Experience Description

I was 3 years old when I suffered from severe pneumonia. My memories of this NDE became clearer when I got older. The only thing that doesn’t happen anymore is the feeling of pure happiness when the NDE flashes come to me.

I was hospitalized. I remember seeing the hospital from above. Soon after, I was floating on my uncle's farm. My vision was 360 degrees. I remember being ashamed because I was naked, but in spirit and without a body. I saw a pile of shingles piled up at one end of the road. I remember running through a wonderfully beautiful garden and soft grass like cotton. Somebody inside of a house was taking care of me. The love I felt was so intense that I can never describe it with words. I think it was my maternal grandmother, but I’m not sure.

I survived. Relatives told me that I was in a coma for days.

Background Information:

Gender: Female

Date NDE Occurred: 1985

NDE Elements:

At the time of your experience, was there an associated life-threatening event? Yes Illness. Life threatening event, but not clinical death

How do you consider the content of your experience? Entirely pleasant

The experience included: Out of body experience

Did you feel separated from your body? Yes I clearly left my body and existed outside it

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal. My vision was very accurate.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? It was so real. I wonder why I can not remember so many details of when I was 3 years old? This experience intensified in my adulthood, that by the time I read about this site, I was shocked and my mother did not believed me.

Were your thoughts speeded up? No

Did time seem to speed up or slow down? No

Were your senses more vivid than usual? Incredibly more vivid

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. I was very young, I do not remember things at that age.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. I can not remember if hearing was accurate, only the vision was.

Did you seem to be aware of things going on elsewhere? Yes, and the facts have been checked out

Did you pass into or through a tunnel? Uncertain. It seems fragmented memories to me. I think I forgot all about this incredible experience

The experience included: Presence of deceased persons

Did you see any beings in your experience? I actually saw them

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings? Yes Later I saw pictures of my maternal grandmother and I recognized her because of the ponytail in her hair. I felt pain and missed her because I did not know her on earth

Did you see, or feel surrounded by, a brilliant light? No

Did you see an unearthly light? No

The experience included: A landscape or city

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? A clearly mystical or unearthly realm It was a wonderful place

The experience included: Strong emotional tone

What emotions did you feel during the experience? It was like a love without measure, pure happiness, and a lot of adrenaline.

Did you have a feeling of peace or pleasantness? Incredible peace or pleasantness

Did you have a feeling of joy? Happiness

Did you feel a sense of harmony or unity with the universe? I felt united or one with the world

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? Everything about myself or others. Yes, I was connected with the lady who was there. Everything was love, care, and pure peace.

Did scenes from your past come back to you? No

Did scenes from the future come to you? Scenes from my personal future. Yes, I have in my memory a very strong scene of something that will happen in my future when I turn 50 years old.

Did you come to a border or point of no return? No

God, Spiritual and Religion:

What importance did you place on your religious/spiritual life prior to your experience? Unknown

What was your religion prior to your experience? Christian- Catholic. Since I was a child, I was raised in the Catholic religion.

Have your religious practices changed since your experience? Yes I believe in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What importance do you place on your religious/spiritual life after your experience? Greatly important to me

What is your religion now? Christian- Catholic

Did your experience include features consistent with your earthly beliefs? Content that was entirely not consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience. I was a child. I remember that later I had the wisdom to hear about Jesus without anyone telling me

Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes. After I became an adult, I realized that this was real indeed. I realized I was privileged and loved by God.

The experience included: Presence of unearthly beings

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice? I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin. I felt them and at the same time I heard by telepathy that I was safe and loved there.

Did you see deceased or religious spirits? I actually saw them

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)? No

During your experience, did you gain information about premortal existence? Yes. I felt at home there and not here.

During your experience, did you gain information about universal connection or oneness? Yes. God.

Did you believe in the existence of God prior to your experience? I was uncertain if God exists

During your experience, did you gain information about the existence of God? Yes Everything there was pure love, peace and happiness, the essence of all this gathered

Do you believe in the existence of God after your experience? God definitely exists

Concerning our Earthly lives other than Religion:

During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes but I do not remember of everything, I know I forgot some parts.

Did you believe that our earthly lives are meaningful and significant prior to your experience? Unknown

During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Yes

Did you believe in an afterlife prior to your experience? I was uncertain if an afterlife exists

Do you believe in an afterlife after your experience? An afterlife definitely exists. Yes It is the other dimension and death does not exist. Paradise is for children.

Did you fear death prior to your experience? Unknown

Do you fear death after your experience? I do not fear death

Were you fearful living your life prior to your experience? Unknown

Were you fearful living your life after your experience? Moderately fearful in living my earthly life

Did you believe that our earthly lives are meaningful and significant prior to your experience? Unknown

Did you believe that our earthly lives are meaningful and significant after your experience? Are meaningful and significant

Did you gain information about how to live our lives? Yes I've always been humble of heart, I think it was because of this NDE

During your experience, did you gain information about life's difficulties, challenges and hardships? No

Were you compassionate prior to your experience? Unknown

During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes The love there is the purest essence of love and I have never felt it here

Were you compassionate after your experience? Greatly compassionate toward others

What life changes occurred in your life after your experience? Large changes in my life. I was always a shy girl who was quiet and good for others. But I suffered a lot of bullying too, but I did not react

Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes I became sensitive to everything

After the NDE:

Was the experience difficult to express in words? Yes Something so wonderful that I have no human words to describe it

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience? I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of the experience. Without a doubt something that I did not understand was the reason of those flashes. From time to time, they came into my memory and I felt the happiness coming together. Everything was so fast and as an adult I never felt it again. Why did I not remember of dreams of this age of 3 years?

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience? Yes I feel when things are going to happen; not clearly but I become depressed, feel heavy, and like negative energies prowling the environment

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? Yes, that love. I want to relive it for sure. I miss that love from God

Have you ever shared this experience with others? Yes I asked my mother if I was near death in those days, in the middle of 1985. She cried saying that I was in coma for days but she did not believe in my NDE.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? No

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened? Experience was definitely real. It was good to feel the flashes

What do you believe about the reality of your experience now? Experience was definitely real. Without a doubt, I see experiences similar to mine here on the site and I have two aunts who also had an NDE. One aunt by car accident and the other by abortion with risk of death. They spoke about the tunnel but they returned. They agree that it was a real dream.

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? Yes I'm ashamed to say but, it was like an orgasm

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience? Yes, this site made me recognize myself as one among so many people who went through this marvel.

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience? Very accurate and detailed.