Experience Description

From: EPOCH Time 2009-01-16 6:20 PM

While Jia Ming was in that dimension, she recalled that she led a good life and did not do anything evil when she was alive. Souls who had comitted wrong-doings on Earth experienced tremendous pains on the other side. She remember that in her childhood she had always pranked a neighbor girl who walked by her house. That little girl was intimidated by Jia.

In 1989, Jia Ming contracted Fulminant Hepatitis with acute kidney failure. She was sent to a hospital somewhere in southern Taiwan. When she arrived at the hospital, her liver and kidney were nonfunctioning and her pupils were dilated. The Hospital issued a critical condition notice to her family. Later, she was transferred to the emergency room to be resuscitated in Taichung Veteran's General Hospital.

She woke up after four days in a coma. Subsequently, she had transformed to cast a new light on life. In life, Jia was very stubborn. She thought God and ghosts were nonsense. Nevertheless, when in a coma, she was in a realm controlled by God.

Souls only care about one thing

In that multi-dimensional realm, Jia felt timeless and she was indifferent to the physical world. She used used the word 'extremely' three times during the interview to emphasize that it only mattered to a soul which ranking of levels it was assigned when he/she departured from the flesh. There seemed to be judgment on the other side. It appeared to be judgment of a soul using earthly unethical standards according to human perception.

When she was in that dimension, she recalled that she led a good life and did not do anything evil when she was alive. Souls who had committed wrong-doings on Earth experienced tremendous pains in the other side. She remember that in her childhood she had always pranked a neighbor girl who walked by her house. That little girl was intimidated by Jia. As I (my soul) thought about this matter, it was a very painful thought.

After she came back to the physical world, Jia tried to find that girl and sincerely wanted to apologize to her because it represented unsettled business to Jia. Finally, after looking for that girl for 14 years, she accidentally met her in a marketplace. Jia happily ran to her and apologized to her. The girl did not remember the pranking at all. However, Jia felt like a burden had been released and they became good friends after this.

Wings, Sounds, and the Light

When her spirit was floating upward, Jia saw many objects that had not being seen on earth, such as a spaceship-like or some sort of a satellite UFO. Later, she arrived in a space where there was a tall chair like a throne that was emanated light. There were ten giant, winged-creatures standing next to the throne. I thought, 'How come their wings are so hugh with thick feathers?' I could not tell their appearances, but only saw their white robed images. It was a soft, gentle atmosphere in that realm. I could hear their communications. However, they were not spoken words but they communicated with a harmonic sound. I felt they were being kind-hearted and protective. I also stepped on the path of netherworld where it was a narrow, flagstone-made road. I remember thinking that in that dimension, there was no name for roads; yet, people named everything on earth.

Back to Earth

I wandered about for a while, and then I heard my brother calling my name. So, I moved toward sound of the voice. My spirit entered back into the body. Once I knew that I was in my flesh, I desperately tried to twist my body to draw their attentions to me. After much effort, my stiff body started to move. Although I could not open my eyes and tongue was still rigid, there was a nurse who finally noticed I was alive. She ran over to inform my sister to come to the intensive care unit. The whole family was crying with joy.

Jia hopes her NDE experience will help people who are suicidal or are afraid of death, so they have a new understanding about death. All people have a responsibility on earth because God created and arranged everything. Sometime our paths are not as easy as they look, but they are granted by God for us to learn the truth, the goodness, and beauty of life. Therefore, we should live the fullness of life, be content with what we have, feel at ease under all circumstances, and help others if we are capable. If people are depressed and take his/her own life, then their souls will experience extreme pains, additionally they don't know where they are going.

After Jia came back from her NDE, she took a break to recuperate, started a new career that led to a new chapter of her life.