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S.K. W's NDE 4/19/02

Peace, pure logic and balance.


Bill W's NDE.

The experience is so intense, that it is hard to explain because it doesn't follow a logical sequence and it is totally wrapped up in emotion. What emotions did you feel during the experience? Wonder...sadness at leaving...determined to go back...frustrated that I have to stay and do something.


Leanne V's NDE

Terrible fear for the people below. I was scared that I would fall off the light beam and fall down. Also desperation...


Yolanthe v M's NDE.

I hugged her, kissed her, told her I loved her and was happy... I was more than upset and Dad saw that, so I came back but saw that my children did shine light and my husband was in black.


Tawnie M's NDE.

I couldn't understand how I could still be thinking, I thought there must have been some kind of mistake. (confusion) ...a feeling of peace and what felt like unconditional love enveloped me... What emotions did you feel during the experience? Probably several emotions, fear, wonder, joy, peace, love, compassion


Mandy J's NDE.

I turned back to my grandfather and told him how much I had missed him and how happy I was to see him. I felt the hurt in my heart to know he was not able to be at peace. I started crying because I did not want to leave this beautiful peaceful place that I had found.


Nancy P's NDE.

I was very thankful it had all been a dream, but then I heard people talking downstairs... I thought of my mother and how she would never forgive herself if I didn't live. What emotions did you feel during the experience? warmth, love, excitement, depressed I had to return


Bob A's NDE.

I remember feeling so bad that I hit a frog with a stick as a young child.


JoAnn M's NDE.

It was full of love and joy and peace and just nurtured me along. Waves just came over me and gently guided me along. I was overcome by the love that surrounded me and that I could return the feeling. It never concerned me there were no bodies, and fear was not in my vocabulary.


Arthur B's NDE.

For a moment I was seized with panic as I realized I was dying. Then the panic went away and I thought , "This is death? This is so easy, so natural. What was I frightened of?" I felt a little silly at being frightened. At this point a "sensation" came over me. It was a warm emotion that permeated every part of me. It was very peaceful and very unique. I would have thought it was a dream except that warm glow, that peaceful feeling was still with me. It lasted a couple of days. What emotions did you feel during the experience? First fear as I realized i was dying Then surprise as I realized that this was "normal" Then a little silly as I thought about my fear Then something very powerful. An emotion of peace and happiness. A sensation that was so overwhelming. I really can't find words to describe it.


Mani O's NDE

...it felt so real it was fearful. ...the feeling of peace joy love... it felt so bright it was overwhelming


Vickie M's NDE.



Mary Ann F's NDE.

i said to myself, "am i dead?" i was so scared... i was in such peace and surrounded by such beauty... i was shown lots of disasters. i was so frightened. i was so excited, i couldn't wait to get back to tell everybody. god is very forgiving, we are all loved, and we must learn to forgive each other.


Don A's NDE.

I then began to feel a great love and a peace that was indescribable. What emotions did you feel during the experience? great joy, true peace, and unending love


Kate B's NDE

I can remember feeling incredible love around me i don't know where it was coming from but it was all around me. When i got to the top i could sense my father and his love... I was very sad i wanted to stay at this beautiful place.


Bonnie V's NDE.

What emotions did you feel during the experience? Peace; warmth; wonder; joy; concern for the fate of my child, who was very young at that time.


David H's NDE.

I saw my foot and hand prints glowed where I walked or where I touched. I was fascinated and so preoccupied by this, that I temporarily forgot about what had just happened. I could sense the feel of others out there who wallowed in great sorrow like nothing else mattered. It was frightening, so I pulled my arm back in. This was, perhaps, the destination that I reached when having died in anger at a time when I could not remember having much peace in my heart. My voice would echo straight out towards the horizon before me and always return back into me from the horizon behind me. This, I thought was very annoying. it was a women. She frightened me. Still I cried for God, and asked if he would forgive me for speaking so crude of him back on earth and if he would accept me back and take me home, away from this strange land. This was the most grand welcome back home. Tears of joy and laughter are all of the words I can sum up from this experience. I had been completely bathed in white light. God held me lovingly in his embrace for a time.


Robert C's NDE.

What emotions did you feel during the experience? joy


Corina's NDE.

My next thought and feeling is of being in total darkness, while feeling my body but on looking down not seeing anything. I was petrified... All and any abuse or pain that I experienced in my life, whether it be physical, emotional, or mental, was completely gone and in its place, an intense love, acceptance, devotion, and sense of well-being was put.


Kathaleen's NDE

the feeling was one of utter joy and love!! i mean real complete love. not of this earth. and peace such peace! every one was so happy to be with me. every one was talking at once so happy! i am a comical person by nature so everyone was laughing and had said i kept them all laughing up there!


Guenter W's NDE. 7/30/02.

...Earth with all its limitations and with all its joy or to stay outside in this condition of clear thinking. The impact of the finality of the condition I was in was overwhelming. I felt utterly alone, betrayed, very tiny and insignificant. No other soul far and wide. I started wailing about my situation. I did not know what to do. I felt very miserable. All right, I was able to move freely wherever I wanted to go. However, where should I go? No one was there! No one?


Sybil S's NDE

It was quite an awesome shock to be standing in His presence. I was in such awe, I could not speak. Yet when He spoke it was kind and gentle and loving. I felt happy! I felt so happy... I felt sad because I wanted to stay there with Him.


Karen D's NDE.

Then felt like I was just in the dark somewhere. I must have really been struggling. I felt that he was evil & trying in my mind to get me to commit suicide by giving up. It was wonderful. The light seem to hold me, like someone carrying or cuddling me. I was more at ease than I could ever imagine in life . I sincerely felt like I was back where I came from & knew it. I felt that I had been so irreverent & didn't know what to do. he made me feel wonderful and at ease not only with him being there, but with my life & with what I was experiencing. I wasn't at all afraid . I remember feeling amused that everything, & I mean everything, the good the bad & the ugly in the world was all in control. What emotions did you feel during the experience? amazement-contentment--love for life & the afterlife -


Peter R's NDE

What emotions did you feel during the experience? Intense sadness & fe


A Father's Story

He said they were so pretty and so peaceful, and he didn't want to come back. Then the bright light came. He said that the light was so bright and so warm, and he loved the bright light so much. Someone was in the bright light and put their arms around him, and told him, "I love you but you have to go back. You have to play baseball, and tell everyone about the birdies." Then the person in the bright light kissed him and waved bye-bye.


John L's NDE: English

Behind what I saw grew a yellowish-brown light that had a feeling of its own. It seemed to beacon to me and was very soothing. At that point I was not afraid. I felt remorse, fear, and shame for my indiscretions. Each person emitted strong feelings of foreboding, pain, and fear. I began to feel afraid. But even my fear paled compared to what I felt coming from the people. It made me mad, but at the same time I was overcome with a strong desire to have sex with this being. My mind was telling me this was ALL wrong. Everything I had been taught to be good and right was now not making any sense. When I looked down at the being I was REALLY SCARED!!!! My strong sexual desire was taking control even though I felt everything was wrong about this "person." Wrong age (it appeared very young - childish), wrong sex (I'm heterosexual), and wrong morally (it exuded evil). It seemed to feel my apprehension.


Larry L's NDE.

I must say I was frightened about what was taking place, and at the time did not relate it to dying and going to Heaven. I instantly realized the most peaceful, pain free, contented, euphoric state that I can imagine.


Larry L's NDE.

I must say I was frightened about what was taking place, and at the time did not relate it to dying and going to Heaven. I instantly realized the most peaceful, pain free, contented, euphoric state that I can imagine.


Dr. George Rodonaia's NDE

I was horrified! I was shocked to find that I still existed. 'How can I be when I'm not?' That is what troubled me. ...remembered Descartes famous line: 'I think, therefore, I am.' And that took a huge burden off me, for it was then I knew for certain I was still alive. Then I thought, 'If I am, why shouldn't I be positive? I saw all these molecules flying around, atoms, protons, neutrons, just flying everywhere. On the one hand, it was totally chaotic, yet what brought me such great joy was that this chaos also had its own symmetry. This symmetry was beautiful and unified and whole, and it flooded me with tremendous joy. ...the light just radiated a sense of peace and joy to me. It was very positive. I was so happy to be in the light. I felt a wholeness with the light, a sense that all is right with me and the universe.


Twenty Years Later

I was overcome with peace, contentment, joy, happiness and love. It all felt so incredibly wonderful. I was completely alert and very interested in the experience, but my mind was not at all like the mind I had always had. I fully understood what was happening- I knew I had died, but I felt not even a hint of fear, uncertainty or unwillingness. I rested in a state of peace.


Australia NDE (Rene' Hope Turner's NDE)

a dark maelstrom of what looked like black boiling clouds, feeling that I was being beckoned to the sides which frightened me... He welcomed me with great Love, tranquility, Peace (indescribable) I was surprised I became burdened with guilt I was moved to forgive


A Child's NDE

...drifted into a safe black void of comfort and ease, no pain and no fear. This was a place where I felt right at home. When I came into the light, it represented peace and joy, but most of all a deep unconditional love. The feeling was like being scooped up and held by my daddy...(security) Like a selfish little brat, I cried and threw a temper-tantrum of the worst kind.(Anger) He said it with such authority that I immediately quite crying and was back in my body in an instant. (Fear)


One Soldier's NDE

They were so horribly frightening I was horrified and filled with guilt. I knew he was giving me encouragement. The encouragement I needed to make it to the light.


Teen-Age NDE

I was mildly curious to note I was bleeding from a cut on the right side of my face as it rested on the snow. I was getting pissed that they were taking so long when I was dying. The whole thing seemed like a very intense movie. The heavy worrisome thing vanished and I felt a really peaceful feeling like being back at home and soaking in love from a source that seemed familiar and warm.


Prisoner NDE

It was the most peaceful loving feeling I have ever known. Out of the valley came these feelings / emotions that were so sad, I started to cry. The feelings were sorrow filled with longing. Much like wishing something hadn't happened the way it did, knowing it was too late to change it, but wishing anyway.


Mary's NDE

The fact that I was having these thoughts from within inches from the ceiling didn't bother me or confuse me as much as sensing the stress I was causing among those below me. I felt there was a presence with me that kept me calm and emitted both love and wisdom. finally came to the end and floated into a place which was overwhelmed by a radiant white light that seemed to embody all the concepts of love. A love which was unconditional and like a mother has for a child. It was definitely a warm joyful presence, the same one that drew me into the tunnel in the first place. It seemed like a giant force field or energy that radiated all the good and noble emotions known to man. At that time, I recall wondering if I would be punished for murdering my child and in doing so, kill myself as well. A flood of fearful thoughts crowded into my mind. I wasn't even married and could barely support myself, how could I raise a son?


Diane's NDE

You feel within you their love towards you for that appreciation. I was taken to a computer room, which I really found hard to relate. (confusion?) I must have sent a message that I didn't like being there, as I was suddenly back with the being and it all disappeared back to just the wall. (discomfort)


Suicide's NDE

I was shocked to see a being of incredible beauty, radiating great love, great compassion and warmth. It was a horrifying thought that I was going to be cast down with these confused lost souls The being of light seemed to understand that I was filled with a sense of remorse, compassion and loving.


Sarah's NDE

As the object drew closer, I noticed that it was a fantastic demonic creature surrounded by flames with huge eyes and teeth danced toward me slavering and growling. There was menace in its gaze as it smashed its teeth and stuck out a long slobbering orange tongue at me. I was riveted to the "spot" in the dark where I stood. There seemed to be nowhere to go to avoid the thing as the creature was advancing at an increasing speed determined to intercept me. I stood my "ground" and closed my eyes expecting to be engulfed in flames or devoured or both. Instead I had an awareness of the creature slowly passing painlessly through my body and I turned an inward eye to it only to discover that the creature was laughing with glee as it melted through me. It exited with a pop behind me & suddenly I was flying forward very fast through the dark. As I flew two more of the demon creatures came toward me displaying different colors but still fearsome. Armed with my knowledge of the first one, I allowed these beings to approach and pass through me also. A feeling of peace and harmony flowed from this scene and I moved toward the doorway with a great desire to enter. At the time I remember feeling disappointed but not judged as unworthy, just uninformed. Eventually, I became disenchanted with eternal bliss and decided to leave. A rather conflicting feeling of both serenity and adventure surrounded me as I gazed upon the silent scene. I could hear voices shouting "Don't go Sarah! What about Zane?" (My son who was five at the time of this incident). I grew annoyed at these voices because I wasn't intending to "go" anywhere...


Sherry G's NDE.

I had found LOVE! It was everything all at once, love, freedom, release, and the oneness of all that we are. Suddenly I was in the presence of powerful spirits and love. I could feel them comforting me and preparing me for what was to come. Their love was that of complete serenity. What emotions did you feel during the experience? Love beyond explanation.


Diane G's NDE

What emotions did you feel during the experience? Overwhelming unconditional love throughout... exhilaration... amazement... wonder... awe... freedom... great joy... bliss... peace... gratitude...


Trisha H's NDE.

As I went to hug him I was overcome with a deep sorrow and I just cried, a deep cry that I know I have never felt before. I cried for his short life, for his 3-year old son he never saw grow up, for my grandmother who never remarried, and for me, for the grandfather I never knew. I told him that I was feeling guilty for really never taking an interest in him... it was peaceful. I felt a deep sadness for leaving him.


Larry L's NDE.

I must say I was frightened about what was taking place, and at the time did not relate it to dying and going to Heaven. I instantly realized the most peaceful, pain free, contented, euphoric state that I can imagine. I never felt so good and at home in all my life experiences on Earth. What emotions did you feel during the experience? Euphoria!! Never felt better!! All was at peace!! There wasn't a single thing that was not perfect!!!


Anthony N's NDE

I was now totally calm and unafraid. I never felt alone and I never questioned why I was there, I was totally at peace, and feelings of absolute joy and unconditional love pervaded me the entire time. And then I saw everyone on the planet interconnected on these lines, and a feeling of such overwhelming love and empathy went through me I felt like my heart was going to explode. At this point the most searing, unbearable pain tore through me but the voice told me not to step off the path. I continued up the path and each time I put stepped, the pain was worse than the one before until nearing the top I told the voice I could finish. I was angry again and I rushed up to this figure saying that I now knew that everything was real so why did I have to experience all the pain.


Brad K's NDE.

I was there with this orb of glowing love and understanding. It was not frightening, it was totally assuring, and there was no feeling of anything but my awe, and the love and knowledge and wisdom that this orb projected. In size it would be not like looking at the sun, but looking at the earth when you are on it. It was immense, and total, and its power was love. I then remember standing as it where, in the light of the Orb of love. I felt the goodness, and love, and knowledge of it.


Karen S's NDE

Immediately I was in the most beautiful serene place I had ever been. The overwhelming love and happiness of that place was so inviting. In a fit of fear and panic I began crying. No, I couldn't be dead. What would happen to my son? He was seven months old! He would never remember me. His father didn't even know how to take care of him. I didn't want him raised by his father's parents. No, no, no...this was not the time to go. They were wrong. The feelings were so great and seemed to pull me in stronger and stronger; yet my connection to my son was so strong. All the while I was in awe. Some things were just as I always dreamed an afterlife would be; some I was just plain wrong and I remember thinking "wow". Where were my other loved ones? When could I see my other grandparents who had passed. This isn't what I dreamed for Jake. This couldn't be. I was happy for my husband. He was okay. He was happy. My son was a different story. At times I became hysterical and then moments later I was calm and serene. At a time when I felt the closest to accepting my death, I experienced a resurge of sorrow and pain, longing for my son, for my life. I couldn't let go of my human life.


Jean's NDE

I floated to the top of the sac and when I did, "knowings" began to spew out of the bag. By "knowings", I mean a complete, four-dimensional understanding of a concept or idea without it's coating of words. At each period in history, I experienced the total "feel" of that period, including its music, architecture, styles of clothing, political thinking and literature. It was like a vast march of people from different times with different world-views, all working together. The love that came out from them washed over me in waves and was so pure and strong I could not hardly bear it.


D's NDE. 5/11/99

In March of 1978, I found myself laying on a bed. This was strange because 2 seconds before -- I seemed to have been laying in a pool of blood with massive injuries to my physical body. I arose from the bed and stared at my left hand. It was now re-attached to my wrist. A few seconds ago, the hand had been missing among the rubble of my wrecked car. As I struggled to remember what had just happened -- it seemed as if everything was disappearing. (confusion) I was in shock. How could I travel though time and space in a matter of a few seconds. I always got the impression of some sort of quilt. Everyone was glad that I couldn't remember the last 5 months. This only added fuel to the fire of my suspicion that they where not being truthful with me. It was like a laser show that I could hear, feel, see, touch, smell, and taste. It was marvelous.


Rachel's NDE

Through telepathy or???(I don't really know how, somehow I knew their were 2 male entities along side of me as I sped in this tunnel. They were Angelic Beings I knew that & they were like escorting me up. (At least it seemed up?) I don't know. I somehow was so surprised & said Grandma what r u doing here?


Sammy's NDE.

What emotions did you feel during the experience? An incredible sensation of absolute caring and love. The closest I can come to describing it would be the unconditional love of a mother for an infant child. The experience closed the pain and anger I felt at losing my first wife. I have made my peace with the powers that run this life.


Lisa M's NDE.

What emotions did you experience following your experience? Joy, wonderment, peace. Suddenly I was feeling completely safe, being enveloped and protected by something I can only describe as complete unconditional love. I felt as though I was finally being my true self. There were no limits or limitations what so ever... It was radiating this light, and radiating this totally unearthly complete unconditional Love.


India Physician's NDE.

Suddenly I realized I was dead! My God! I have brought my young kids & and family and have left them in a strange place without any protection financially or otherwise!(worry) One thought became prominent in me. How absurd Life is! In the morning the body would be cremated. Is this all to life. What a meaningless end to a chain of boundless wonders & potential opportunities. It is like bubble floating on a sea. (dejection?) Then what is death? An entrance to another dimension? (curiosity)


August's NDE.

Upon the sighting of the Light, i.e., energy gestalt, which stirred instinctual feelings in me that I would be at a loss to described with words... As a profoundly deaf individual, hearing this sound was beautiful, since it brought comfort as would a mother's voice for a child. Even in death, I did not lose my memories and feelings.


Barbara's NDE.



Derry's NDE.

how he felt about me shone forth about him. He simply exuded love and concern and caring for me just by standing there. The feeling of peace I felt was indescribable! The look of love in his eyes filled me with joy... I was under- stood and the desires of my heart were heard.


Ellen's NDE.

It was wonderful where I was! I had no problems or cares. I was curious about the light. I became very afraid.


Jennifer's NDE.

I remember at first being very cold and scared... I experienced an acceptance and love unparalleled by anything on earth. and felt angrier than I have ever been at my mother that she was going to prevent me from going into that light. I was very angry and panicked


57. S's NDE.

I felt compassion toward myself like I never could imagine possible. A type of love that I never knew. Empathy, sympathy for all I'd experienced and a new determination to let myself live as I could and should and must.


Az's NDE.

...i was so happy... ...i didn't want to leave... When he hold my hand i gut the felling i can not describe how which i am not supposed to ask any question...


61. John F's NDE.

I felt good and energetic... I felt alarmed and missed the free floating spirit I was earlier. I was scared. I saw little water falls in the flower gardens that were absolutely breath taking. I felt so good. I cried and cursed those around me. I will never forget is feeling the radiation of his love as he stood near me. That was the most perfect love I have ever felt.


Valerie's NDE.



Michael G's NDE.

saw a portal of sparking white light, and the feeling of Unconditional Love coming from the portal,... I was Home in the Unconditional Loving White Light, that renewed my spirit... I felt disorientated...


Linda B's NDE.

I started to become afraid. I really did not understand, because I was really afraid. I did not want to be there. At this I became very annoyed. The feeling was so nice and easy. Tranquil.


Duane's NDE.

No feelings of pain or sorrow only such peace and love as few have ever known. I knew was with my heavenly father for I could feel his love emanating from a point up and to my left just behind me. A love that reminded me of the peace and contentment one feels as a small child being rocked gently in the arms of their mother after a perfect day.


Jerry B's NDE.

I have never felt such peace, there was no pain, and the love I felt there was so great there are no enough word in the world to tell you how great it was!!!


Joanna's NDE.

I was in an atmosphere of the best feeling I have ever had in my life. Serenity tranquility and a calm I have never known before was present there. I could tell there was no illness Pain or Suffering of any kind there. Nothing at all negative was anywhere in the area. Nothing bad or evil was there. The more I looked around the better things seemed to be getting. I do remember feeling and saying out loud Awe because I was Awestruck. There was a sense of unconditional love all around. I do know I felt love for her as soon as I set sight of her. I got a feeling of love and acceptance as soon as my eyes got sight of her.


Alexa's NDE.

There I was, above my poor, limp body, and yet I felt fine! I was ME: body, personality, and NO TIREDNESS. This meeting was joyous, not scary. Oh I wanted to stay with them! My Spirit was so happy! It was joyous... It was horrible; I fell on my face in shame. Strangely, even during this horror, I felt a compassion, an acceptance of my limitations by the lord, and the Others. I worshipped him and fell down in awe. I cried like a baby with Joy.


Val's NDE.

I saw a figure standing in the light, a being tall and serene, Christ like in stature and form, and a profound feeling of peace and joy filled me. Mom sitting beside me holding onto my left arm with both hands, pleading with me not to go. What emotions did you feel during the experience? Mixed - at one point when I felt myself moving toward the light and the Light Being or Christ figure standing in the doorway waiting for me, I was filled with extreme joy, love and peace. When I realized I couldn't progress forward because my Mom was holding my arm, I felt very torn...not wanting to leave her and my family but desperately wanting to join the figure waiting for me in the light.


To's NDE.

I ended up first coming OUT of my body! It was scary for me. VERY scary for me. What emotions did you feel during the experience? First I felt relaxed..then fearful...then anxiety...then loved...then relieved..then renewed...then welcomed...then unwillingness to join it while ending my present life here.


Gary D's NDE

I felt very much alive and very much intact. every time I worried about anything this calmness would take over and then I would become worry free. Every time I got scared it was immediately replaced by total happiness it was an awesome feeling. There I was floating above my home. I could feel my mother's presence it the kitchen I could sense exactly were she stood. I could sense she had become overwhelmed with grief and was very worried about something but I could not figure out why. I looked at The Guide and said 'that is my funeral isn't it' he responded with 'Yes'. I looked down again and now I could see my friends and the cars of those times. Many friends where there, my mom and dad where near my casket. My little sister and her boyfriend also stood near my casket. My girlfriend who I would later marry was also standing close by. If I could have become depressed I would have but I could not feel any misery, hate, pain, fear nothing everything was just OK no matter what I saw or felt. Not being able to feel any fear or anything didn't prevent me from being snippy with The Guide so I said to him 'You have said that twice now, you have used the word US twice and it is just you and me here, what do mean when you say US'. I said in a snippy voice.


Gina's NDE.

I was passing through a tunnel towards a beautiful bright light that was so peaceful. I remember loving it there and was astounded by the love that I was receiving. completely at peace, a knowing of returning from where I came from, complete pure love, anger at having to return and being very sad after returning.


David O's NDE.

I felt extreme love, which I cannot describe. It felt right, like I was home. I decided my thoughts were selfish and not in the best interest of the universe itself, and agreed I should return to Gaia.


Evelyn's NDE.

Felt nice although the thought of being dead no longer bother me. I felt nice, no more pain, no worries and plenty of warm. My Daddy was there also there. We were happy to see each other, but there was a troubled whispers around. Almost everyone was saying "NO". There was a bad vibration in the air. Could even feel its warm feeling.


Debra's NDE.

behind that mountain was the most outstanding beautiful light (words of our present knowledge can not describe or do justice for the lights beauty) I wanted to go to the light very badly. I felt no desire or need to return to them even though they were in a panic and scared for me. I just knew that all was going to be OK and that they too would be OK. There was a great sense of peace and relief. Like all worries or responsibilities did not exist or were meaningless.


Chae's NDE

An immediate sense of fright came over me... She let me know that I would be okay and an immediate sense of calm came over me. A calm that I've never experienced before. It was very peaceful. Everyone made me feel so at home and I wanted so much to go with them. I was looking forward to it and I didn't care about my life behind me because I knew that everyone would be alright with my decision to stay with these nice beings. There was a feeling of sadness that came over me because I didn't want to go back. Then a feeling of confusion and indecision came over me. I knew deep in my heart that I didn't want to go back because I didn't feel the need to.


Anne's NDE.

I remember how happy I was because I loved my dad so much and he had died. I felt incredible love coming from this person... I said, "I am not good enough to be here", and the voices said, "Oh...but you are"..and their voices were so tender... And the thought of staying seemed so pleasing to me.


Larry's NDE.

Everything's quiet, dead quiet, but it's peaceful.


Bill V's NDE.

Total peace, relaxation, wonder, and awe.


Gail T's NDE

Terrible sadness and longing, nostalgia for this world.



I remember the wonderful feeling of love and warmth and truth and caring an unconditional feeling of wholeness... I pleaded with them and argued and I just couldn't face the thought of leaving this feeling of complete love and warmth but they insisted with, you have to go back, you have work to do.


Analisa D's NDE

(1st NDE)...it was the most indescribable feeling of peace and love I had ever experienced. It was pure ecstasy. My heart was alive, it felt as though I had streams of cool endlessly flowing water running through it and it was the most exhilarating feeling! I never wanted the feeling to stop and I was so happy!! (for the first time in my life!) I was just enthralled and in this state for what felt like a long time and a short time all at once. It were as though all knowledge was being poured through me, that nothing was being held back. I was so loved, and all of my questions were being answered. (2nd NDE)They started pulling at me and took me to this place of absolute desperation. There was nothing, and yet I existed in this horrible void. The essence of this void was that it was an ABSENCE OF GOD. It was absolute torture.. nothing, absolutely nothing can describe this pain. It was my worst nightmare come true. Even talking about it is very, very hard. It was pure terror. What emotions did you feel during the experience? The first time I felt untold joy and beauty. I was so extraordinarily happy--more than ecstatic. I felt free. I felt light. I felt infinite LOVE. The second time I felt emptiness and horror. I felt abandoned and hateful---..terrorized.


Tony D's NDE

i was laughing at her as i was above her watching. i felt the presence of another person next to me. i was not disturbed by this, as i felt familiar with him. i felt real happy being with him. i felt as though i was in love with that being. there was no distinction as to gender, only a being. i knew that i was home. it all felt so natural.


William E's NDE

I felt safe and loved and at peace.


Benjamin W's NDE

I felt the energy from them, from it all it was like complete understanding, no judgment, bigger than Love. What emotions did you feel during the experience? understanding, no judgment, Love


Ashley P's NDE

Contented and a feeling of warmth, love, peace, and serenity. The feeling of not wanting to come back was overwhelming, it felt like what I would describe as the feeling a baby would have in its mothers womb, safety, love, and excitement of what's to come.


Tom B's NDE

With love all around me, It was above, below, in front, behind, even through me. And somehow I knew I was in the presence of god. He didn't talk with a voice but by thoughts. He told me that he loved me and that he had always loved me. And that he was very proud of me. I remember that I couldn't believe how peaceful and how much love was there.


Deborah Le's NDE

...glad I couldn't feel the pain any more. Greg, and said "Hi Greg, what are you doing here?"(surprise?) I remember thinking, saying? what a silly thing to say, and he saying it's ok.(embarrassment) before I noticed Greg, a great feeling of relief and overwhelming love, and understanding "everything". I thought "Oh yeah, I remember now, it's sooo simple. I will never forget again." ...I was sooo excited to see them, almost jumping up and down type of excitement. I knew I was in my "real" home, and I knew that my life on earth? was important, but it wasn't the most important part of my life. ...there were things I was embarrassed about... there were feelings i don't think I have ever had before, deep emotional feelings. And there was a sense of homecoming that I still can't explain


Jim C's NDE

I felt this overwhelming presence next to me on my right side, like the Moon, but it was an intelligence. It radiated love, far beyond anything I had dreamed or heard of before, sort of like a father. He made me feel sad that I had ended up in that condition, like a scolded child, but in a loving way. There was an overwhelming sense of peace and contentment all around me... At the time I was realizing how pitiful people's goals were who surrounded themselves with material things and people to adore them.


Tina S's NDE

I suddenly felt the presence of intense comfort & love...


Mosher C's NDE

Did you hear any unusual sounds or noises? Yes, a sort of yunk, yung, yung sound Beauty, peace and love


Megan M's NDE

...the feeling of warmth and peace was I had only experienced once before in a meditation. There was a feeling of timelessness and comfort that I cannot explain...


Bobbi P's NDE

I viewed it and saw many people, places and things from my life starting with things that I knew had happened. It was wonderful. ...a wonderful feeling of contentment SUCH WONDERMENT!!!


Waylan's NDE

...instantly all fear was gone and I knew that I was alright. It is impossible to explain the love God has for us. No one would ever voluntarily leave God.