enlightening.

You will never think of death the same.

Anyone on the path to enlightenment will want to spend

time with Under the Tree. A bold new look at the reality of spirit.

A novel for those who like a spiritual challenge.

Under the Tree redefines the debate between skeptics and believers.

Stone ferries his readers to the Other Side'and brings them back.

An unusual journey. Unlike any you've taken before.

Stone walks readers through the spiritual realm with clarity and insight.

He shines a bright light on the mysteries that have haunted mystics for generations.



Easy to order....


or visit The Bodhi Tree Bookstore, located at 8585 Melrose Ave. in West Hollywood. Or call for a copy at 310-659-1733 (local), or 800-825-9798.

If you would like to order an advance review copy, please leave an e-mail message with full details at: orders@pinkunicornpublishing.com




The author is happy to respond to queries and comments; reviews are welcomed.

Contact: authors@pinkunicornpublishing.com

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