Experience Description

(part 1 and part 2)
My experience was not just a single event. In 2011, I was walking my dogs when I began to have an anxiety attack. I fell to the ground gasping for air. I then had something tall and white come over me. I was told to ‘get off the drugs, get off the drugs, thyroid, thyroid’ referring me to get off the prescription drugs that were killing me. I immediately stopped taking the medicine and found a new Endocrinologist for my thyroid. I found I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis along with a very active autoimmune system. Three months later, I turned to God and asked Jesus into my life.

For the next two years, I dealt with the colon. In 2013, I could not eat and was sucking on lemon drops and drinking liquids, as I could not keep anything down. I was afraid of rupturing or blowing out my colon. I finally got a surgeon to remove the bad section in October 2013. During my stay at the hospital, I had an experience with a negative being or energy. Two days after the surgery, exhaust gases from construction equipment overcame me. I had to get out of bed and request a new room. I went and lay on the floor in the hallway in front of the elevators. My wife came and sat on the chairs. I remember a feeling to look at the hallway from where I had come and saw a black entity walking down the hall. It stopped and looked at us and then continued. I was placed into a new room.

One night, I could not sleep. I remember the nurse coming in to take my vital signs. Then all I remember is in the early morning hours. I got out of bed, demanded the IV be removed and I got dressed and left the hospital. I had my wife drop me off downtown. I then remember being at the train station and asking about tickets. I called my wife to bring me money. She showed up and I told her I was going to Los Angeles but she would not give me money, so I threw my phone into the car and shut the door. She said I just disappeared. All I remember of this is standing and looking at the train and ‘feeling’ this entity jump out and get onto the train. This train was headed East to Chicago. This is when I realized where I was. I walked back to the hospital and called my wife to pick me up as the hospital would not allow me back.

Three days later, my wife went to work. I was home and not on any drugs. I began getting a cold feeling in which I put on thermals and sweats but could not get warm. I then got into bed. I usually sleep on top of covers with an afghan as a cover. I got under the covers with five blankets and a down comforter. I still could not get warm. I began having chest pains and rolled over in the bed.

I went into this darkness or void. It was black with no stars or anything except one distant light. It was extremely far away and looked like a very small dot. Then I began moving towards the light. I could tell I was moving forward with my head facing ahead and my hands to the sides. It was like I was parachuting or gliding through the sky, although I have never done this. I could tell the speed began to increase. I noticed there were no stars, which I thought was strange. One light directly in front of me was slowly getting larger. I could tell the blackness was nothing I had ever seen before. All I could tell is that I began gaining speed and heading towards this light that seemed to be dimming and getting bright like a flickering candle or light from a generator.

I could tell I was going extremely fast. I began to see these bits of light, or something, that were running into me and I was absorbing them. I finally realized it was like information: sort of like the 10101010 in computer programming is the only way to explain it. The information started very slowly and began to increase in the numbers I was absorbing. As I got closer to this light and it became clearer to me, it was wider than in height. The light was a glowing, golden color I cannot describe since I had never seen anything like it before. As I got closer, I began to notice what looked like a planet but nothing like I have ever seen before. This planet was clear like a snow globe or clear glass in which this glowing, golden light was inside.

As I got closer and the speed and information began to decrease, I could tell that on the edge were thousands and thousands of stars. I began to ask or think what was going on and what was this? My speed stopped and so did the information. I was just floating in space looking at the gorgeous, most beautiful view I had ever seen. I did not feel any pain or bad feelings. I felt peace, comfort, joy, and love like I never felt before. I just floated, taking in this view and trying to figure out what was happening.

Then I could feel a very slight and soft communication or voice, but not like actually talking to someone. I did not see anyone. I felt the presence of a higher being in which I believe was God. This voice began communicating with, 'Do you know where you are. Do you know what you are looking at?' I was trying to gather my thoughts as I began to realize this might be heaven! Now I was trying to grasp what I was seeing when the communication began to increase. I came to grips with what and where I was. I was floating outside of heaven, looking at it from a distance in space. It was like I traveled through a black hole since there were no other stars or lights on this travel.

This being began telling me that I had some things to do. I was given three specific instructions. First was that I had to learn to Forgive others, as it was one of the hardest things for me to do when crossed. I had to Forgive myself also. God knew I had a real problem with Forgiveness of others and for me to learn it; I have to also teach it. I was told that if I just said that I forgave others that it would not be from the heart. In order to show my truth in Forgiving, I have to constantly be working on it. Second, I had to do something about my anger. Third, I had to go talk, teach, preach, write, and do a video of my experience.

There was a point during this that I realized I could talk or communicate as well. I began to ask questions or talk. One of the things I asked was, ‘Is this heaven?’ The answer was, ‘Yes.’ I asked if the stars I saw around this edge were friends and family. Again, I was told, ‘Yes.’ These stars looked strange to me, which is why I asked. They were all the same in size and had a shimmering look that I cannot explain and had never seen anything like it. The stars looked like a combination of a diamond, crystal and pearl essence with a shining, brightness.

It was so beautiful that I did not want to come back, but was told that I had to return. Three times I stated I wanted to stay, even if I remained floating where I was. I did not want to return to the hell I was going through on earth with the medical issues, the police, and all. But I was told I had to go back.

I did make a deal though: in that if I had to come back that I wanted to complete my fence around the house to secure the property for my wife, before I came back. I still do want to be here on this planet with the beauty and feeling I had experienced and seen. I was then brought back into my body. I awoke in soaking-wet bedding and clothes.

Background Information:

Gender: Male

Date NDE Occurred: 10-13-2013

NDE Elements:

At the time of your experience, was there an associated life-threatening event? Uncertain Heart attack. Other: I had been sick with Diverticulitis and had colon resection of the 4th of October 2013. I was at home the time of the NDE in which the symptoms were the exact same as on the 31st when I was taken to the emergency room with a completely blocked main artery and had a stent implaced. I was home alone and had the experience in which I awoke and realised what I had just experienced. I had been sick with Diverticulitis and had colon resection on October 4, 2013. I was at home the time of the NDE in which the symptoms were the exact same as on the 31st when I was taken to the emergency room with a completely blocked main artery in which a stent was inserted. I was home alone and had the experience in which I awoke and realized what I had just experienced. Uncertain, because I was home alone and feeling very cold and could not warm up and finally after six blankets and thermals and sweats and still not able to warm up, I went to sleep and experienced the NDE. When I awoke, I was completely soaked as was the bedding and all. The same exact thing happened on the 31st with same scenario but this time the wife was home and could tell I was having a heart attack and rushed me to the hospital. I had a completely blocked main out-going artery.

How do you consider the content of your experience? Entirely pleasant

Did you feel separated from your body? No No

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal I am a very observant person and very intuitive, I believe, but when this happened and during the experience, I became aware of where I was and what was happening. I had the ‘bug-eyed’ look I am sure, like a kid in a new toy store. I felt this peacefulness about the entire experience and felt as though I was absorbing everything I could and especially the ‘information’ thing. I asked about this and was told it was information I need. I did not understand but have come to an understanding after a year since the experience.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? When I had stopped the ‘travel’ and was just floating in front of heaven from the outside and finally being told this was heaven at which I was looking. The stars are friends and family.

Were your thoughts speeded up? Faster than usual

Did time seem to speed up or slow down? Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning I did not have any sense of time. I do not know how long this experience took.

Were your senses more vivid than usual? Incredibly more vivid

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. I don't understand this question. I have never had a vision like this prior or since. I do get information in visions or see things now, which I had not seen before: such as the way messages are communicated to me for things I need to know or be aware of, I have noticed.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. I could not tell as any communication was thought or mind reading, I guess. There were no words communicated and I did not remember actually hearing anything during this time.

Did you seem to be aware of things going on elsewhere? No

The experience included: Tunnel

Did you pass into or through a tunnel? Uncertain I am not sure if it was a tunnel or what. It did not feel like a tunnel, as it was just a pure darkness or blackness with no light at all. There were no stars or anything except the one light in an extremely far distance at the beginning of it all. To me it was like being in space with nothing.

Did you see any beings in your experience? I actually saw them

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings? Yes I actually saw them. Just the stars thing.

The experience included: Void

The experience included: Darkness

The experience included: Unearthly light

Did you see, or feel surrounded by, a brilliant light? A light clearly of mystical or other-worldly origin

Did you see an unearthly light? Yes There was the one single light that looked very distant and very small at first. As I got closer, I could tell it looked more like a wide candle with a goldenness I cannot compare. The light had a flicker or more like a light on an old-time generator where it would dim and get bright like it was pulsating. As I floated and looking at the light, or energy, it had a goldenness and brightness, of which I cannot compare to anything I have ever seen. As did the brightness or lightness of the stars on the outside of what looked like a snow globe with the snow on the outside edges. The edges were the stars who were my family and friends.

The experience included: A landscape or city

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world? A clearly mystical or unearthly realm During this flight, or travel, I experienced something that was not of the norm to me. It is not what I would expect with the complete blackness and the snow globe or glass planet with the light or ‘sun’ inside of it. The light inside could have been the ‘city’ or where the angels or people live. I don't know, I never entered, just floated outside of it.

The experience included: Strong emotional tone

What emotions did you feel during the experience? A peace, joy, love, calmness, relaxing, no aches and pains. I cannot explain whole-heartedly the feeling: as there are no words to describe the feeling.

Did you have a feeling of peace or pleasantness? Incredible peace or pleasantness

Did you have a feeling of joy? incredible joy

Did you feel a sense of harmony or unity with the universe? I felt no longer in conflict with nature

The experience included: Special knowledge or purpose

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything? Everything about the universe Yes and no. I did not immediately experience this knowledge thing even though I went through the travel running into this ‘information’ and absorbing it. A year since has been quite different in that it seems like I have answers for just about everything.

Did scenes from your past come back to you? No I have, though, during the year since the NDE.

The experience included: Awareness of the future

Did scenes from the future come to you? Scenes from the world's future I did not get any scenes, per se, but I did get the message God is not happy with what is going on with earth: from the destruction of every aspect of this planet that we as people are killing, not just the planet but each other. He is very angry with us right now. I was told there will be many warnings and signs increasing as a warning to all of mankind, but I was not shown anything specific. I was told that the Forgiveness is for me to get out and share, prior to anything, in order to give them a choice to Forgive: as God will not Forgive us and allow us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven if we do not Forgive those that have trespassed against us. I believe this is why I had to return and learn to forgive others before I would be allowed into the Kingdom.

The experience included: Boundary

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure? Yes When I stopped ‘flying’ or ‘traveling’, all I noticed was this clear planet and the stars on the outside of the ‘glass’ that encircled the globe which made it look like a snow globe with the snow all on the outside edge but ‘inside’ of it, though.

Did you come to a border or point of no return? I came to a barrier that I was not permitted to cross; or was sent back against my will I was told I had to go back, after I was given the instructions, and making a deal about the fence as I did NOT want to come back and go through the hell I was going through with the medical and the police crap. Three times, I stated I wanted to stay and was told I could not. It was after the third one, I then was brought back to earth and awoke in sweaty clothes and soaked bed.

God, Spiritual and Religion:

What importance did you place on your religious/spiritual life prior to your experience? Slightly important to me

What was your religion prior to your experience? Christian- Protestant Christian belief with no specific religion

Have your religious practices changed since your experience? Yes I have believed we go to heaven when we die or go to hell. I had no other preconceived notions or ideas of what to expect or what I would experience when I died. I believe in God and Jesus and have prayed at times. I was not a church-goer until the 2011 incident, in which I went to ask God into my life in November and then re-Baptized. Other than that, it was not until the experience, that I began to read more about near death experiences. I did not know if that was real or not.

What importance do you place on your religious/spiritual life after your experience? Greatly important to me

What is your religion now? Christian- Other Christian Christian beleif no specific religion

Did your experience include features consistent with your earthly beliefs? Content that was both consistent and not consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience I have beleived we go to heaven when we die or go to hell. I had no other preconceived notions or ideas of what to expect or what I would experience when I died. I believe in God and Jesus and have prayed at times. I was not a church goer until the 2011 incident in which I went to ask God into my life in November and then re-Baptized. Other than that it was not until the experience that I began to read more about near death experiences. I did not know if that was real or not.

Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience? Yes I have picked up the Bible, gone to Bible Studies, watched videos and movies, read books on Jesus and the time of Christ as well as forgiving others along with an on-line class for ‘Forgiving’ by Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu, among others. I have a thirst for knowledge of Christ and the time of Christ and Biblical events. Not to mention prayer and meditation. It seems as though everything has changed for me from my health to mental to spiritual. All areas of my life have been affected. I am having a harder time, I believe, with letting things go and especially with the police stuff (in that it is hard to believe they are doing the things they are doing to others and did to me). I have a belief there is a heaven and a real place to go, although I had one difficult thing about not going into heaven, as others say they have, and that is I am not good enough to go to heaven like so many say they have. Then with the study of Revelations in the Bible in which there is no one in heaven until Jesus' return and brings those worthy up to heaven. An area I am still working through. How can people say they go to heaven, when we are not supposed to be there until the second coming? But then again the Bible does have areas in which it comments about prophets and wise men, and so on, coming to earth to teach and wake up those that are not. My belief has been that I always believe in God and Jesus, this has further strengthened that belief greatly. I can't wait to get back to heaven and stay this time!

The experience included: Presence of unearthly beings

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice? I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin As I floated outside heaven and I began to sense someone or something that began to communicate with me. It was very subtle and very slow as I began to understand what was happening. I never saw an actual being but felt the presence of what I believe was God or the Holy Spirit. I asked if it was God and the answer was not clear to me as the way much of the other communication was. It was very strange in that I did not get a clear and understanding answer. It was as if I had to come to my own understanding of with whom I was talking. I also asked about the incident with walking the dogs and had the anxiety attack, who it was that visited and warned me. It was an angel, who I believe it was my mom. She had died of complications with her thyroid. I was told the stars are our loved ones, family and friends.

Did you see deceased or religious spirits? I actually saw them

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)? No I never actually saw or recgnized anyone I know or knew.

During your experience, did you gain information about premortal existence? No

During your experience, did you gain information about universal connection or oneness? Uncertain The thing I can relate with my experience is that what I saw with the crystal globe or snow globe planet was not of any planet I have ever seen before.

Did you believe in the existence of God prior to your experience? God definitely exists

During your experience, did you gain information about the existence of God? Yes I believe it was God whom I was speaking with. I never saw any being or person. I just felt the energy or presence. I asked but the answer was not clear as I still have a very strong belief it was God. Let me clarify this better. I am a mechanic by trade and my specialty is troubleshooting and diagnostics. The thing I do is in order to troubleshoot I need to spend time to watch and verify the problem or the root of the issue. In this I am just as "cautious" in that I have to have more information and see the pattern to believe what is the truth. This has beci=ome the same with me in that I felt strongly about whom I was speaking with was God and was told that in a sense but still have that doubt. At least until now in which I fully believe I communicated with God. It has taken this long in feel this way because I understand that it is not every day someone gets to have a conversation with God in His place! It has been difficult in the belief in that it has been a year but during this time ither things have come about with messages and things in which I have come to realize that what I experienced was very real .

Do you believe in the existence of God after your experience? God definitely exists

Concerning our Earthly lives other than Religion:

During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose? Yes I was given three instructions or things to do. The first was to learn Forgiveness and I not only had to learn it but to go teach, talk, preach or something. I'm not clear on how to do this, but I was told the reason I had to learn this and talk about it is because it is the way for me to really learn it and be truthful in my Forgiveness of others. I know also that if I want to go to heaven that I must forgive all as well as myself for my sins. I do understand that in order for me to be forgiven by God I had to forgive others.

Did you believe that our earthly lives are meaningful and significant prior to your experience? Are probably meaningful and significant

During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life? Yes I had the three instructions I was given, the first was to learn Forgivness, the second was to deal with the anger issues and the third was to teach, preach, talk about my experience or write or make a video. I was lost here at first. The year since has brought on much more clarity and understanding of my "mission". I was also told that the things happening on earth is all an illusion or not of importance. The only thing that is important to God is how we relate with each other and that it all comes from the heart. Life is all about Loving one another and treating each other with Love. What happens on earth with the physical things we think are important has no meaning oin heaven or with God. He does not care what our status quo is or was or how much money we have or the toys we have or any material thing at all is not going to get you into heaven.

Did you believe in an afterlife prior to your experience? I was uncertain if an afterlife exists

Do you believe in an afterlife after your experience? An afterlife definitely exists Uncertain During my experience I did not meet any specific being or entity that I could easily recognize as a person I knew or know. Although the only one i spoke with or communicated with was I believe to be God. The answer was not very clear when I asked whom it was I was talking with. I wasn't clear if it was Jesus or God or another higher being but my senses tell me it was God.

Did you fear death prior to your experience? I slightly feared death

Do you fear death after your experience? I do not fear death

Were you fearful living your life prior to your experience? Greatly fearful in living my earthly life

Were you fearful living your life after your experience? Not fearful in living my earthly life

Did you believe that our earthly lives are meaningful and significant prior to your experience? Are probably meaningful and significant

Did you believe that our earthly lives are meaningful and significant after your experience? Are meaningful and significant

Did you gain information about how to live our lives? Uncertain This is not specific during the experience but about three days later i was shown the entity during the hospital was ral and had left my body. I was shown in a dream or vision or something more about the black entity in which it lived in me and was removed during the colon surgery but had reentered ar attempted to reenter my body with the exhaust gases that was over coming me in my room. When I was transfered to another room everything seemed fine until the one morning in which I am not too clear of what all happened in my leaving the hospital.

During your experience, did you gain information about life's difficulties, challenges and hardships? Uncertain Not during but the year since I have gained much awareness into the difficulties and challenges ongoing in mmy earthly life and the reason why I am and have gone through this "hell" for the last six/seven years between the health aspect and the harassment stuff.

Were you compassionate prior to your experience? Slightly compassionate toward others

During your experience, did you gain information about love? Yes The only thing that matters to God is the Love from the heart and how we treat each other wether it is with Love or with hate. The feeling I had while in the experience was nothing but Love and Peace. I have never felt anything like it before. It was like it had surrounded me in a feeling of warmth and all I felt was happiness and joy and felt no stress or anxiety except the fact I was floating outside of heaven.

Were you compassionate after your experience? Greatly compassionate toward others

What life changes occurred in your life after your experience? Large changes in my life Oh boy: my entire life has changed. Being I am a mechanic and in diagnostics, I need to study and understand something in order to find the problem and correct it. I want all the information I can get and will dig for it. In everything, there are patterns and people are considered having habits. When diagnosing something I need to watch and figure the pattern of it. When I experienced the NDE, I was not sure what happened. I did not tell my wife for a few days as I was trying to digest what I had gone through with both the NDE and the vision with the black entity. It was hard to believe with the NDE and then the entity in: is it all for real or just my imagination. All I told my wife, initially, was about the sweating in bed and getting cold to where I could not get warm. When I finally told her what had happened, at first with the NDE, I began to relive it and feel as though it was a very real experience. I began to feel the effects with a constant stream of tears as I was explaining the NDE. I also told her about the entity and she was amazed. She had also felt a presence of something in the hallway at the hospital, as well, but did not understand what the sense was. It was after I told her about the entity in the hospital, in which I had the dream or vision that it was me at one point or inside me. After I had moved to the other room, in this vision I was like it and was in its body as it walked down the hallway. Stopping I could actually see myself and my wife near the elevator. I also got the vision of the morning I left the hospital, in which it was standing behind me as I was in the bed and it saw me and watched, as the nurse walked over and took my vitals. Since that time, my wife says I have gotten very emotional and cry over things I never cried about before, especially at movies. I was always very aware of my surroundings and I feel intuitive to a point. But after the NDE, I feel more intuitive than before and more aware of what is going on around me. I seem to get these ‘feelings’ of something is going to happen prior to them happening. I have a much greater sensitivity for my own body and the medical stuff happening. I am able to pick up others emotions more or sense their feelings, I guess. My thirst for God and the life of Jesus and a greater understanding of the Bible is a major change. I have read books, all on Christ, in which I have never read a complete book from the front to the back in my entire life, until this last year. But the main thing is the fight between good and evil is a very real thing inside each of us. Here is when it gets very interesting: in that I am now thinking after the NDE and vision and telling my wife about it, I figure I focus on my getting my life back with being able to eat food again, although slow and minimal, but I was eating. Just like a newborn baby and actually waiting for my first poop. Then I know everything is working again. Everything seems to be going just fine when, all of a sudden, on the early morning hours of Halloween I had the exact same symptoms as I did the night I had the NDE with the cold sweating and chest pain but this time I got out of bed as it got worse. I wound up on the floor and then made my way to the toilet where I got sick. My wife saw me and could tell I was having a heart attack. This time she rushed me to the hospital where I had a completely blocked artery from the heart and 60% to the heart, the one called the widow- maker. Since that night I have had much understanding of things, such as the many times during my crazy and wild life that God has tried to get my attention with things that have happened, in which I could have been killed or severely hurt. But I did not get the messages, and there has been many times! Messages: it has taken some time to understand that I receive messages about all kinds of things, in which they will come in threes or until I get it, sometimes. This has taken some time to work through and notice a pattern of the messages and the information I am supposed to get from the messages. It is very hard to put the understanding into words but here goes. I began to notice I was receiving messages. Messages I thought were dreams or something. These messages come in various forms, whether it be an event that happens or something I see while driving or walking or an encounter with another person or animal or just seeing something going on or seeing it on the internet or TV, (there is no limit in the way I get these messages or I feel as though I am being guided). It has been a very long year following the events of October 2013. I have come to realize that although my physical body I can eat anything, I really cannot, as having the Diverticulitis I also acquired the Hashimoto's Thyroiditis with the toxins that had been leaking into my body and a very active auto-immune that attacks many foods I used to eat but now look foreign to my body and are attacked like an infection or something. Many of ingredients are not agreeing with me and have come to the point of eating only organic grass-fed lean meats and organic vegetables (limited) that do not affect me in some way. I have the understanding, by messages and such, that God wants my body cleaned from any toxins, which means also drugs. I do not drink and do not like doing prescription drugs, because of all the side effects. I have come to the conclusion that the western medicine of drugging one to make them feel better is not for me; and, in fact, have been dealing with the messages for the last three months to get off all the prescription drugs I am on from the heart attack, which would leave only nutritional supplements and herbal remedies for healing. The hardest thing to do is letting go of the fact that I have been shown, told, that if I want to really heal, is that I need to put my full Faith in God and let Him heal me. I have the understanding of us receiving messages all the time, and in fact, if we ‘listen’ we can see messages in everything we do; we just don't stop to listen to them. One does not have to be in a quiet place when messages come to us but it helps for many of the messages. The hardest thing I have had to learn is it is me, the devil or God's messages (or words) and if they come with Love and compassion, I know it is from God. I am my own worst enemy, as I let too many things direct me that is not God-like; and I get messages immediately letting me know just that. It has been long and difficult at times and depressing, in that when I get in the way of the ‘God information’ things do not go as I wish or hope, and yet when I do some things God wishes it goes against the ‘me’. I have come to realize the grateful life I have lived, as I have struggled and had difficulties all my life and including being mad with God when my mom passed away. I have held that since, until recently, asking for His Forgiveness. I have come to realize all the things in life to be grateful for and the material means nothing. It is ego and ego does not get you into heaven: only Love, and of course God so loved the world he gave His only begotten son to die for our sins and whoever believes will go to heaven. But does not mean we can live in sin. It means we have to become God-like, be like Jesus in our daily walk. This message is so dramatic that it does not mean going to church just on Sunday and maybe Wednesday Bible study, this is a walk every second of everyday. This is giving your life over to Jesus and transform, which is what I was given in a message that my last year of me vs. God is my transformation, not that I am anywhere near being Godly. I am far from it and in fact, with my background of hell-raising and so on, it was very hard to believe what it is I am going through. I have been shown that the medical stuff and the police stuff I had to go through in order to experience and relate to those that have gone through similar circumstances. I have come to understand that these things also include the near death experience, in which I am to go out and work on all three things compared to ‘me’ just wanting to stay at the house and tinker with motorcycles for the rest of my life: but NO, God has other plans for me. You see, I understand I am to go out and talk about the police harassment and the increase in the number of people that are harassed, arrested, beaten or even killed due to the militarizing and the bullying of some police around the country of the many people that are medically challenged or have a medical condition, which may be caused by the drugs they are on or having a reaction to, or the ones that are disabled, as is in my case with both issues and the harassment by the local cops (another story in itself). At the same time, I am to go out and help others with similar medical condition(s) I have, and am experiencing, and get the proper treatment for their healing. I have experienced medical malpractice during my medical nightmare I have been going through. I have so much more I have learned and experienced in receiving these messages that I could go on and on with more. I also know I am constantly receiving messages in all forms and for different things or reasons. I need to keep a log of them, I know. This entire year, primarily, has been mind-blowing as well as depressing, in that there have been times I do not want to do any of this and just want to go back to that place I experienced for a short time. The biggest thing, I think, that has affected me, is getting to the point of what I experienced was real or not. It is the doubt and listening to others, including those of the cloth. I have fought this long and hard myself. Between what others say and what is written in the Bible, and then listening to yourself and the messages, there is a lot of input to decipher but it has come down to this for me: Was what I experienced real? It seemed very real to me. There are many places in the Bible that point out others coming to spread the word of God and Jesus' teachings and healings despite what others say. A question I get is ‘where is your Faith?’ If I had full Faith in God, I would be able to stop the prescription drugs and allow God to heal me. I see that where I keep fighting about finding the right doctors, I am wasting my time, as they only want to treat with drugs so you feel better as opposed to healing. I could go on with more rambling of so many different things I have gone through, and experienced, during this last year. Lately the messages I have been fighting with is the fact that I need to give up my earthly life for a Godly life and that means everything: it is like a death and reborn anew, something different than getting re-Baptized. All I can do is bring up the experience of what I have gone through and my understanding. Most will not believe, and I understand, as I have had a hard time with believing everything that has happened. I can only share the experience and others can take from it what they will. I have come to realize that I was basically in the grave, prior to my surgery, and was repaired, in which I praise God every day I am not on a bag or I did not have colon cancer, I am so grateful! I also look at it like this: in that my life was over, the way I knew it, with the colon resection and then heart attack(s) and the NDE in which I am on God's time. I am His to do what He wants as my sin-filled days are done (that doesn't mean I don't sin) but means I am trying to become more God-like each day. Large changes in my life Oh boy: my entire life has changed. Being I am a mechanic and in diagnostics, I need to study and understand something in order to find the problem and correct it. I want all the information I can get and will dig for it. In everything, there are patterns and people are considered having habits. When diagnosing something I need to watch and figure the pattern of it. When I experienced the NDE, I was not sure what happened. I did not tell my wife for a few days as I was trying to digest what I had gone through with both the NDE and the vision with the black entity. It was hard to believe with the NDE and then the entity in: is it all for real or just my imagination. All I told my wife, initially, was about the sweating in bed and getting cold to where I could not get warm. When I finally told her what had happened, at first with the NDE, I began to relive it and feel as though it was a very real experience. I began to feel the effects with a constant stream of tears as I was explaining the NDE. I also told her about the entity and she was amazed. She had also felt a presence of something in the hallway at the hospital, as well, but did not understand what the sense was. It was after I told her about the entity in the hospital, in which I had the dream or vision that it was me at one point or inside me. After I had moved to the other room, in this vision I was like it and was in its body as it walked down the hallway. Stopping I could actually see myself and my wife near the elevator. I also got the vision of the morning I left the hospital, in which it was standing behind me as I was in the bed and it saw me and watched, as the nurse walked over and took my vitals. Since that time, my wife says I have gotten very emotional and cry over things I never cried about before, especially at movies. I was always very aware of my surroundings and I feel intuitive to a point. But after the NDE, I feel more intuitive than before and more aware of what is going on around me. I seem to get these ‘feelings’ of something is going to happen prior to them happening. I have a much greater sensitivity for my own body and the medical stuff happening. I am able to pick up others emotions more or sense their feelings, I guess. My thirst for God and the life of Jesus and a greater understanding of the Bible is a major change. I have read books, all on Christ, in which I have never read a complete book from the front to the back in my entire life, until this last year. But the main thing is the fight between good and evil is a very real thing inside each of us. Here is when it gets very interesting: in that I am now thinking after the NDE and vision and telling my wife about it, I figure I focus on my getting my life back with being able to eat food again, although slow and minimal, but I was eating. Just like a newborn baby and actually waiting for my first poop. Then I know everything is working again. Everything seems to be going just fine when, all of a sudden, on the early morning hours of Halloween I had the exact same symptoms as I did the night I had the NDE with the cold sweating and chest pain but this time I got out of bed as it got worse. I wound up on the floor and then made my way to the toilet where I got sick. My wife saw me and could tell I was having a heart attack. This time she rushed me to the hospital where I had a completely blocked artery from the heart and 60% to the heart, the one called the widow- maker. Since that night I have had much understanding of things, such as the many times during my crazy and wild life that God has tried to get my attention with things that have happened, in which I could have been killed or severely hurt. But I did not get the messages, and there has been many times! Messages: it has taken some time to understand that I receive messages about all kinds of things, in which they will come in threes or until I get it, sometimes. This has taken some time to work through and notice a pattern of the messages and the information I am supposed to get from the messages. It is very hard to put the understanding into words but here goes. I began to notice I was receiving messages. Messages I thought were dreams or something. These messages come in various forms, whether it be an event that happens or something I see while driving or walking or an encounter with another person or animal or just seeing something going on or seeing it on the internet or TV, (there is no limit in the way I get these messages or I feel as though I am being guided). It has been a very long year following the events of October 2013. I have come to realize that although my physical body I can eat anything, I really cannot, as having the Diverticulitis I also acquired the Hashimoto's Thyroiditis with the toxins that had been leaking into my body and a very active auto-immune that attacks many foods I used to eat but now look foreign to my body and are attacked like an infection or something. Many of ingredients are not agreeing with me and have come to the point of eating only organic grass-fed lean meats and organic vegetables (limited) that do not affect me in some way. I have the understanding, by messages and such, that God wants my body cleaned from any toxins, which means also drugs. I do not drink and do not like doing prescription drugs, because of all the side effects. I have come to the conclusion that the western medicine of drugging one to make them feel better is not for me; and, in fact, have been dealing with the messages for the last three months to get off all the prescription drugs I am on from the heart attack, which would leave only nutritional supplements and herbal remedies for healing. The hardest thing to do is letting go of the fact that I have been shown, told, that if I want to really heal, is that I need to put my full Faith in God and let Him heal me. I have the understanding of us receiving messages all the time, and in fact, if we ‘listen’ we can see messages in everything we do; we just don't stop to listen to them. One does not have to be in a quiet place when messages come to us but it helps for many of the messages. The hardest thing I have had to learn is it is me, the devil or God's messages (or words) and if they come with Love and compassion, I know it is from God. I am my own worst enemy, as I let too many things direct me that is not God-like; and I get messages immediately letting me know just that. It has been long and difficult at times and depressing, in that when I get in the way of the ‘God information’ things do not go as I wish or hope, and yet when I do some things God wishes it goes against the ‘me’. I have come to realize the grateful life I have lived, as I have struggled and had difficulties all my life and including being mad with God when my mom passed away. I have held that since, until recently, asking for His Forgiveness. I have come to realize all the things in life to be grateful for and the material means nothing. It is ego and ego does not get you into heaven: only Love, and of course God so loved the world he gave His only begotten son to die for our sins and whoever believes will go to heaven. But does not mean we can live in sin. It means we have to become God-like, be like Jesus in our daily walk. This message is so dramatic that it does not mean going to church just on Sunday and maybe Wednesday Bible study, this is a walk every second of everyday. This is giving your life over to Jesus and transform, which is what I was given in a message that my last year of me vs. God is my transformation, not that I am anywhere near being Godly. I am far from it and in fact, with my background of hell-raising and so on, it was very hard to believe what it is I am going through. I have been shown that the medical stuff and the police stuff I had to go through in order to experience and relate to those that have gone through similar circumstances. I have come to understand that these things also include the near death experience, in which I am to go out and work on all three things compared to ‘me’ just wanting to stay at the house and tinker with motorcycles for the rest of my life: but NO, God has other plans for me. You see, I understand I am to go out and talk about the police harassment and the increase in the number of people that are harassed, arrested, beaten or even killed due to the militarizing and the bullying of some police around the country of the many people that are medically challenged or have a medical condition, which may be caused by the drugs they are on or having a reaction to, or the ones that are disabled, as is in my case with both issues and the harassment by the local cops (another story in itself). At the same time, I am to go out and help others with similar medical condition(s) I have, and am experiencing, and get the proper treatment for their healing. I have experienced medical malpractice during my medical nightmare I have been going through. I have so much more I have learned and experienced in receiving these messages that I could go on and on with more. I also know I am constantly receiving messages in all forms and for different things or reasons. I need to keep a log of them, I know. This entire year, primarily, has been mind-blowing as well as depressing, in that there have been times I do not want to do any of this and just want to go back to that place I experienced for a short time. The biggest thing, I think, that has affected me, is getting to the point of what I experienced was real or not. It is the doubt and listening to others, including those of the cloth. I have fought this long and hard myself. Between what others say and what is written in the Bible, and then listening to yourself and the messages, there is a lot of input to decipher but it has come down to this for me: Was what I experienced real? It seemed very real to me. There are many places in the Bible that point out others coming to spread the word of God and Jesus' teachings and healings despite what others say. A question I get is ‘where is your Faith?’ If I had full Faith in God, I would be able to stop the prescription drugs and allow God to heal me. I see that where I keep fighting about finding the right doctors, I am wasting my time, as they only want to treat with drugs so you feel better as opposed to healing. I could go on with more rambling of so many different things I have gone through, and experienced, during this last year. Lately the messages I have been fighting with is the fact that I need to give up my earthly life for a Godly life and that means everything: it is like a death and reborn anew, something different than getting re-Baptized. All I can do is bring up the experience of what I have gone through and my understanding. Most will not believe, and I understand, as I have had a hard time with believing everything that has happened. I can only share the experience and others can take from it what they will. I have come to realize that I was basically in the grave, prior to my surgery, and was repaired, in which I praise God every day I am not on a bag or I did not have colon cancer, I am so grateful! I also look at it like this: in that my life was over, the way I knew it, with the colon resection and then heart attack(s) and the NDE in which I am on God's time. I am His to do what He wants as my sin-filled days are done (that doesn't mean I don't sin) but means I am trying to become more God-like each day.

Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience? Yes Some of my relationships changed, prior to the experience, with the fact of my being sick and you realize who your friends and family are. No one really knew what all I had been going through, with the medical, house fraud, forgery deal and the police mess. After the experience, I can say that the church I was going to, the relationship has hung-in which most believe something happened to me but probably do not believe the entire experience thing. Many of the church people do not believe something like this and I was and would be afraid to say something. Except now, I also have been messaged many times not to worry about what others think or say. I know that I have been shown many comparisons of what I have gone through with what Jesus experienced with others. I would never imply that I am Jesus. It is still mind-boggling some of what I have been shown, in which I am hesitant to show or tell anybody, unless I have something more to back it up, but then again here goes the messages I receive: Do you have Faith? I am sure, when I get out with my mission this will change dramatically from whom all I know to whom will turn away or not know me, but I look forward to all those that will see it is not me! I am sure some of my friends and family will walk away: we will find out this week-end as I travel to a family cruise with them for the first time since my NDE.

After the NDE:

Was the experience difficult to express in words? Yes Extremely. The entire experience is difficult to put into words since I have never experienced anything like it before or know anyone that has. So the experience in itself is difficult but also I want to tell everyone about it, as well, because it was such a great thing. The other aspect is the colors and the view from outside cannot express in words, as the colors I have not seen before and the glimmering and brightness was just so beautiful.

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience? I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of the experience I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of the experience

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience? Yes I feel as though I was somewhat intuitive and could pick up feelings, or energy, of others. I felt I was always very gifted in my ability to become ‘one’ with an engine to equipment that I was assessing for troubleshooting. I feel as though I have picked up a better sense for these things. I have also been sensitive to my body and having a connection with it and have more so now, since the experience. I feel I pick up others feelings and emotions better now. It is like I can predict what some are going to do before they do it, or can feel as though I can sense an outcome of something before it happens. This is something I feel I am working on to better understand. I feel there is a connection with the information ‘bits’ I ran into or ‘gathered’ as I flew towards heaven. It seems I have knowledge of things I did not have or a better understanding of some of the things I did prior. I have a much better understanding of what may be going on inside of my body and have a hard time getting the doctors to see what I see or feel.

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you? It has all been meaningful and it is difficult to point out one thing as it was so amazing! I think the one thing that stands out, besides talking with God, is the beauty of the scene of heaven from outside which is different than what others usually experience. This has been something that I felt was, maybe, not a good thing in the respect that I did not go inside heaven but I felt I was ‘teased’ at first.

Have you ever shared this experience with others? Yes At first I did not even share with my wife. Then I mentioned a thing or two on social media where I got positive feedback initially regarding the experience. People wanted to hear more, some could relate and had some ease sharing an experience they had. I know of a couple that is less afraid of dying. There has been varying reactions with the ones in disbelief saying that I was not good enough to go to heaven and that I was in purgatory or stuck somewhere. I have not shared much of anything of the last year with the messages and all with anyone; but am getting ready to put a video together to put onto YouTube to share. Many will not believe much of what is in it, as it is a lot to swallow; even for me it has been hard to go through the entire year since which was the easier part of it all. I have been told that many will not believe and that I may be out there all alone with my story and belief as there is a lot to it. I would rather just stay home and work on some motorcycles and the yard and the house. I did not volunteer for this. This was God's idea to keep me alive and do His works. I owe it to Him for keeping me alive!

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? No Not really. I believed in God and Jesus and asked for help from time to time but never to a point of having any understanding of life after death and the experience, except for maybe others saying they had a near death experience, but I never knew about them or what they entailed until I experienced mine and said something to one of my sisters a couple months later. She said something about the kid, Colton Burpo, and ‘Heaven is For Real’ book, which she then sent me at Christmas. I then began to look more into the concept and my experience.

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened? Experience was probably real I believe what I experienced was very real at the time and then began to wear off with all the doubters I would talk with, including pastors and priests, which then raised my doubts. It was when I began reading the Bible and about: no one is in heaven except maybe the 24 elders and God and Jesus and a couple others and that us, on earth, that will be going to heaven will sleep when we ‘die’ until the return of Jesus, when He will raise those who are worthy up to heaven on judgment day and the others will not. I have come to the conclusion (finally) that this is all real and with the many experiences of things which happened since, in which it was my or evil-making decisions as opposed to God's will and I would be shown this or experience the earthly ways rather than a Godly way of doing something and pay the price.

What do you believe about the reality of your experience now? Experience was definitely real Since a year has passed and I have seen the difference of when I or the devil makes a decision to do something and if not the Godly way, I will be shown or experience what it is that is not Godly. I may not have good feelings about something or something else will happen to show that it was not God's way and am corrected quickly or shown what it is God wanted me to do. My belief was unreal, total amazement, to somewhat disbelief throughout this past year. It has been more so the last three months, in which the messages have been very strong in what I am going through since the August 2011 incident is very real. I was ready to die prior to my surgery and actually wanted to die with everything going on and living in pure hell for with nothing to be grateful. Since the experience, all that has changed and I am completely in belief that what is going on is very real!

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience? Uncertain There have been other signs along my life-time that I never picked up in the way of messages and God's; many times He tried to get my attention or wake me up that I never got, prior. I was shown many times where He tried to get my attention. The one event was when I had the anxiety attack on the ground and could not breathe and something came over me and told me to get off the pharmaceutical drugs. I can only wish to experience the same thing again with the hope of not returning back to earth!

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience? I never actually saw or recognized anyone I know or knew. The thing I can relate with my experience is that what I saw with the crystal globe or snow globe planet was not of any planet I have ever seen before. I believe it was God with whom I was speaking. I never saw any being or person. I just felt the energy or presence. I asked but the answer was not clear, I still have a very strong belief it was God. Let me clarify this better. I am a mechanic by trade and my specialty is troubleshooting and diagnostics. The thing I do in order to troubleshoot I need to spend time to watch and verify the problem or the root of the issue. In this I am just as ‘cautious’ in that I have to have more information and see the pattern to believe what is the truth. This has become the same with me, in that I felt strongly about whom I was speaking with was God and was told that in a sense, but still have that doubt. At least, until now, I fully believe I communicated with God. It has taken this long, feeling this way, because I understand that it is not every day someone gets to have a conversation with God in His place!

It has been difficult in the belief that it has been a year, but during this time, either things have come about with messages and things in which I have come to realize that what I experienced was very real. I had the three instructions I was given, the first was to learn Forgiveness, the second was to deal with the anger issues and the third was to teach, preach, talk about my experience or write or make a video. I was lost here at first. The year since has brought on much more clarity and understanding of my ‘mission’. I was also told that the things happening on earth is all an illusion or not of importance.

The only thing that is important to God is how we relate with each other and that it all comes from the heart. Life is all about loving one another and treating each other with Love. What happens on earth with the physical things we think are important, has no meaning in heaven or with God. He does not care what our status-quo is or was or how much money we have or the toys we have or any material thing at all is not going to get you into heaven. During my experience, I did not meet any specific being or entity that I could easily recognize as a person I knew or know. Although the only one I spoke with, or communicated with, was, I believe, to be God. The answer was not very clear when I asked with whom it was I was talking. I wasn't clear if it was Jesus or God or another higher being, but my instincts tell me it was God.

This is not specific during the experience, but about three days later I was shown the entity during the hospital was real and had left my body. I was shown in a dream or vision, or something, more about the black entity in which it lived in me and was removed during the colon surgery, but had re-entered or attempted to re-enter my body with the exhaust gases that were over-coming me in my room. When I was transferred to another room everything seemed fine until the one morning, in which I am not too clear of, what all happened in my leaving the hospital. Not during the experience, did I gain any information about life’s difficulties, but the year since, I have gained much awareness into the difficulties and challenges ongoing in my earthly life and the reason why I am and have gone through this ‘hell’ for the last six/seven years between the health aspect and the harassment stuff. The only thing that matters to God is the Love from the heart and how we treat each other: whether it is with Love or with hate. The feeling I had while in the experience was nothing but Love and Peace. I have never felt anything like it before this experience. It was like it had surrounded me in a feeling of warmth and all I felt was happiness and joy and felt no stress or anxiety except the fact I was floating outside of heaven.

During this time period, before and after I had the experience, I had not had much else on-going, as I was at the point to not eating much food for about three and a half months, worried about blowing out my colon, and that was if any food would stay down because most would come right back up. I pretty much remember much going on around me but the experience stands out for two reasons: one is that it was so profound that at first seemed like a dream but then when I realized it was for real (or as real as it gets to me) I seem to have taken in all of it. With the colon resection, I could not eat much at first, because I was like a newborn baby learning to eat all over again. I had nothing else happening except to learn to eat and then making sure bodily functions all work, as well. When I had the experience, all I was focused on was the experience and it was easily remembered. I know there is so much more I could probably add and can later since there has been so much going on in a short period of time and so much to digest, as it all goes very fast.

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience? I really don't have anything as of now but will respond if I think of something. I thank you for your time in looking at my experience.