Post Religious/Spiritual Perspectives in Near-Death Experiences
A Survey
Please read the Consent Form and Form Instructions (see below) prior to completing the form


Consent Form
'Post Religious/Spiritual Perspectives in Near-Death Experiences.'

James A. Houck, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Pastoral and Theological Studies
Department of Pastoral and Theological Studies,
Office: 326 Abessinio Building     Phone:  610-358-4227
Neumann College, One Neumann Drive, Aston, PA 19014 

Bruce Greyson, M.D., Chester F. Carlson Professor of Psychiatry
Director, Division of Perceptual Studies
Department of Psychiatric Medicine, University of Virginia Health System
P.O. Box 800152, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0152
Phone: 434-924-2281

Dr. Jeff, Radiation Oncology
Founder, Near Death Experience Research Foundation (

I understand that I am being invited to participate in the study of religious and spiritual perspectives in Near-Death Experiences (NDE).  Your participation in this study is voluntary and strict confidentiality will be maintained. 

Typically, NDEs are categorized by one of the following characteristics:  People who report having a lucid experience associated with having been pronounced clinically dead but then resuscitated; people who actually die, but were able to describe their experiences in their final moments, such as a deathbed vision; and people who, in the course of accidents or illnesses, had a close brush with death, and thus, feared that they were near-death.

Previous research has demonstrated that a NDE has a transformative impact on individuals, significantly changing their values and attitudes towards not only death, but also creating a new sense of purpose and meaning in one's life. Yet, what is lacking is the understanding of specific areas of how and to what degree does this transformation impact one's life?  Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between an individuals' near-death experience and their perspectives in three areas

bulletSpiritual Transcendence, which represents the ability of a person to stand outside of his/her immediate sense of time and place and to view life from a larger, more objective perspective.
bulletImage of God, which represents a feeling of belonging, fundamental goodness and a sense of control regarding one's relationship with God or the Divine.
bullet Religious/Spiritual Coping, which seeks to understand the ways people use religion and spirituality to cope in times of personal stress.  

In addition to submitting your NDE on the Near Death Experience Research Foundation web-site, you will be asked to complete these three validated standardized questionnaires.  It will take between 45 minutes-1 hour to complete these materials.  The submitted questionnaires will be downloaded into a separate secured file where all data for the study will be collected.  The file will be destroyed once it is no longer needed.   

This study will not be a physical or social risk.  However, in the event that any disturbing details emerge either from recalling events that led up to the NDE or the actual NDE itself, you are asked to contact one of the researchers, your health-care provider, and/or your spiritual advisor to help further process these feelings. 

If you have any questions prior to completing the questionnaires, you may contact either Dr. James A. Houck at 610-998-9264 (, or The Institutional Review Board at Neumann College ( 

By submitting this form you give your permission to be included in the study. 

Date and time of submission will be recorded with your completed questionnaires.

Form Instructions

1.    While we greatly appreciate your participation in this survey, we regret there can be no monetary compensation.

2.    Please fill out the form below as completely and accurately as you can.  Please carefully consider all alternative responses prior to selecting a response.  Please do not complete this form unless you have previously shared your experience with the Near Death Experience Research Foundation and you personally received an e-mail inviting you to this survey.

3.    In the following questions, please select the radio button above your response.  If you change your mind, you may select a different radio button in response to the question.  Only one response to each question is allowed.

4.   All questions
require responses.  This is very important' you will not be able to submit any information at until all questions have been answered!  If you did not respond to one or several questions, when you press the 'Submit' button at the end of the form, an error page will appear indicating the question(s) that need answered before you can submit your answers.

5   Please do not forget to press the "Submit" button at the end or your responses to the questions will be lost! 

6.    After you press the submit button upon completing the form, a review of your responses to the questions will be shown.  A button will allow you to return to this page.  The form will be blank, but all information will have been sent.

Your willingness to complete this survey is vital to the success of this project. We express our heartfelt thanks in advance to those willing to share!


Survey Questions:

You are:

Where do you currently live? (city or county, state, country if not U.S.A.):


Age at time of the NDE:

Age now:


Your occupation/career at the time of the NDE:                     

Your occupation/career currently:                     

Your current religion (select one):
        If "Other", Please describe:

Please describe the most significant impact your NDE has had on you:


A.  Please read each question carefully, and indicate your answer by selecting one of the preferences for each question:

1. In the quiet of my prayers and/or meditations, I find a sense of wholeness.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                       Neutral                    Disagree           Strongly Disagree

2.  I have done things in my life because I believed it would please a parent, relative, or friend
     that had died.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                       Neutral                    Disagree           Strongly Disagree

3.  Although dead, memories and thoughts of some of my relatives continue to influence my
     current life.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                       Neutral                    Disagree           Strongly Disagree

4.  I find inner strength and/or peace from my prayers and/or meditations.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                       Neutral                    Disagree           Strongly Disagree

5.  I do not have any strong emotional ties to someone who has died.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                       Neutral                    Disagree           Strongly Disagree

6.  There is no higher plane of consciousness or spirituality that binds all people.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                       Neutral                    Disagree           Strongly Disagree

7.  Although individual people may be difficult, I feel an emotional bond with all of humanity.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                       Neutral                    Disagree           Strongly Disagree

8.  My prayers and/or meditations provide me with a sense of emotional support.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                       Neutral                    Disagree           Strongly Disagree

9.  I feel that on a higher level all of us share a common bond.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                       Neutral                    Disagree           Strongly Disagree

B.  Please read each question carefully, and indicate your answer by selecting one of the preferences for each question:
1.  When I obey the rules, God makes good things happen for me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

2.  I imagine God to be rather formal, almost standoffish.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree
3.  I am sometimes anxious about whether God loves me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

4.  Asking God for help rarely does me any good.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree
5.  I am confident of God's love for me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

6.  God does not answer when I call.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

7.  I know I'm not perfect, but God loves me anyway.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

8.  The voice of God tells me what to do.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree
9.  I have sometimes felt that I have committed the unforgivable sin.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

10. Even when I mess things up, I know God will straighten them out.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

11. God never challenges me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

12. Thinking too much could endanger my faith.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

13. I think of God as more compassionate than demanding.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

14. I get what I pray for.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

15. I can feel God deep inside of me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

16. God's love for me has no strings attached.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

17. God doesn't feel very personal to me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

18. No matter how hard I pray, it doesn't do me any good.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

19. Even when I do bad things, I know God still loves me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

20. I can talk to God on an intimate basis.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

21. What happens in my life is largely a result of the decisions I make.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

22. I think God even loves atheists.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

23. God nurtures me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

24. I get no feeling of closeness to God, even in prayer.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

25. God loves me only when I perform perfectly.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

26. God loves me regardless.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

27. God takes pleasure in my achievements.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

28. I can't imagine anyone God couldn't love.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

29. God keeps asking me to try harder.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

30.  God is always there for me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

31. I get no help from God even if I pray for it.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

32. Being close to God and being active in the world don't mix.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

33. God can easily be provoked by disobedience.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

34. I often worry about whether God can love me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

35. God is in control of my life.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

36. God wants me to achieve all I can in life.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

37. I am a very powerful person because of God.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

38. God will always provide for me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

39. I think God mostly leaves people free.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

40. If God listens to prayers, you couldn't prove it by me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

41. God is looking for a chance to get even with me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

42. God's mercy is for everyone.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

43. God's love for me is unconditional.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

44. I know what to do to get God to listen to me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

45. God asks me to keep growing as a person.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

46. I think God only loves certain people.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

47. God almost always answers my prayers.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

48. God doesn't want me to ask too many questions.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

49. God doesn't do too much to determine the outcome of my life.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree
50. God lets the world run by its own laws.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

51. Even if my beliefs about God were wrong, God would still love me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

52. I am not good enough for God to love me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

53. God's compassion knows no religious boundaries.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

54. I sometimes feel cradled in God's arms.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree
55. God has never asked me to do hard things.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree
56. Running the world is more important to God than caring about people.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

57. I often feel that I am in the hands of God.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

58. I don't think my faith gives me any special influence with God.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

59. Mostly, I have to provide for myself.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

60. I am particularly drawn to the image of God as a shepherd.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

61. God feels distant to me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

62. I think human achievements are a delight to God.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

63. I rarely feel that God is with me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

64. I feel warm inside when I pray.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

65. I am pretty much responsible for my life.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

66. God rarely if ever seems to give me what I ask for.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

67. I think God must enjoy getting even with us when we deserve it.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree
68. God encourages me to go forward on the journey of life.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

69. God sometimes intervene at my request.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

70. God never reaches out to me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree
71. God doesn't mind if I don't grow very much.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

72. I sometimes think that not even God could love me.
                 Strongly Agree                Agree                      Disagree           Strongly Disagree

C.  Please read each question carefully, and indicate your answer by selecting one of the preferences for each question:

1. Saw my situation as part of God's plan.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

2. Tried to find a lesson from God in the event.        
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

3. Tried to see how God might be trying to strengthen me in this situation.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

4. Wondered what I did for God to punish me.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

5. Decided that God was punishing me for my sins.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

6. Felt punished by God for my lack of devotion.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

7.  Believed the devil was responsible for my situation.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

8. Felt the situation was the work of the devil.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

9. Decided the devil made this happen.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

10. Questioned the power of God.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

11. Thought that some things are beyond God's control.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

12. Realized that God cannot answer all my prayers.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

13. Tried to put my plans into action together with God.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

14. Worked together with God as partners.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

15. Tried to make sense of the situation with God.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

16. Did my best and then turned the situation over to God.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

17. Did what I could and put the rest in God's hands.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

18. Took control over what I could, and gave the rest up to God.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

19. Didn't do much, just expected God to solve my problems for me.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

20. Didn't try much of anything; simply expected God to take control.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

21. Didn't try to cope; only expected God to take my worries away.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

22. Pleaded with God to make things turn out okay.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

23. Prayed for a miracle.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

24. Bargained with God to make things better.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

25. Tried to deal with my feelings without God's help.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

26. Tried to make sense of the situation without relying on God.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

27. Made decisions about what to do without God's help.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

28. Sought God's love and care.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

29. Trusted God would be at my side.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

30. Looked to God for strength, support and guidance.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

31. Prayed to get my mind off of my problems.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

32. Thought about spiritual matters to stop thinking about my problems.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

33. Focused on religion to stop worrying about my problems.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

34. Confessed my sins.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

35. Asked forgiveness for my sins.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

36. Tried to be less sinful.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

37. Looked for a stronger connection with God.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

38. Sought a stronger spiritual connection with other people.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

39. Thought about how my life is part of larger spiritual force.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

40. Wondered whether God had abandoned me.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

41. Voiced anger that God did not answer my prayers.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all
42. Questioned God's love for me.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

43. Avoided people who weren't of my faith.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

44. Stuck to the teachings and practices of my religion.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

45. Ignored advice that was inconsistent with my faith.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

46. Looked for spiritual support from clergy.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

47. Asked others to pray for me.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

48. Looked for love and concern from the members of my church.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

49. Prayed for the well-being of others.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

50. Offered spiritual support to family or friends.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

51. Tried to give spiritual strength to others.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

52. Disagreed with what the church wanted me to do or believe.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

53. Felt dissatisfaction with the clergy.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

54. Wondered whether my church had abandoned me.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

55. Asked God to help me find a new purpose in life.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

56. Prayed to find a new reason to live.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

57. Prayed to discover my purpose in living.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

58. Tried to find a completely new life through religion.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

59. Looked for a total spiritual reawakening.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

60. Prayed for a complete transformation of my life.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

61. Sought help from God in letting go of my anger.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all 

62. Asked God to help me overcome my bitterness.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

63. Sought God's help in trying to forgive others.
        A great deal              Quite a lot                Somewhat                Not at all

D.  For each question, please indicate which answer comes closest to what you experienced during your NDE:

1.  Did time seem to speed up?
Time seemed to go faster or slower than usual
Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning

2.  Were your thoughts speeded up?

Faster than usual
Incredibly fast

3.  Did scenes from your past come back to you?
I remembered many past events
My past flashed before me, out of my control

4.  Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?

Everything about myself or others
Everything about the universe

5.  Did you have a feeling of peace or pleasantness?

Relief or calmness
Incredible peace or pleasantness

6.  Did you have a feeling of joy?

Incredible joy

7.  Did you feel a sense of harmony or unity with the universe?

I felt no longer in conflict with nature
I felt united or one with the world

Did you see or feel surrounded by a brilliant light?
An unusually bright light
A light clearly of mystical or other-worldly origin

9.  Were your senses more vivid than usual?

More vivid than usual
Incredibly more vivid

Did you seem to be aware of things going on elsewhere, as if by ESP?

Yes, but the facts have not been checked out
Yes, and the facts have been checked out

11.  Did scenes from the future come to you?
Scenes from my personal future
Scenes from the world's future

Did you feel separated from your physical body?
I lost awareness of my body
I clearly left my body and existed outside it

13.  Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?
Some unfamiliar and strange place
A clearly mystical or unearthly realm

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence?
I heard a voice I could not identify
I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin

Did you see deceased spirits or religious figures?
I sensed their presence
I actually saw them

16.  Did you come to a border or point of no return?
I came to a definite conscious decision to 'return' to life
I came to a barrier that I was not permitted to cross; or was 'sent back' against my will.


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Last revised: June 14, 2012


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