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Bill W's NDE.

We are all interconnected and these interconnected patterns are part of a greater function.'s_nde.htm

JoAnn M's NDE.

I had spiritual guides who gave me what I call "a tour of the universe", and that was a sense of the vastness of the universe, of being there at its creation, of being a part of the universe from its beginnings, and I was part of all that has occurred, and all that will occur. It was like I had no sense of self, that I was everything and everything was me, including God. It was a very reassuring feeling and I felt very safe and protected.. I felt unconditional love, joy and profound peacefulness.'s_nde.htm

Mani O's NDE

I flew into it. it was so amazing overwhelming it was like it so hard to explain it was though I was one with the world I knew everything I felt everything I was here and there it was as though as I one with the whole universe, it's just so beautiful words can't explain it.

Bonnie V's NDE.

All I know, is I went from being terribly bone deep chatteringly cold and bleeding in an ambulance, to the brightest and warmest place imaginable. These are not facile descriptors... the light was like an explosion of golden yellow, accompanied by the most exquisite warmth. It is not enough to say it enveloped WAS me, a mellow sun, a languorous day, a paradise of contentment. All was one. It was the most sublime pleasure I have ever felt. I basked in this place, even as I thought... "I am dying"....'s_nde.htm

Corina's NDE.

. My personal feeling is that we are all "sparks" that come from the "Big Light". When our physical bodies die, our soul, spirit, essence, feelings and thoughts, go back to the source....the "LIGHT".'s_nde.htm

Sylvia W's NDE.

It was a collection of all energy from which I was currently separated. The "spirits" with me were also part of the light, but they were just there to greet me and they were going back to the collective light.'s_nde.htm

Karen D's NDE.

The only way I can describe it is feeling like I was part of the universe. I was in the light . I felt like I was part of the light.

Dr. George Rodonaia NDE

I understood what the light meant. I learned that all the physical rules for human life were nothing when compared to this universal reality. I also came to see that a black hole is only another part of that infinity which is light. I came to see that reality is everywhere. This is not simply the earthly life but the infinite life. Everything is not only connected together, everything is also one. So I felt a wholeness with the light, a sense that all is right with me and the universe.

A Child's NDE

I felt like this was my real home this place where I was with this beautiful light which was God. I felt surrounded by the light and was one with it.

Teen-Age NDE

I know it sounds nutty, but it felt that I belonged to a part of the greatness of all there is in the universe. This place were I was defies mere words. It seems as if it always existed and is part of all things now and forever.

Mary's NDE

Words can't describe my awe in this presence. It seemed like I became part of The Light and then the Light became part of me. We were one. I suddenly understood, without question, how interconnected we all are with each other, God and all life forms in the Universe.'s_nde.htm

Sherry G's NDE.

I was told that the sin and Satan we live is that of our own creation. That we are the true essence of God. That we are God creating God. "Ye are Gods." God lives within us and through us. God experiences it all right along with us. This is called free will, that the greatest gift we were ever given was to create our own reality. To experience the biggest, grandest version of ourselves.'s_nde.htm

Diane G's NDE

In that instant, total knowledge of reality appeared to me and I saw the multi-dimensionality of the universe. My consciousness expanded so far beyond the physical plane that I was no longer aware of it, nor of my self. I was so much a part of it all, there was no distinction. It was a brilliant flash of light and I was allowed to see into it for a brief moment and experience a feeling of love so profound, powerful and overwhelming that I can only describe it as pure Bliss (even though that doesn't begin to describe it).

Anthony N's NDE

Everything is of one, everything is part of everything else.

Jean's NDE

It was like a vast march of people from different times with different world-views, all working together. Like removing the top of a gigantic piece of machinery and observing all the wheels, cogs and pulleys working together. On the surface we see none of this, but take off the top and we can see it. My vision took off the top. I "knew" that we are all connected with each other - like mountain climbers with ropes around their middles. When one of us falls, we pull the others down. When we climb up, we help others up. We're all in this together. I "knew" that what we observe as empty space between us is not empty. We are like marbles in a sheet of glass. You don't see the glass, you see the marbles. But the glass holds the marbles together. We are held together by an invisible substance that is around us and between us. It is invisible to us, but it is real. I saw that life on this planet was not random, there is a giant plan. The plan, however, is on a scale that is incompressible to us.

Lisa M's NDE.

This love was all around me, it was everywhere, but at the same time it was also me, the one I was, my innermost essence. There were no limits or limitations what so ever, I could go wherever I wanted, know whatever I wished, do anything. A living light, that was all and everything, the essence of everything and all. I didn't only 'see' this light, me, all the other beings I encountered, and everything in this place WAS this light.

India Physician's NDE.

However at that critical moment I pleaded for an answer to the riddle of Life as that thought had fully engrossed me! There was a beautiful vision of stars roaring past me. At the centre of all that tumult was a glowing light. Each star appeared to be a minute centre of consciousness. It was merging into & emerging from the central consciousness as desired by that cosmic WILL which shone like a very huge sun!

August's NDE.

Upon seeing this shimmering Light that is indescribably beautiful, I had a revelation. This Light is not, in the strictest sense, "God" in the traditional meaning of the bibles of various religions, including Christianity. This Light, which is an energy gestalt, is an aggregation of many multitudes of immortal souls from all walks of life, e.g., plants, mammals, fish, and is collectively a life-force. This Light is a life-force from which all life is originated, and is neither a single entity, for each immortal soul is part of "God," nor multiple entities, for each immortal soul is but a part of the collective entity, i.e., this Light is in a broad sense a single "God" who sits on a throne in heaven that rewards or punishes souls. Without this life-force, i.e., energy gestalt, there is no life on earth, or any inhabitable planet in the universe. Those on earth who are in search of "God" are in vain, because they have already found "God": themselves; people need only look into themselves to find a sense of purpose or faith from religion, and therefore find that there is a God, i.e., Light

Duane's NDE.

I could feel the sun shining down warming my face but no longer was it to bright to look at. The gentle breeze was comforting my thoughts turned to the sound it made rustling through the vibrant green leaves of a large tree to my left. My focus on the tree left me actually feeling the breeze blowing through the leaves as if the leaves were my fingers and the tree was a part of me. All of my senses were heightened color brighter sight crisper and better defined the smells and slight mist of water on my skin were wonderful. A bird began to sing behind me and as the melody gained my attention it was as if the trees and brush hiding it parted and I had full view of this tiny creature. Not only could it be seen and heard but I could feel that the bird was happy even joyous just to exist and this feeling became a part of me.

Bill V's NDE.

As I touched the place where I saw the other universe, it began to draw me towards it and as it did, it was like an experience of what people call the eye of the storm, a device that has a static electric field that when you touch the glass, the static electricity is drawn to your fingers. As the strands of electricity touched me, I felt instantly as if I knew everything, experienced the whole of creation. No heaven like what the Christian philosophy or any other religion states, no hell, just the purity of the universe as a whole. The energy there was NOT only "human" in nature, all of the life here on earth was there that had been past and present, which to me, explained the concepts of human reproduction and the feelings that some people get about reincarnation. This was to me the essence of human, animal, and even plant life.

Gail T's NDE

We are all a part of God, like a cell in our bloodstream). Our connection to each other and our only way to Return to the ONE is Love. It is the Universal Protocol for communication. Without LOVE, we cannot communicate with each other, much less with GOD. I respect everyone's faith and do not believe in proselytizing. We are all inculcated with out belief systems because of an accident of birth. We are given these beliefs by our elders. Beliefs are impossible to change --- even through reason. A person can only change his/her own beliefs because he really believes otherwise and is open to rationality. Most belief systems have nothing to do with rationality. They just are.

Analisa D's NDE

Everything was understandable...everything was love--and this love was made of light---love-light is the basic operating principle of everything. It was everywhere and within everything. The reason for all suffering was not being aware of this love-light. I understood what the Jesus was talking about (and I think I went to this since I was Catholic at the time) That the holy spirit the bible talks about is pure love-light. This spirit was inside of me and is inside each and everyone of us.. and it is that power that can conquer all darkness...It was all so simple and beautiful.

Benjamin W's NDE

I went into a wonderful place of complete understanding with white light's_nde.htm

Ashley P's NDE

A dimension of brilliant static electric white light as best as I can describe it.'s_nde.htm

Tom B's NDE

Yes, that I was incredibly special and that "we all" belong to one another, and that we are all responsible TO one another and to all living things...'s_nde.htm

Deborah Le's NDE

I think of people I feel connected to in life are connected forever. not just yuour family, but i feel that the life we choose here, is with different family member from the bigger family we have. i can't explain it, but i think my family is my family and it is really much bigger family and while we don't know them as family while we are here, when we are there we remember them and maybe choose to spend some time on earth with them another time. i don't know how to explain it.'s_nde.htm

Tina S's NDE

Did you have a sense of knowing, special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose? Yes instant we all go there & are united